
  • Phuket;Thailand;Phuket Island;Phuket Airport;HKT
  1. 普吉岛:海上伊甸园

    Phuket Island : the garden of Eden on the ocean

  2. 小雨带父母去普吉岛度假,而不是返乡。

    Xiao Yu took her parents on a trip to Phuket Island rather than go back home .

  3. 由于北京等城市频繁出现的雾霾天气,一些旅行社推出了前往空气质量较好的城市的旅游线路,包括中国南方的桂林、丽江、三亚以及巴厘岛、马尔代夫以及普吉岛等海外目的地。

    Given the frequent smog in cities like Beijing , some travel agencies have promoted tours to places known for good air quality like the southern Chinese cities of Guilin , Lijiang and Sanya and overseas destinations of Bali , Maldives and Phuket .

  4. 普吉岛和苏梅岛将受到力捧,成为新的奖励会议举办地,同时中国访客还将享受由其他四个MICE举办地推出的优惠。

    Phuket and Samui will be promoted as incentive meeting destinations , and Chinese customers will enjoy special promotions offered by four other MICE cities .

  5. 我是安缦(Aman)的铁杆粉丝,因此我觉得亚洲最好的酒店是普吉岛的阿曼布里酒店。

    I am an ' Aman-junkie , ' so I would have to say the Amanpuri hotel in Phuket .

  6. 而普吉岛这厢,亚洲各国财长的进展则更为迅速。

    Over in Phuket , Asian finance ministers were making faster progress .

  7. 她星期叁将在普吉岛参加一个地区性的安全会议。

    She will join a regional security conference in Phuket on Wednesday .

  8. 今年普吉岛总计接待了1210万游客。

    The island has counted 12.1 million visitors this year . 10 .

  9. 普吉岛度假村的夜生活非常出名。

    Its resort towns are known for their nightlife .

  10. 他表示:我们的理想是将普吉岛与澳门融为一体。

    Our aspiration is to merge Phuket with Macao .

  11. 普吉岛上绝佳地点的极好的酒店。

    Fantastic hotel in a wonderful location in Phuket .

  12. 事实上,我现在正躺在普吉岛的海滩上。

    In fact , I am now lying on the beach in Phuket .

  13. 因为普吉岛精品旅游胜地的数目众多,选择是无穷无尽的!

    With the number of boutique resorts in Phuket , the options are endless !

  14. 这片隐逸的乐土颇似普吉岛,但未遭破坏。

    A Phuket-like hideaway , but still unspoiled .

  15. 我每两个月会去一次普吉岛。

    I fly to Phuket every two months .

  16. 昆汀,我刚和普吉岛领事馆通电话

    Quentin , I just got off the phone with the consulate in Phuket .

  17. 我在普吉岛上有一艘船。

    I also have my boat in Phuket .

  18. 我们去普吉岛玩滑翔伞。

    We went paragliding in Phuket .

  19. 你去过普吉岛吗

    You ever been to Phuket ?

  20. 之前我只来过泰国一次,还是去普吉岛度假。

    I have been to Thailand only once before and that was for a holiday in Phuket .

  21. 一位泰国女人泰国普吉岛巴东海滩的海豚公园的接待期间哀悼。

    Thai woman mourned during a service at Dolphin Park on Patong Beach in Phuket , Thailand .

  22. 下午的晚些时候我们又一次乘快艇回到了普吉岛。

    At late afternoon we got picked up by the Speedboat again to head back to Phuket Island .

  23. 泰国总理他信西那瓦举行会谈,以来自瑞士的海啸袭击的普吉岛,泰国旅游。

    Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra talks to a tourist from Switzerland in tsunami-hit Phuket island , Thailand .

  24. 泰国是流行度蜜月,顶端的地方正在苏梅岛,普吉岛和皮皮岛。

    Thailand is popular with honeymooners , the top places being Koh Samui , Phuket and Phi Phi Island .

  25. 泰国南部小镇甲米府与普吉岛隔海相望,中间的安德曼海只需乘船45分钟即可跨越。

    The southern Thailand town of Krabi lies just a 45-minute boat ride across the Andaman Sea from Phuket .

  26. 作为泰国的另一个上榜城市,曼谷比普吉岛更像个繁荣的大都市。

    Thailand 's second city to make the list , Bangkok is much more of a booming metropolis than Phuket .

  27. 詹妮特由近她受伤的儿子,而瑞典哭斯特鲁姆等候被空运出普吉岛,泰国。

    Janette Strum from Sweden weeps near her injured son while they wait to be airlifted out of Phuket , Thailand .

  28. 而且,尽管普吉岛会议和2000年清迈会议上话都说得很漂亮,但在实践中亚洲的合作问题百出。

    And for all the fine-sounding rhetoric in Phuket and in Chiang Mai in 2000 , Asian co-operation is patchy in practice .

  29. 而最受青睐的三个国外目的地分别是泰国的普吉岛,印尼的巴厘岛和韩国的首尔

    The top three outbound destinations are Phuket in Thailand , Bali in Indonesia and Seoul in South Korea , Gao said .

  30. 我刚从香港和(泰国)普吉岛回来,我们正在考察那里的一家小餐饮连锁店。

    I just came back from Hong Kong and Phuket [ in Thailand ] where we 're looking at a small restaurant chain .