
  • 网络Economy of Malaysia
  1. 马来西亚经济同样面临软性大宗商品价格下降的影响。

    Its economy is also facing a fall in soft commodity prices .

  2. 2005年马来西亚经济:平稳增长

    A Steady Growth in Malaysia 's Economy in 2005

  3. 近期马来西亚经济发展与外资变化

    Recent Economic Development and Changing Foreign Capital of Malaysia

  4. 这次困境的直接原因是投资者对马来西亚经济缺乏信心。

    The direct reason for those difficulties was that investors lacked confidence in the Malaysian economy .

  5. 发展中小企业是金融危机后马来西亚经济政策的一个显著的调整。

    The development of SMEs has been the significant adjustment of Malaysian economic policy after the financial crisis .

  6. 近年来,马来西亚经济发展迅猛,但也衍生出很多社会问题。

    In recent years , the Malaysian economy has developed rapidly , but also led to many social problems .

  7. 她反问道,马政府自事件第一天起就不说实话,她又为何要给马来西亚经济做贡献?

    ' The Malaysian authorities were dishonest from day one , why should I contribute to the Malaysian economy ? ' she asked .

  8. 美银美林在一份报告中说,中国旅客数量下降虽然对马来西亚经济的影响有限,但是会削弱马来西亚发展其旅游业的目标。

    The slowdown in Chinese travel could hurt Malaysia 's goal of boosting tourism , though the impact on the economy may be limited .

  9. 马政府主导型金融体制的形成与战后马来西亚经济发展战略和政治社会的发展有关,并在保护本国金融部门发展、推动社会经济均衡发展方面成效显著。

    The formation of that financial system is related to Malaysian post-war strategy of economic development and its social-political developments , and has produced a marked effect in protecting the development of domestic financial sector and promoting the balanced development of social economy .

  10. 泰国、马来西亚两国经济调整政策措施之比较

    A Comparison of Economic Adjustment and Policy Measures between Thailand and Malaysia

  11. 在东亚准新兴工业化国家中,马来西亚的经济发展水平名列前茅。

    Abstract : Malaysian economic development is one of the best among East Asian newly industrializing countries .

  12. 马来西亚的经济仍然依靠美国中国和日本的持续经济增长,这些国家是马来西亚主要的出口目的地和投资来源。

    The economy remains dependent on continued growth in the US , China , and Japan , top export destinations and key sources of foreign investment .

  13. 1997年的金融危机给马来西亚的经济带来了严重的冲击,也使该国金融体系中存在的缺陷暴露出来,此后马来西亚政府开始积极进行金融改革。

    The financial crisis in 1997 severely lashed Malaysian economy and revealed the defects existing in its financial system . Malaysian government began to actively carry out financial reform ever since .

  14. 马来西亚农村经济是以农业为基础的,所以以农村改革为主的马来西亚农村发展政策一直都是农村经济结构转型和消除农村贫困的主要政策工具。

    Agriculture is the base for rural economy in Malaysia , therefore its rural development policy , mainly rural reform , has become the key way for the transformation of rural economic structure and the eradication of rural poverty .

  15. 由于马来西亚的经济从去年起就一直受到疲软的油价和国际大宗货物的重创,所以本次马来西亚对中国游客免签措施是为了吸引中国游客,从而促进本国旅游业的发展。

    This is among the Malaysian government 's efforts to lure Chinese tourists to prop up Malaysia 's tourist industry , as the country 's economy continues to suffer from weak oil and international commodity prices since last year .

  16. 按照马来西亚的新经济政策(neweconomicpolicy),外国投资者必须将企业30%的股权交给当地的马来人合作伙伴。

    Under what is known as the new economic policy , foreign investors are required to offer a 30 per cent stake in businesses to a local ethnic Malay partner .

  17. 第二部分为马来西亚与东盟经济合作。

    The second part is " Malaysia and ASEAN Economic Co-operation " .

  18. 论马来西亚与日本经济关系的新发展

    New Development of the Economic Relations between Malaysia and Japan

  19. 马来西亚的农村经济发展策略

    The Strategy of Country Economic Development in Malaysia

  20. 马来西亚曾经令人瞩目的经济发展日渐下滑。

    Malaysia 's once sparkling growth rate has slipped .

  21. 初看上去,马来西亚和巴基斯坦的经济复杂程度似乎相当,两国均出口104类产品。

    Malaysia and Pakistan seem , at first glance , equally complex , each exporting 104 product types .

  22. 马来西亚消费者债务与经济产出的比例超过四分之三,依然是该地区的最高水平。

    And Malaysian consumer debt remains the highest in the region at more than three quarters of economic output .

  23. 科隆坡,马来西亚&在世界经济企稳的迹象中,马来西亚政府的开支帮助该国在第二季度摆脱了衰退。

    KUALA LUMPUR , Malaysia & Government spending helped lift Malaysia out of recession in the second quarter amid signs of stabilization in the world economy .

  24. 国际货币基金组织说,东南亚地区中,新加坡、马来西亚和泰国的经济将会萎缩,而菲律宾的增长将处于停滞状态。

    The new IMF report on the economic outlook for the Asia and the Pacific says the region will take longer than other parts of the world to recover from the global slow-down .

  25. 这样一来,作为中国出口竞争对手的韩国、马来西亚和台湾等经济体,将会不那么反对其本币的升值。

    Thus countries in the region , such as South Korea , Malaysia and Taiwan , whose exports compete with those from China , will be less averse to appreciation in their own currencies .

  26. 分析人士担心,如果马来西亚以往的高速经济增长出现放缓,种族紧张局势可能继续升温,因为目前的种族和睦局面要归功于经济上的全面繁荣。

    Analysts worry that ethnic tensions could rise further if Malaysia 's normally breakneck economic growth , estimated at 6 per cent this year , slowed , since general prosperity has bought racial peace .

  27. 令他们的困境愈发显得难堪的是,直到上世纪70年代末,菲律宾人还可以很好地分享相邻的香港、马来西亚和新加坡的经济增长成果。

    Their plight is all the more galling considering that , up until the late 1970s , the Philippines was well positioned to partake in the economic expansion that enriched neighbouring Hong Kong , Malaysia and Singapore .

  28. 增长保持强劲的菲律宾将会密切关注其信贷的高速增长。对于石油出口国马来西亚来说,即便经济放缓,该国货币近期的疲软也降低了降息的吸引力。

    The Philippines , where growth has remained strong , will have one eye on its high rate of credit growth , while recent currency weakness in oil-exporting Malaysia makes lower rates a less attractive option , even as the economy slows .

  29. 绿地集团在评论在马来西亚的最新投资时说,马来西亚经济增长稳定,而且拥有庞大的华人社区。

    Commenting on its latest investment in Malaysia , Greenland Group said the country has stable economic growth and a big community of Chinese people .

  30. 马来西亚对美采取强硬政策的原因,包括冷战后国际政治格局变化,美国东南亚政策的改变,以及金融危机后马来西亚的政治和经济安全面临的严重威胁等。

    The reason why Malaysia adopted hard policies toward the United States are as follows : the transformation of international political pattern , the change of American policy toward Southeast Asia , and the serious political and economic security danger that Malaysia encountered after the financial crisis .