
tài yǔ
  • Thai;Thai (language)
泰语 [tài yǔ]
  • [Thai (language)] 泰人的语言;泰国的官方语言--亦称暹罗语(Siamese)

泰语[tài yǔ]
  1. 这不是汉语所特有的,而是泰语的一个特征。

    This is not typical of Chinese , but is a feature of the Thai language

  2. 这是因为数字5在泰语中发音为"ha"。

    This is because the number 5 is pronounced " ha " in Thai .

  3. 它叫“冬瓜鸡咖喱”,或者用泰语讲是“gaengkhuafakgubgai”。

    It is Chicken and wax gourd curry or " gaeng khua fak gub gai " in Thai .

  4. CRI外籍记者采访团由英语、日语、朝语、俄语、法语、德语、泰语、捷克语和中文等多名记者组成。

    CRI foreign journalist interview team consists of many journalists who use the language of English , Japanese , Korean , Russian , French , German , Thai , Czech , and Chinese and so on .

  5. 英语、华话和各方言,泰米尔语、泰卢固语,Malayalam,旁遮普语和泰语也被广泛使用。

    English , Mandarin and Chinese dialects , Tamil , Telugu , Malayalam , Punjabi and Thai are widely used in the country .

  6. 门上的标志既有普通的女厕所特征又有常用的男厕所特征,并且用泰语写着“异装癖者”(bandoh)。

    The sign on the door combines both the male and female icons found on ordinary toilet doors and the Thai word " bandoh ", meaning transvestite .

  7. JAE谢谢你及时给我指正,这些图片我看到了,但是我只能看懂中文和英文的,泰语的看不懂,有点遗憾。

    JAE thanks you to correct for me in time , these picture I come in sight of , but I can see understand Chinese and English of , the Thai language doesn 't understand , having a little a regret .

  8. 在埃及推出的网站是“百度知道”的阿拉伯语版本,而在泰国推出的是泰语版的Hao123网址导航。

    The Egypt site is an Arabic version of its Google Answers-like service Baidu Knows , while in Thailand the company has launched a Thai-language version of its web directory & Hao123 .

  9. 这款名为C-FACE的智能口罩不但可以用来防护新冠病毒,而且可以将佩戴者说的话从日语翻译成越南语、英语、西班牙语、汉语、韩语、泰语、印尼语和法语。

    The C-FACE Smart Mask still protects from the spread of COVID-19 , but can also translate the wearer 's speech from Japanese into Vietnamese , English , Spanish , Chinese , Korean , Thai , Indonesian , and French .

  10. 属于或关于泰国人讲的泰语的。

    Of or relating to the languages of the Thai people .

  11. 汉泰语相关词中的社会称谓语

    The Social Appellations in the Sino-Thai Cognates The Wide Han

  12. 泰语使用拼音文字,汉语使用表意文字。

    Thai language use alphabetic writing , while Chinese language use ideogram .

  13. 侗泰语与南岛语的历时比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Historic Period of Dong-Tai Language and Austronesian Family

  14. 属于或关于泰国、泰国人、泰语或泰国文化的。

    Of or relating to Thailand or its peoples or languages or culture .

  15. 汉语很和泰语(?)的对比研究

    A Comparative Study on " Hen " in Chinese and "(?)" in Thai

  16. 泰语单字调的声学分析

    Acoustical Analysis on the Tones of Thai Language

  17. 如果我们仍然在泰国生活的话,我想让他们学习泰语。

    If we still live in Thailand , I want them to study Thai .

  18. 本文所阐述的泰语注音便属于这样的文字替代形式。

    The phonetic notations in Thai described in this article falls under this category .

  19. 类型学背景下的汉泰语量词语义系统对比和汉语量词教学

    Typological Comparison between the Semantic Systems of Measure Words in Chinese and Thai Language

  20. 到时候我可是一个既不会泰语也不会中文的傻瓜了。

    Then I will be like a fool who can neither Thai nor Chinese .

  21. 汉语、泰语亲属称谓及其文化内涵比较

    Comparative of the Relatives ' Appellations in Chinese and Thai and Their Cultural Connotation

  22. 教学中的泰语翻译

    Analyzing the Pedagogical Problems in Thai Translation

  23. 如果你教我学好英语,我你教你学好泰语。

    So if you teach me good english , I 'll teach you good thai .

  24. 第一章简要介绍泰语声调的基本情况,并将泰语声调系统与汉语声调系统进行对比分析。

    The first chapter introduces the Phonetic system of Thai and compares it with Chinese .

  25. 闽南方言与泰语中的汉语借词

    South-Min Dialect and Chinese Loanwords in Thai

  26. 汉语和泰语亲属词探讨

    A Study of the Kinship Terms in the Chinese Language and in the Thai Language

  27. 我对泰语的理解则像一个两岁孩子的水平。

    My own understanding of Thai is akin to that of a two year old .

  28. 权威研究指出,泰语和汉语同属汉藏语系,其共同点之一是两种语言的原始词汇大部分是单音节。

    One of the common features is that their original words are mostly of monosyllable .

  29. 一些非欧洲语言通过这种策略被加入码表中,例如希伯来语和泰语。

    Some non-European languages were added by this strategy , such as Hebrew and Thai .

  30. 指定使用泰语数字编号。

    Specifies numbering with Thai digits .