
  1. 他的泰爱泰党被解散了。

    His Thai Rak Thai party was dissolved .

  2. 他和前泰爱泰党的100多名主要成员被控在2006年的选举中有舞弊行为,5年之内不得参与任何政治活动。

    Mr. Thaksin and more than 100 executives from the former Thai Rak Thai Party face five year bans from politics after being charged with fraud during elections in 2006 .

  3. 泰爱泰党与泰国的政治发展

    Thai Rak Thai Party and Thai land 's Political Development

  4. 许多前泰爱泰党的成员组建了人民力量党。

    Many former Thai Rak Thai Party members moved to establish the People 's Power Party .

  5. 最后对泰国泰爱泰党今后所面临的挑战和机遇进行了全面而深入的探讨。

    Finally , it analyse the challenge and change in the future for Tai ai Tai party .

  6. 泰国泰爱泰党

    Thai Rak Thai Party

  7. 本周的判决看起来消除了泰爱泰党,防止他信和其追随者的回归。

    This week 's judgment would appear to eliminate TRT and prevent any comeback by Mr Thaksin and his henchmen .

  8. 五月份一场由一小撮人组织的宪法审判判定泰爱泰党犯有选举舞弊罪并将之解散。

    In May a constitutional tribunal created by the junta found the TRT guilty of electoral fraud and dissolved it .

  9. 在军人任命的政府中担任要职的政敌命令他信领导的泰爱泰党解散,并且禁止他参与政治。

    His opponents in the military-appointed interim government ordered his Thai Rak Thai Party disbanded and he was banned from politics .

  10. 但是,这位曾是商界亿万富翁的政治家还表示,他将留在议会并继续担任他创建的“泰爱泰”党的领袖。

    But the billionaire-businessman turned politician also said he would stay on in parliament and remain leader of the Thai Rak Thai ( Thais Love Thais ) party he founded .