
  • 网络Korean President;President of South Korea
  1. 韩国总统李明博(leemyung-bak)敦促各国抵制保护主义措施,偏偏没有意识到自己的国家在这方面的名声并非无懈可击。

    Lee Myung-bak , President of South Korea , urged nations to roll back protectionist measures , touchingly unaware that his own country has less than an impeccable reputation in this regard .

  2. 前电视节目主持人、韩国总统候选人郑东泳(chungdong-young)在民意调查中选票或许落后,但他的一项竞选承诺却非常引人注目。

    Chung Dong-young , a former television anchorman and candidate to be president of South Korea , may be behind in the opinion polls but one of his campaign commitments is eye-catching .

  3. 作为一家建筑公司的主管,李明博建造了韩国总统官邸青瓦台(BlueHouse)。

    As a construction boss , he built the presidential palace , the Blue House .

  4. Ra是韩国总统卢武玄的高级安全顾问。

    Ra is President Roh Moo-hyun 's top security adviser .

  5. 韩国总统槿惠(ParkGeun-hye)周一对朝鲜可能发动不计后果的挑行为发出警告。

    South Korean President Park Geun-hye warned on Monday of ' reckless provocations ' by North Korea .

  6. 奥巴马应该致电韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak),亲自而直接地再次保证:美国将提供支持。

    He should call President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea to reassure him personally and directly of US support .

  7. 疫情的爆发对韩国总统朴槿惠(ParkGeun-hye)产生了冲击,她的支持率在最近几周出现下降。

    The outbreak has been a blow to President Park Geun-hye , whose approval rating has fallen in recent weeks .

  8. 韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)本月早些时候登上利扬库尔岩,随后韩日两国间爆发了这场领土争端。

    The territorial spat between Tokyo and Seoul began when South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visited the Liancourt Rocks earlier this month .

  9. 自从本月早些时候韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)登上韩日争议岛屿以来,两国关系便一直处于紧张状态。

    Relations with South Korea have been strained since President Lee Myung-bak visited the islands between the two countries earlier this month .

  10. 甚至连韩国总统卢武铉(rohmoo-hyun)也做过双眼皮手术,表面上说是出于治疗的原因。

    Even President Roh Moo-hyun has had double eyelid surgery , ostensibly for medical reasons .

  11. 韩国总统李明博说,有发达工业化国家组成的G20联盟必须想出一个包含不发达国家在内的更广泛的经济增长的概念。

    South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said the Group of20 leading industrialized and developing nations must consider a broader notion of economic growth that includes poorer countries .

  12. 在上月韩国总统大选前的竞选活动期间,现代(Hyundai)前高管、当选韩国下届总统的李明博(LeeMyung-bak)曾承诺,将为消费债务人提供帮助。

    President-elect Lee Myung-bak , an ex-Hyundai executive , promised help for consumer debtors during the campaign leading up to last month 's presidential election .

  13. 昨日早些时候,韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)在电视讲话中表示,在目前情况下,韩朝间任何贸易或合作往来都失去了意义。

    Earlier yesterday , Lee Myung-bak , the South Korean president , said in a televised address that under the circumstances any inter-Korean trade or co-operative activity is meaningless .

  14. 2010年4月12日,韩国总统李明博访美时以韩中FTA的签订为杠杆向美国施压,希望韩美FTA尽快生效。

    On April 12,2010 , the Korea president put pressure on America with the China-Korea FTA as a lever , hoping that the Korea-US FTA can be signed as soon as possible .

  15. 这名官员严厉指责了韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak),他坚持将经济援助与放弃核武器挂钩的做法导致去年朝鲜丧失了3亿美元的援助。

    The official sharply criticized South Korea 's president , Lee Myung-bak , whose insistence on tying economic aid to arms reduction cost North Korea about $ 300 million last year .

