- Korean;South Korean

Consider the following : four out of eight designers chosen by Gen Art , a New York-based fashion incubator , to show their designs in the recent Gen Art Fresh Faces catwalk show were Korean or Korean American .
On the wall of their office in a western district of Seoul is a whiteboard listing a dozen meetings arranged for the next few days between women born in North Korea and South Korean men .
Many Koreans were angered at what they saw as an evasion of responsibility
The report , which was released at the end of March , caused a stir in the country , fueling the popular stereotype that the kangaroo tribe is made up of South Koreans who have failed to achieve success in life .
Two-thirds of South Koreans are not happy with the way the government has handled economic problems , according to a poll by P & P research group .
But now they have been joined by the Koreans and by the vastly deeper pockets of the Chinese , particularly China Development Bank and Export Import Bank of China .
The Note 7 humiliation left many South Koreans wondering whether Samsung - and South Korea in general - is stumbling in that race .
South Korea ranked lowest among 12 countries in East Asia for communication in English in a 2003 report by the Hong Kong-based Political and economic risk consultancy .
South Koreans since then have used YouTube sites based in other countries .
Korean society is very tightly knit , and people here are very concerned about how others view them , said Harris H. Kim , a sociology assistant professor at Ewha Womans University .
South Koreans forged strong work ethics during the country 's rapid industrialisation over the past half a century to transform the war-torn country into the world 's seventh largest trading nation by volume , according to WTO data for 2014 .
By Tuesday , with many South Koreans calling for a boycott of Korean Air , which they nicknamed Air Nuts , the airline announced that Ms. Cho had resigned as the head of in-flight services , though not as a vice president .
By Tuesday , with many South Koreans calling for a boycott of Korean Air , which they nicknamed " Air Nuts , " the airline announced that Ms. Cho had resigned as the head of in-flight services , though not as a vice president .
Media in the region have reported tourists cancelling visits to South Korea and Korean people wearing masks as a precaution against the MERS virus .
Bob : Jane , I told you , with business the way it is , the Koreans dumping units in our market , the down economy , our decreased market share in the last three quarters .
Mr Park is one of the country 's younger generation seeking a work-life balance but even he usually takes up less than half of his allotted annual holidays .
Koreans have this inherent history in great craftsmanship and technical skills , says Yoon , who was born in Korea and raised in London and New Jersey .
According to the survey for Genron NPO , a Tokyo think-tank , 52.4 per cent of Japanese have a negative impression of Korea while 72.5 per cent of Koreans feel the same about Japan .
He once confessed to Chung ju-yung , the founder of Hyundai , that he feared his own people might join Americans and South Koreans in stoning him to death .
Though South Koreans are some of the most avid users of plastic surgery in the world - the country has the world 's highest number of cosmetic surgery procedures per capita , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons - the area around the mouth was relatively unexplored , the surgeons say .
The popularity of New Zealand schools among South Koreans seems surprising , since South Korea is one of the highest scoring countries in the prestigious Pisa rankings of teenager ability from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .
A survey for KBS radio found that 43 per cent of South Koreans think the US is most responsible for nuclear test , compared with the 37 per cent who blame North Korea .
Park Hee-jung , a 34-year-old pharmaceutical researcher , took an 11-day holiday in May to travel to Croatia and Bosnia with his girlfriend - a relatively long vacation inconceivable for many South Koreans who remain world champion workaholics .
One is Shin Suk-ja , a South Korean prisoner of North Korea who was sent into penal labor with her two daughters in 1987 after her husband defected to Europe .
Conclusion The distribution of SNPs in calpain-10 gene in Korean is similar to that in Chinese and Japanese , but different from that reported in Caucasian , American Mexicans and American Pima Indians .
Ban Ki-Moon thanked PSY for coming to the UN with " such a big crowd " of reporters and said he was a " a bit jealous " that he was no longer the most famous Korean in the world
It was a little difficult to perform , at first , because my character drinks and is very open-minded , and that is not really typical Korean , said Lee Ji-yeon , who plays Sara , a tempestuous New Yorker , in the musical .
One is from Japan and the other is from Korea .
South Koreans lay great store by education and hard work .
Indeed , 55-year-old park has a mysterious effect on Koreans .