
  • 网络Taishan District
  1. 泰山区水环境监测网络优化研究

    Optimize the water condition monitoring network of Taishan District

  2. 泰山区基层领导干部预防艾滋病健康教育效果分析

    Evaluation of AIDS Health Education among Leaders from Grass Roots of Taishan District

  3. 基于GIS的主要农业气候资源分析&以山东省泰安市泰山区和岱岳区为例

    Analysis on Main Agro-Climatic Resource Based on GIS & A case of Tai ' an city in Shandong province

  4. 泰山区地下水资源评价数据库系统

    Data Base System for Evaluating Groundwater Resources in Taishan Region

  5. 泰山区城市居民艾滋病基本知识知晓率调查分析

    Analysis of AIDS related knowledge among residents in urban community of Taishan district

  6. 1999~2008年泰安市泰山区肺结核疫情资料分析

    Analysis of TB Prevalence in Taishan District of Tai'an City from 1999 to 2008

  7. 在流转比率上,经济发达地区高于经济欠发达地区,泰山区的流转比率最大,宁阳县的土地流转比率最小。

    In the transfer ratio , Taishan district is the largest , and Ningyang city is the smallest in our investigation region .

  8. 第五部分为泰山区农贸市场超市化发展的总体思路与对策建议。

    The fifth part is overall thinkings , countermeasures and advices for free market of agricultural products transformed into supermarket in Dist. Taishan .

  9. 经鉴定阿尔泰山区锈菌的标本,发现该地区有46个当地种。

    Based on the identification of rust collections from the Altai , a list is given on the forty six species indigenous to that area .

  10. 泰山风景区景观格局时空变化的研究

    Spatial-temporal changes of Taishan Mountains scenery area landscape patterns

  11. 为了保护泰山风景区的自然景观,制定了泰安抽水蓄能电站工程环境管理方案。

    In order to protect the natural sight of Tai Mountain , a scheme of environment management about Tai'an Pumped-storage Power Plant was formulated .

  12. 通过这些分析,总结出泰山风景区的地域人文性,对泰山品牌形象进行定位。

    Based on these analysis , we made conclusion on the humanity of Mount Tai and set up the positioning of its image brand .

  13. 与邻近地区的植物区系对比表明,紫金山植物区系与安徽板桥、浙江龙王山植物区系亲缘关系更为亲近,而与泰山植物区系亲缘关系较为疏远。

    Comparing with neighbor flora , it indicated that genetic relation of the flora at Zijinshan is closer to that at Banqiao in Anhui and Longwangshan in Zhejiang than that at Taishan .

  14. 泰山风景名胜区生态环境状况及影响因素分析

    Analysis on the environment status and influent factors of Taishan beautiful spot

  15. 泰山风景名胜区崩塌灾害现状及防治对策

    Present Condition and Origin of Collapse Hazards and Its Prevention Countermeasures in Taishan Mountain Scenery Area

  16. 阿尔泰山两河源区生态环境问题研究

    Research on Problems about Ecological Environment in the Source Region of the Two Rivers in Altai Mountain

  17. 第二部分具体阐述了阿尔泰山两河源区的自然生态环境、社会经济状况。

    In the second part , the author describes the natural environment and economic conditions of source region of the two rivers in Altai Mountain .

  18. 以内蒙古渣尔泰山为实验区,从岩石实验室反射光谱的相似系数聚类分析入手,研究了光谱角度填图方法的优劣,及其产生的原因。

    The advantages , disadvantages and their causes are studied and discussed in this paper using clustered analysis of similarity coefficients of lithological lab spectra .

  19. 第三部分具体指出了阿尔泰山两河源区现存的各种生态环境问题。

    In the third part , the concrete problems about ecological environment in the source region of the two rivers in Altai Mountain are pointed out .

  20. 区系分析表明泰山蝶类区系基本组成为:广布种占66.67%;古北种占23.81%;东洋种占9.52%。

    The floristic analysis showed that Mount Tai butterfly fauna composition : widespread species accounting for 66.67 % , palaearctic species 23.81 % , ornamental species 9.52 % .

  21. 本文在实地考察和借鉴前人研究理论、方法与成果的基础上,结合地理学、生态学、环境学、统计学等理论和方法,对阿尔泰山两河源区的若干生态环境问题进行了分析与探讨。

    This paper analyzes and researches several problems about ecological environment in the source region of the two rivers in Altai Mountain . The method , theory and accomplishment of the former researcher in the field , together with the geography , ecology and statistics are applied to this paper .

  22. 应用相似性系数分析方法,对新疆阿勒泰山天山地衣植物区系间的相似性进行定量研究。

    In this paper , coefficient of similarity analysis was used to study flora similarity of mountain lichen inXinjiang .

  23. 阿尔泰山两河源头保护区的昆虫区系

    The Insect 's Fauna of the Two Rivers ( Ertix River and Ulungur River ) Springhead Protection Area in Altay Mountains