  16. 成功当选韩国总统的李明博(LeeMyung-bak)曾承诺,通过大规模基础设施投资,将韩国经济增长率提高至7%,其中包括投资150亿美元挖掘一条横跨全国的大运河。

    Lee Myung-bak successfully campaigned for the South Korean presidency promising to propel growth to 7 per cent a year with large-scale infrastructure investments , including a $ 15bn cross-country canal .

  17. 甚至有几位惯常保守的韩国总统候选人也在模仿PSY的舞步,以吸引选民。

    Even a few of South Korea 's normally staid presidential candidates are imitating Psy 's moves in an appeal to voters .

  18. 自从2008年李明博(LeeMyung-bak)担任韩国总统并结束10年无条件经济援助使朝鲜每年损失数亿美元以来,朝鲜一直对韩国政府充满愤怒。

    North Korea has been angry at the South 's government since President Lee Myung-bak took office in 2008 and ended a decade-old policy of few-questions-asked economic assistance , costing North Korea hundreds of millions of dollars annually .

  19. 韩国总统卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)此前主持召开了一场由决策者和银行官员参加的会议,讨论如何让首尔成为东北亚的金融中心。会后,政府宣布了上述计划。

    The plan was announced after President Roh Moo-hyun chaired a meeting of policymakers and bank executives to discuss ways to make Seoul a financial hub of north-east Asia .

  20. 在周日精心安排的选举中,金正日获得100%的支持,毫无意外地重返朝鲜最高人民会议。金正日正在改组政府,以对抗韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)的保守派政府。

    Kim Jong-il , who was unsurprisingly returned to North Korea 's top assembly with 100 per cent support in Sunday 's orchestrated poll , is shuffling officials to counter the conservative administration of Lee Myung-bak , South Korea 's president .

  21. 在去年的竞选中许诺把经济年增长率提升到7%的韩国总统李明博(leemyung-bak)在一场电台的节目中说,这个刺激方案有益于保证明年经济实现4%的增长。

    Lee Myung-bak , the president who campaigned last year on a pledge to boost annual economic growth to 7 per cent , told a radio programme that the stimulus package would help assure growth of 4 per cent next year .

  22. 韩国总统李明博(leemyung-bak)郑重宣告,在平壤方面就击沉天安舰(cheonan)道歉并释放出愿意收敛核活动的信号之前,韩国不会与它展开外交对话。

    Lee Myung-bak , South Korean President , has vowed not to give Pyongyang the diplomatic time of day until it apologises for sinking the Cheonan and gives some signal of its willingness to curtail its nuclear activities .

  23. 与5月份卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)去世时较为柔和的反应相比,朝鲜此次对金大中去世的反应截然不同。卢武铉在金大中之后出任韩国总统,并继续推行对朝友好的阳光政策。

    The North 's reaction to Kim 's death contrasts with its more subdued response to the death in May of Roh Moo-hyun , who succeeded Kim as president and continued his sunshine policy of rapprochement with Pyongyang .

  24. 因处理中日领土争端问题受到国内尖锐批评后,野田佳彦说,日本应采取强硬措施应对前不久韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)登上日韩之间某争议岛屿一事。

    Coming on the heels of sharp criticism of his handling of a separate territorial row with China , Mr. Noda said Japan needs to take firm measures in response to a recent visit by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak to contested islands which lie between the two countries .

  25. 如果你是韩国总统,你会做出什么改变?

    What would you change if you were the president of Korea ?

  26. 韩国总统再次就其在恢复进口美国牛肉问题上所采取的措施,向公众表示道歉。

    S. Korean President Apologizes , Promises US Beef Import Limits

  27. 腐败丑闻是每一位韩国总统的梦魇。

    Corruption scandals have haunted every South Korean president .

  28. 不同运动素质青少年体格发育水平比较宪法与政治&韩国总统弹劾案的启示

    Physical Development of Adolescents With Different Motor Constitution

  29. 据称,奥巴马有可能星期二晚就给韩国总统李明博通过了电话。

    He was expected to telephone South Korean President Lee Myung-bak late Tuesday night .

  30. 韩国总统表示忍耐的限度将会越来越小。

    President Lee indicated patience is running thin .