
  1. 把加勒比,南非,毛里求斯,南太平洋与马来西亚的印度裔族群数作印度移民就像把从非洲裔美国人数作西非的移民一样。

    To count people of Indian descent in the Carribean , South Africa , Mauritius , south Pacific and Malaysia among Indian diaspora is akin to counting African-Americans as west-African diaspora .

  2. 马来西亚的华裔与印度裔认为自己被挡在了机遇的门外,这种信念致使很多人移居国外,而其他没有足够资金到海外开始新生活的人表示对这种制度极为失望。

    The belief among ethnic Chinese and Indians that they are being denied opportunities has led many to emigrate , while others who do not have enough funds to start a new life abroad express frustration with the system .