
  • 网络atayal
  1. 传统社会变迁与民族文化传承&以台湾泰雅人为例

    The Changes of Traditional Society and the Succession of Ethnic Cultures & A Case Study of the Atayal in Taiwan

  2. 其中,采纳汉姓汉名,更导致当代泰雅人在想象与表达自己的世系和祖先观念,以及进行祭祀活动时,发生了根本性的变化。

    Their adoption of Han-Chinese surnames has led to fundamental changes in their imagination and narration of their ancestry , as well as in their ancestral worship practices .

  3. PluckingSoundsFromthePast拨弦弄乐话“泰雅”我们许多人都去过乌来观赏那里闻名的瀑布,但你是否曾经停下来去聆听那来自古老土著居民村落内心深处的独特音乐呢?

    Many of us have passed through Wulai to view its famous waterfall , but have you ever stopped to appreciate the unique sounds coming from the heart of this ancient aboriginal village ?