- 网络tai;Tai people

The victory has brought so much pride to both the Tai and the Vietnamese .
Those who complied with the French help the French take control over the Tai region .
The Scythians were among the earliest people to master the art of riding .
In terms of administrative system , the role and power of the Tai Chiefs decreased .
Pretty much all of what we know about the Botai comes from three archaeological sites .
The nomadic Teke people , descended from the Scythians , regularly traveled between summer and winter ranges .
The Tai community would develop its own unique ethnic identities that all Tai community members accepted and followed .
The Tai farmers are allowed to keep all the produce , but they have to pay the land fee .
Because foreign immigrate and Thailand society fusion of degree more deep , so general all see them as Tai a person .
As the Thai-Dai people settled in the rich river valley , they took over the control upon the Lua indigenous people .
Some of the long lost traditions are revived because of the Tai 's desire as well as the government 's support .
The Scythians founded a rich , powerful empire that survived for several centuries before succumbing to the Sarmatians during the4th century BC .
The Tai , therefore , adopt the national tradition and culture and integrate it with their own to suit their ways of living .
Finally , the Autonomous Area was totally dissolved and all Tai towns in Sipsongchutai were organized the same way as other areas in Vietnam .
About 1 million Malayan Muslims live in southern Thailand , who are distantly similar to the Thai in terms of religion , culture and custom .
Although the majority of the Tai are farmers , Tai children have continually been provided with education since the French colonization even during the war .
After the war ended , the Tai returned to their ancestral families in their original homeland constituting one ethnic group in the multiethnic Socialist Republic of Vietnam .
But the soil at the Botai settlements , it was found with relatively little potassium , which makes it far more likely that the phosphorus came from horses .
According to different locations and dialects , they were classified into four major Tai-speaking groups : the northern Tai , the central Tai , the northeastern Tai and the southern Tai .
They thought the overseas Chinese were coming for forcibly occupy turf and money from Thai . So the imperial court of Thailand made many harsh policies to restrict the overseas Chinese .
Throughout those times they were struggling to rebuild the homeland , the Tai had already learned to adjust to the national policy in order to survive and be accepted by the Vietnamese .
Scientists still cannot agree on their origins and answer the question when Russians became Russian.The ancestry of Russians were sought among Normans , Scythians , and Sarmatians , and even the South Siberian Usuns .
Arguably the most beautiful of all the cities on this list , Petra is located in Jordan near the Dead Sea and is believed to have once been the center of the Nabataean caravan trade .
PETRA , JORDAN : This ancient city was the capital of the Arab kingdom of the Nabateans , a center of caravan trade , and continued to flourish under Roman rule after the Nabateans ' defeat in A.D.106 .
Though it was one of the few relatively democratic societies at the time , historical records have shown that this city-state was constantly at war against the Scythian people and the Roman Empire . It eventually lost its independence to the latter .