
  • 网络defectors;North Korean defectors
  1. 不过,根据脱北者的描述,为了糊弄搜查人员,供应商使出了浑身解数,偷运了使用电池的DVD机,还有更容易藏起来的闪存盘。

    But defectors say the suppliers have worked hard to foil inspectors , importing battery powered DVD players as well as more easily hidden flash drives .

  2. 首尔大学统一和平研究所(InstituteforPeaceandUnification)近期以149名脱北者为对象开展的一项研究显示,逾80%的人在逃离朝鲜之前接触过韩国的电影或歌曲。

    A recent study by Seoul National University 's Institute for Peace and Unification of 149 recent defectors showed that more than eight in 10 had been exposed to South Korean movies or songs before fleeing the North .

  3. 去年约有200名男士在Eve注册,注册费在200万韩元到300万韩元之间(约合1788美元到2667美元),女性会员都是脱北者,去年她们的注册人数是男性会员的两倍以上,无须缴纳注册费用。

    About 200 men paid Won2-3m ( $ 1788-2667 ) last year to register at Eve ; more than double that number of female North Korean defectors signed up at no cost .

  4. 另一家报道朝鲜新闻的网站DailyNK的部分员工也是脱北者。该网站的报道经常被其他报道朝鲜国内新闻的媒体转载,而Sino-NK则专门报道朝鲜和中国的联系。

    Daily NK , another website staffed partly by North Korean defectors , is often cited by other media for news from within the country , while Sino-NK specializes in coverage of links between North Korea and China .

  5. 不过脱北者表示,韩国肥皂剧在朝鲜受欢迎的理由不言而喻。

    But in North Korea , defectors say , the reasons are obvious .

  6. 许多脱北者坚称,他们的主要挑战不在于词汇,而是口音、语调和说话习惯等。

    Many defectors insist the main challenges are not vocabulary but accent , intonation and manners .

  7. 分析人士与脱北者均表示,境外娱乐作品能取得的成效是有限的。

    Analysts and defectors alike say there are limits to how much outside entertainment can accomplish .

  8. 李明博敦促北京方面在处理“脱北者”时遵循“国际惯例”。

    Mr Lee urged Beijing to follow " international norms " in its treatment of North Korean defectors .

  9. 首尔一家由脱北者运营的电台报道说,张成泽已被处死。

    One report from a radio station in Seoul run by North Korean defectors said he had been executed .

  10. 韩国脱北者活动人士李民福说,他四次放飞气球。

    Lee Min-bok , a North Korean defector-turned activist , says he sent the balloons in four separate launches .

  11. 脱北者团体表示,金正日去世后,朝鲜人的生活变得更加艰难,因为官方关闭了许多市场、以示哀悼。

    North Korean defector groups say life has got harder since Kim Jong-il died because many markets have closed for official mourning .

  12. “脱北者”经常被中国遣返;北京方面称,这些人是“因经济原因进入中国境内”的非法入境者,而不是政治难民。

    North Korean defectors are often repatriated by China as Beijing sees them as " economic migrants " instead of political refugees .

  13. 一名脱北者(特指朝鲜的叛逃者,译者注)警告说朝鲜数千计的黑客部队可以发动网络攻击并能够杀人并摧毁城市。

    Thousands of military hackers in North Korea could launch cyber attacks that could kill people and destroy cities , a defector has warned .

  14. 超过25000名朝鲜人逃离贫困的朝鲜到韩国生活,韩国允许这些脱北者入籍。

    More than 25,000 North Koreans have fled their impoverished country and live in South Korea , which gives such arrivals South Korean nationality .

  15. 布什的邪恶论是在最近访问首尔期间做出的,当时他会见了朝鲜脱北者,还在一个论坛上发表了讲话。

    Mr. Bush made his remark during a recent visit to Seoul , where he met with North Korean defectors and spoke at a forum .

  16. 报告主要基于对脱北者的访谈,并记录了朝鲜违法经济活动的三个发展阶段。

    The report , largely based on interviews with North Korean defectors , tracks three stages of development of illicit economic activities in North Korea .

  17. 高英淑去年走入公众视线,当时,她对3名脱北者就所谓散播有关她的虚假故事提起诽谤诉讼。

    Mrs Ko came to public attention last year when she filed a defamation case against three defectors for allegedly spreading false stories about her .

