
  • 网络chulalongkorn;Chulalonkorn
  1. 五名来自朱拉隆功大学兽医学院的外科医生,在Bank全身麻醉的状态下,花费了四个多小时耐心地取出了硬币。

    Five surgeons from Chulalongkorn University 's veterinary faculty patiently removed the coins over four hours while " Bank " was under general anesthesia .

  2. NewKrean团队来自泰国朱拉隆功大学,他们将这款应用程序命名为Terra。

    The NewKrean team from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand named their app Terra .

  3. 泰国朱拉隆功大学的中国研究中心主任颂蓬(SomphobManarangsan)说,两国都想增加贸易往来和投资。

    Somphob Manarangsan , director of the Chinese Studies Center at Thailand 's Chulalongkorn University , says both countries want to boost trade and investment .

  4. NaruemonChabchumpon是朱拉隆功大学政治科学系主任。

    Naruemon Chabchumpon is political science director at Chulalongkorn University .

  5. 朱拉隆功大学的学术研究从他的国际交流中已经取得很大的收获。

    Chulalongkorn research interests have benefited a great deal from its external relations .

  6. 朱拉隆功需要更有效的统筹控制撤消贵族的权力。

    Chulalongkorn needed more effective control of manpower to undo the power of nobility .

  7. 朱拉隆功又娶了他的四个姊妹半。

    Chulalongkorn then married four of his half-sisters .

  8. 朱拉隆功大学政治学学士,公共行政管理专业。

    Bachelor of Art in Political Science , Chulalongkorn University , Emphasis : Public Administration .

  9. 朱拉隆功大学在很多方面被视作泰国高等教育的先驱。

    Chulalongkorn may , in many ways , be seen as a pacesetter among Thailand higher educational institutions .

  10. 在100逆转-泰铢流通纸币自2005年在百年传统描绘在海军制服朱拉隆功废除奴隶。

    The reverse of100-baht notes in circulation since the2005 centennial depict Chulalongkorn in navy uniform abolishing the slave tradition .

  11. 泰国朱拉隆功大学的经济学家颂蓬说,沙马的决定会使形势进一步恶化。

    Sompop Manarangsan , an economist at Chulalongkorn University , says Mr. Samak 's decision will worsen the situation .

  12. 朱拉隆功大学在泰国高等教育界的领导角色也取决于他如何适应社会变化的需求。

    This leadership role only partially shows how Chulalongkorn University has met the changing demands and needs of Thai society .

  13. 设在曼谷的朱拉隆功大学的政治学家潘尼坦说,两国政府必需继续会谈以避免冲突。

    Panitan Wattanayagorn , a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok , says the two governments need to resume talks to avoid violence .

  14. 由于暹罗是由西方扩张主义政策和朱拉隆功通过他设法保存暹罗从行为,被殖民化的威胁。

    As Siam was threatened by Western expansionism , Chulalongkorn , through his policies and acts , managed to save Siam from being colonized .

  15. 曼谷朱拉隆功大学教授苏查特说,军方的政策未必能长期抑制暴力的发生。

    Professor Surachart Bamrungsuk , a political scientist at Bangkok 's Chulalongkorn University , says it is not certain the policy will contain the violence for long .

  16. 泰国首都曼谷朱拉隆功大学的政治学教授蓬素提拉说,布什总统把精力过于集中在缅甸问题上,对东南亚地区的其他问题,没有予以足够的重视。

    " When the Bush administration pays attention to Southeast Asia , it 's about Burma . So , the US foreign policy has really not fully engaged in the region ," said Pongsudhirik .

  17. 一些僧侣抱怨无法从直观上判断自己到底长了多少肉,为此,朱拉隆功纪念医院推出了一款特制束腰带,可以在僧侣们长胖的时候给他们一点温馨提示。

    Some monks complain that they don 't know how much weight they 're putting on , which is why Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital has launched a special girdle that tightens around the waist as a gentle reminder .

  18. 朱拉隆功大学兽医学院院长荣格罗·松索功表示,绿海龟一般有80年左右的寿命,目前已被国际自然保护联盟列为濒危物种。

    Typically , a green sea turtle has a lifespan of around 80 years , said Roongroje Thanawongnuwech , dean of Chulalongkorn University 's veterinary faculty . It is listed as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature .