
  • 网络Tamsui District;Tamsui;limnetic zone
  1. 长江口春季表层水的pCO2分布存在着较大的不均匀性,低盐的长江淡水区生物活动应是低盐区表层pCO2分布的主要影响因素。

    The pCO_2 distribution in lower salinity region was mainly influenced by the biological activities at the side of freshwater in Yangtze estuary .

  2. 本文研究了基于过程模拟的地下水脆弱性评价方法,并结合唐山平原地下水全淡水区进行了地下水脆弱性评价。

    In this paper , the method based on process simulation model is studied and applied for fresh groundwater vulnerability assessment in Tangshan plain .

  3. 来到热门的淡水区,便可以看到这个剧团四月启用、耗资2200万美元的亮丽新剧场。

    Visit the popular Tamsui district and you may catch a glimpse of the company 's gleaming new $ 22 million home , which opened in April .

  4. 用均匀大地模型,结合已知的水文地质资料,初步圈定了淡水区、过渡类型水区、咸水区和苦水区及泉水湖。

    Using the uniform telluric model in combination with hydrogeologic data , the authors preliminarily delineated the freshwater area , transitional type water area , salt water area and bitter water area as well as spring lake .

  5. 长江冲淡水区的混合主要集中在表层与底层,以前研究发现的湍耗散率与混合率分布与等盐线一致的结论在我们的观测中并不是很清晰。

    The mixing in the area of Changjiang Diluted Water ( CDW ) is mainly on the surface and bottom . Matsuno suggested the dissipation rate and diffusivity are corresponding to the contour of salinity , but it is not so clear in our observation .

  6. 前人研究将咸水入侵区分为显性入侵和隐性入侵,隐性入侵系指在自然状态下,咸水向淡水区的扩散;显性入侵指由于人类活动的干预,引起咸水向淡水区快速的侵染。

    Saline water encroachment area can be divided into apparent encroachment and dormant encroachment . The first one is the spread of saline water towards freshwater in nature state , and the second is the fast spread of saline water towards freshwater because of human active work .

  7. 珠江口咸淡水交汇区水中COD(Mn)、油类、砷自净规律的试验研究

    An experimental study on the selfpurification of cod_ ( mn ), oil and as in the mixing area of saltwater and freshwater in Zhujiang River Estuary

  8. 浙江省淡水鱼类区系组成及其区划地位的研究

    A study on the fauna and geographical distribution of fresh-water fishes in Zhejiang province , China

  9. 咸淡水交汇区重金属粒径分配特征的模拟实验

    A simulated test on distribution characteristics for heavy metal particle sizes in the mixing zone of fresh and salty water

  10. 珠江口咸淡水交汇区营养盐的化学自净研究

    A study on chemical self-purification of nutrients in the mixing region of salt and fresh water of Zhujiang River Estuary

  11. 区系分析表明:海南的陆生和淡水贝类区系组成以东洋界种类为主,其中热带种类占优势;

    The analysis of fauna showed that : the land and freshwater molluscs fauna share the characters of the oriental area and these species uniquely distribute in tropical area ;

  12. 用采自珠江口咸淡水交汇区河段的水和沉积物进行自净试验。试验池内介质由某一段面的水和相应断面的沉积物组成。

    His paper reports on the self-purification experiment by using water and sediments taken from the mixing area of saltwater and freshwater in Zhujiang River estuary , which imitates the self-purification process .

  13. 煤系地层有利储集带主要分布于烃源岩厚度大的深埋藏区、粗相带区及不整合面以下的淡水淋滤区。

    The favorable entrapment zone of the coal-bearing strata is mainly distributed in the deeply-buried area with thick source rock , coarse facies belt and fresh water leaching area below the unconformity .

  14. 海南岛淡水龟类区系特点及保护优先性分析

    Zoogeography and Conservation Priority of Hard-shelled Freshwater Turtles on Hainan Island

  15. 本文采用综合评价法,对高产淡水鱼生产区&浙江省湖州市菱湖镇郊15个农户的综合功能效益作了调查研究。

    The integrated function and efficiency ( IFE ) of15 farm households in the suburbs of Linhu Township in Huzhou City of Zhejiang Province were investigated with the integrated evaluation method .

  16. 建立铜陵淡水豚自然保护区考察研究

    Study and Investigation on the Establishment of the River Dolphin Nature Reserve of Tongling

  17. 安徽铜陵淡水豚自然保护区淡水豚受胁迫因素及保护对策探讨

    Discussion on Stress Factors and Conservation Strategy of Anhui Tongling River Dolphin Nature Reservation

  18. 产纤维素酶放线菌及其酶学性质和淡水湖底泥微生物区系研究

    Studies on Cellulase-producing Actinomycete and Its Enzyme Properties and Microbial Communities in Freshwater Lakes

  19. 已成为世界淡水珍珠的主产区。

    This proved that Hunan had become a region with the largest scale of fresh water pearl producing in the world .

  20. 淡水软体动物的区系组成以东洋界种类占优势,有29种,占总数的54.8%;

    Zoogeographically the species of oriental region occupies a dominant position in the area , is54.8 % ( 29 species ) of the total .

  21. 云南高原淡水湖泊的微生物区系调查Ⅰ.滇池水域中的细菌数量及其种群分布

    Studies on the flora composition of microorganisms in plateau fresh-water lakes of Yunnan I. The quantitative chance and race distribution of bacteria in Yunnan dian-chi Lake

  22. 从地下水角度出发,指出造成黄河三角洲生态退化的主要原因是补给区的缺乏淡水补充、过渡区的土壤盐渍化和排泄区的海水入侵。

    From the point of groundwater , the ecological problems in YRD can be concluded as : lack of fresh water in groundwater recharge areas , soil salinization in groundwater transitional areas , and seawater intrusion in groundwater discharge areas .