
tài quán
  • Thai boxing
  1. 德米特里和玛利亚·瓦连特二人是夫妻,也都是泰拳高手。

    Dmitry and Maria Valent are masters of Thai boxing and spouses .

  2. 在泰拳里打赢的人,就该得奖牌。

    Those who win in Thai boxing - theyreally deserve their medals .

  3. 我们热烈欢迎来自国内外的泰拳爱好者。

    We warmly welcome Muay Thai enthusiasts from home and abroad .

  4. 从跆拳道、泰拳看散打如何体现民族传统特色

    Think from Taekwondo Thai Quanshu how to Embody National Traditional Characteristic

  5. 我们提供泰拳和巴西柔术的综合项目。

    We offer an integrated Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiujitsu program .

  6. 她也喜欢散打和泰拳。

    Lily : She also like free combat and Muay Thai .

  7. 直到最近,泰拳才发展到了职业阶段。

    It has started to develop at aprofessional level just recently .

  8. 对泰拳的技术体系和技术特点进行探讨。

    This paper discussed the technical system and characteristics of Thai kickboxing .

  9. 可以说,泰拳在中国实现了跨跃式的发展。

    Muay Thai in China has made a leap-type development .

  10. 泰拳的技术体系与特点研究

    Research on technical system and characteristics of Thai kickboxing

  11. 稍微熟悉一下拳击和泰拳可能会在某天让你免于挨揍。

    Being minimumally familiar with boxing and muaythai may save your skin someday .

  12. 你想打泰拳,是认真的吧?

    You 're really serious about this muay-thai shit ?

  13. 泰拳并不是那种能带给你高收入的传统运动。

    Thai boxing is not a classic type of sport with huge earnings .

  14. 泰拳是泰国人传统的自我防卫术。

    Thai Boxing is a traditional an of self defense of the Thais .

  15. 除了泰拳之外,泰国流行的运动还包括拳击和足球。

    Besides Thai boxing , the popular sports in Thailand include boxing and soccer .

  16. 接下来他们模仿泰拳的动作跳一种慢动作舞。

    Next they do a slow dance that copies the movements of Thai boxing .

  17. 足球,篮球,泰拳,烹饪,电脑,阅读和音乐。

    Soccer , basketball , maul thai , cooking , computers , reading and music .

  18. 散打与泰拳技术比较

    The Technique Comparison between Sanda and Tai-boxing

  19. 玛利亚说,一般的格斗更严肃,而泰拳就更加公平。

    Ordinary boxing is more serious , Thai boxing is more fair , as Maria says .

  20. 泰拳的赤手空拳风格和国际拳击运动有所区别。

    It is different from international boxing in that in the Thai style of unarmed fighting .

  21. 在泰拳运动中,使用拳、脚、膝盖甚至肘部都是合法的。

    It 's legitimate to use hands , feet , knees and even elbows in Thai Boxing .

  22. 她还列出了一系列健身项目,包括冲浪、瑜伽和泰拳。

    She also noted the physical exercise options , which include surfing , yoga and Muy Thai .

  23. 泰拳项目在我国正式开展仅仅三年时间,已经取得了相当可观的成绩。

    Although Muay Thai project formally launched in China only three years , it has achieved considerable success .

  24. 泰拳是泰国的国家运动项目,并且是本国的军事项目。

    Muay Thai or Thai boxing , is the national sport in Thailand and its native martial art .

  25. 泰拳可以锻炼人的身体、意志和身心,还可展示人的耐心和耐力。

    Thai boxing can train the body , mind and heart , and also show patience and persistence .

  26. 泰拳不仅展示了泰国人的历史,而且也折射出了他们的生活哲学。

    Thai boxing not only shows the history of the Thai people , also reflects philosophy of their life .

  27. 杭州黄龙泰拳俱乐部&世界上所有武术爱好者的“家”。

    Huanglong Muay Thai Club & is the " home " of all martial arts enthusiasts in the world .

  28. 泰拳比赛通常有5个回合,每回合3分钟,每回合有2分钟的休息时间。

    A Thai boxing match lasts only five rounds of three minutes each , with a two-minute rest between rounds .

  29. 德米特里在学习泰拳之前已经练了几年跆拳道。

    Dmitry had been engaged in Tae Kwon Do for a couple of years before he went in Thai boxing .

  30. 最近泰拳在白俄罗斯变得受欢迎了起来,更多的泰拳学校开办了起来,其中少不了广告的动力。

    Thai boxing is becoming rather popular in Belarus these days - new schools are appearing , mainly thanks to advertising .