  18. 今天,他生活在首尔,他救助其他脱北者,并向朝鲜境播送这个政权最害怕的东西:真相。

    Today he lives in Seoul , where he rescues other defectors , and broadcasts into North Korea what the regime fears most : the truth .

  19. 知名的脱北者申东赫在他的脸书主页上承认自己曾试图隐瞒过去的经历。

    Shin , one of the best-known defectors from reclusive North Korea , said on his Facebook page he had tried to hide parts of his past .

  20. 脱北者面临的麻烦预示着首尔可能面临的挑战,如果朝鲜半岛真的统一,那么韩国将迎来更庞大的移民潮。

    The troubles faced by North Korean defectors are an ominous sign of the challenge that Seoul will face in dealing with a greater influx , should Korea reunify .

  21. 韩国外交部说,这些脱北者据信已经于本周早些时候经由中国回到朝鲜,他们将可能面临审问。

    The North Korean defectors are assumed to have been repatriated earlier this week via China , according to the South Korean Foreign Ministry , and will likely face interrogation .

  22. 他现在是一个脱北者团体的负责人,该组织把肥皂剧和其他娱乐节目送到朝鲜,促使人们提出结束独裁统治的要求。

    He now leads a defectors " group that sends soap operas and other entertainment to the North to try to empower people to demand an end to authoritarian rule .

  23. 外界认为这是老挝第一次将脱北者交给朝鲜特工。老挝是脱北者经由中国逃离朝鲜之后常去的中转站。

    It 's thought to be the first time Laos ─ a common transit point for North Koreans fleeing their homeland via China ─ has handed over defectors to agents from the North .

  24. 韩雪香反驳说,她们的服务可以帮助女性脱北者在面对偏见的情况下融入当地社会。她回想起自己当初如何紧张地装成一个来自韩国北部的学生。

    Ms Han counters that the service can help female defectors integrate in the face of prejudice , recalling how she nervously pretended as a student to be from the north of South Korea .

  25. 脱北者称,两国间多数边境贸易活动的驱动因素是经济利益,并非意识形态。但也有部分脱北者和亲民主团体,会协助安排将这类违禁品偷运到朝鲜。

    Most of the border trade is driven by money , defectors said , not ideology , but some defectors and pro-democracy groups also help arrange for the contraband material to be smuggled into the North .

  26. 朝鲜切断了与韩国的所有通讯和联络线,抗议韩国政府未能阻止朝鲜“脱北者”向朝鲜境内散布反朝传单。

    North Korea cut off all communication and liaison lines with the South in protest over Seoul 's failure to stop what the North calls " defectors " from flying anti-Pyongyang leaflets into North Korean territory .

  27. 一名前韩国驻老挝外交官说,此前,在老挝境内被逮捕的脱北者曾经有几次被转送到第三个国家(通常是泰国),然后根据老挝和韩国的非正式协议被送到首尔。

    In previous instances , escapees caught inside Laos were moved to a third country , often Thailand , to be sent to Seoul under an unofficial agreement between Laos and South Korea , a former South Korean diplomat to Laos said .

  28. 脱北者称,肥皂剧的影响力非常大,主要原因并不是离奇的剧情,而是剧中描述的韩国物质上的富足——与几十年来有关韩国和资本主义的低劣灌输截然相反。

    Defectors say the soaps have had an outsize impact , less for their often outlandish plots than their portrayals of the creature comforts of South Korea - a direct contradiction to decades of indoctrination about the inferiority of the South , and capitalism .

  29. 脱北者称,肥皂剧的影响力非常大,主要原因并不是离奇的剧情,而是剧中描述的韩国物质上的富足&与几十年来有关韩国和资本主义的低劣灌输截然相反。

    Defectors say the soaps have had an outsize impact , less for their often outlandish plots than their portrayals of the creature comforts of South Korea & a direct contradiction to decades of indoctrination about the inferiority of the South , and capitalism .

  30. 据活动人士和最近脱北的朝鲜人透露,平壤还加大了对被遣返的脱北者的惩罚力度,并加大努力减少边境守卫受贿的现象。朝鲜边境守卫收受贿赂后会允许叛逃者出境。

    Pyongyang has also increased punishment for repatriated defectors and stepped up efforts to reduce corruption among border guards that accept bribes to let defectors pass , according to activists and recent defectors .