
  • 网络Population Research;Population Study;Demographic Research
  1. 当前人口研究中存在问题的一点思考

    Considerations on the issues in Population Studies in China

  2. 首先对基础理论进行阐述,阐述经济增长与人口研究的相关理论。

    First , the basic theory expounded on the theory of economic growth and population studies .

  3. 2002年,德国罗斯托克马克斯-普朗克人口研究所(MaxPlanckInstituteforDemographicResearch)的詹姆斯•沃佩尔(JamesVaupel)指出,每次公开发布的对平均寿命趋稳水平的估计都会在几年内被打破,这令人口统计学家感到吃惊。

    In 2002 , James Vaupel of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock , Germany , startled demographers by pointing out that every estimate published of the level at which average life expectancy would level out has been broken within a few years .

  4. 西非法语人口研究中心分区域网络;

    Subregional network of Francophone population research centres in Western africa ;

  5. 稳定低生育水平:概念、理论与战略中国人民大学人口研究所稳定低生育水平研究课题组报告之一

    Stabilizing China 's Low Fertility : Concepts , Theories and Strategies

  6. 基于生态足迹的咸阳市适度人口研究

    Study on the Optimum Population of Xianyang City Based on Ecological Footprint

  7. 清代江苏城市人口研究

    On the City Population of Jiangsu in the Qing Dynasty

  8. 1990年代以来上海市少数民族人口研究

    The Study on the Ethnic Minority Population in Shanghai Since 1990 s

  9. 流迁老年人口研究:国外文献评述

    Study on Flowing and Moving Old People : Comments on Foreign Documents

  10. 中国少数民族人口研究50年

    50 Years ' Researches on Demography of the Ethnic Minorities in China

  11. 南京市流动人口研究

    The study on the floating population in Nanjing City

  12. 明清时期澳门人口研究

    Research on Population of Macau During the Ming and Qing Dynasties MACAO ROCKS

  13. 基于综合承载力的吉林省适度人口研究

    Research on the Optimum Population Based on the Comprehensive Carrying Capacity in Jilin Province

  14. 系统工程在人口研究中的应用

    Application of System Engineering in the Population Domain

  15. 旅游人口研究初探&兼谈人口分析在旅游市场中的重要性

    A Preliminary study on the Traveling Population

  16. 基于地区生态足迹差异的生态适度人口研究

    A study on eco-optimum population in different parts of China using theory of ecological footprint

  17. 保健和人口研究中心

    Health and Population Research Centre

  18. 总结了本研究的主要成果和不足之处,展望了流动人口研究的趋势和发展前景。

    It sums up achievements and limitations in this paper , prospects tendency of floating population research .

  19. 中美洲人口研究中心人口促进与发展中心

    Central American Demographic Research Centre

  20. 女性人口研究的著作不断涌现;同时也存在对女性人口学理论研究重视不够,学术交流的平台及氛围未完全建立,学术成果的水平参差不齐等问题。

    The remaining problems include the inadequate theoretical studies and the lack of enough academic communication and findings .

  21. 城市人口研究的视点

    Studies on Urban Population

  22. 相当多人口研究已经揭示与不饮红葡萄酒者相比较,饮红葡萄酒不过量的人较少得有心血管疾病。

    A number of population studies have revealed that moderate drinkers of red wine have less heart disease than non-drinkers .

  23. 通过这些分析解读,本文力求客观、全面的展示民国时期人口研究的真实面目,同时提出个人对民国时期人口研究的一些认识。

    The thesis aims at true display of the population research in the Period of ROC objectively and completely . Meanwhile some personal ideas are proposed .

  24. 目前我国流动人口研究尚处于松散状态,仍未能建立新的研究机制,流动人口学的创建将为此提供新的理论基础及对策出路。

    So the article believes that a school of floating population should be established , which will lay a new theoretical foundation and provide an approach as to the problem .

  25. 根据最近发表的一项新的人口研究报告显示:老年人要想不成为社会的负担,想继续发挥余热,就必须给他们更多学习机会。

    Older people must be given more chances to learn if they are to contribute to society rather than be a financial burden , according to a new study on population published recently .

  26. 在对民国时期《东方杂志》所刊登的人口研究文章进行深入发掘和整理的基础上,本文以人口研究的主题为划分依据对这些文章进行了分类归纳与初步的分析评述。

    Based on deep collection and organization of the articles from The Eastern Miscellany in the Period of ROC , the articles are concluded and commented in the thesis according to the theme of population research .

  27. 因此,对地理空间和历史时间的超越要求一种结合人类学和散居人口研究的方法,以便理解侨乡研究中不断遇到的新的社会关系的出现和兴起的过程。

    Therefore , the need to cut across geographic space and historical time warrants an approach that combines anthropology and Diaspora studies to understand the emerging social relationship and processes that are at play in the studies of overseas Chinese villages .

  28. 当前女性流动人口研究主要侧重于生殖健康和计划生育与生殖健康管理服务两个方面,甚少从她们的计划生育与生殖健康权益保障角度进行研究。

    At present most studies on female floating population focus on the reproduction health , or the administration and service of family planning and reproduction health , few studies view from the perspective of the protection of their rights and intrests of their family planning and reproduction health .

  29. 马克斯-普朗克人口研究学院位于德国北部城市罗斯托克,该学院的科学家们通过分析奥地利、丹麦和澳大利亚3国超过100万的人口普查数据得出结论,人们50岁以后的平均寿命与出生月份之间存在关联。

    Using census data for more than one million people in Austria , Denmark and Australia , scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in the northern German town of Rostock found the month of birth was related to life expectancy over the age of 50 .

  30. 本文采用人口系统研究方法,以TurboBASIC开发了一个县级人口系统规划研究通用的软件。

    Abstract in this paer , an universal computer program for population planning at county lev-el has been developed by Turbo Basic .