
dàn huà
  • desalination;desalination(of sea water);play down;downplay;weaken;fade-out;understatement
淡化 [dàn huà]
  • (1) [desalination(of sea water)]∶使海水变成淡水

  • (2) [weaken]∶弱化,减化

  • 淡化宗派意思

淡化[dàn huà]
  1. 然后海水淡化业务就诞生了。

    Then desalination businesses come in .

  2. 有可能遭遇邻避效应的项目包括但不限于:化工厂、工业园、军事基地、海水淡化处理厂、垃圾填埋场、垃圾焚烧厂、发电站、监狱、核废料掩埋场、体育场,等等。

    Projects likely to be opposed include but are not limited to chemical plants , industrial parks , military bases , desalination plants , landfills , incinerators , power plants , prisons , nuclear waste dumps , sports stadiums , etc.

  3. 他总是在自己的电影中运用细腻刻画和淡化手法。

    He always goes for subtlety and understatement in his movies .

  4. 伦敦和都柏林方面对此事都在有意淡化。

    Both London and Dublin are playing the matter down .

  5. 将这两个物种杂交后颜色会由红色淡化成橙色。

    Hybridising the two species will reduce the red to orange

  6. 下次听证会将以不同的方式进行,以尽可能淡化审判似的气氛。

    The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere .

  7. 她试图淡化他在工作中的重要性。

    She tried to lessen his importance at work .

  8. 平均主义的观念趋于淡化。

    The idea of equalitarianism is losing ground .

  9. 他们认为到了这个年纪,事业逐渐淡化,他们更看重与他人的关系。

    They give priority to relationships , as careers often recede .

  10. 能源和海水淡化技术都是非常昂贵的。

    Energy and the technology to desalinate water are both expensive .

  11. 卡尔先生的优美文字,充满同情,诙谐和博智,淡化了任何淫秽的意味

    Any sense of prurience is relieved by Mr Kahr 's prose , which is sympathetic , witty and erudite .

  12. 真空冷冻&汽相冷凝海水淡化新技术研究气相法合成N,N-二乙基苯胺

    DESALINATION BY VACUUM FREEZING - VAPOR CONDENSATION Vapor - Phase Synthesis of N , N - Diethyl Aniline

  13. 缅甸翡翠中Cr的淡化及意义

    Desalinization of Chromium within Myanmar Jadeite Jade and Implications

  14. 国际上,《巴黎公约》、TRIPS协议等国际条约都吸收了商标淡化理论。

    This theory has been embodied in international treaty like " Paris Pact " and TRIPS Agreement .

  15. 使用PMD(或JavaNCSS)计算源代码行,并提供诸如ExtractMethod之类的重构,以此来淡化大类代码味道

    Thin large class code smells by counting source lines of code using PMD ( or JavaNCSS ) and providing refactorings such as Extract Method

  16. 行业工会组织全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)一直是淡化这笔交易可能有什么好处的机构之一。

    The United Auto Workers has been among the constituents downplaying any potential benefits of a deal .

  17. 鉴于灰色系统GM(1,1)模型对样本数量要求不高,且能淡化变化过程中的不确定影响的特点,建立该模型对建设用地需求量进行预测,提高预测精确度。

    Given the grey system GM ( 1,1 ) model of sample quantity is not high , and can change desalt uncertainty affect the process of establishment of the model , construction land demand forecasting , increase the prediction accuracy .

  18. 方法按GB5750-1985《生活饮用水检验方法》采用反渗透法进行淡化后海水成品水微生物、氯化物及pH检验。

    Methods Using reverse osmosis for seawater desalination , the microbiological indexes , the levels of chloride and the pH values of finished water after seawater desalination were determined and then were assessed based on the National Method for Determination of Drinking Water ( GB 5750-1985 ) .

  19. 热电联产具有很好的节能效果,但在热电联产海水淡化系统中存在着抽汽压力和MED装置所需压力不匹配的情况。

    The combined heat and power system has obvious energy saving benefit , but there is a matching problem of the pump-out pressure with that of the MED equipment in it .

  20. 方法:根据反渗透原理,经过海水预处理、高压反渗透淡化和操作控制诸程序,实现日产淡水500L以上。

    Methods : The desalting processes mainly involve seawater preparatory treatment , high pressure reverse osmosis and the control system .

  21. 浅层地下水水化学现状、地下水14C同位素、地下水动力场也提供了浅层地下水淡化的证据。

    The chemical compositions , ~ ( 14 ) C isotope of the groundwater and the dynamic field of the shallow aquifer also provide evidence for the freshening of the groundwater .

  22. 初步分析表明该装置从料液中除去1t水的电能消耗低于5kW·h,在果蔬汁浓缩、海水淡化等领域均具较强的市场竞争力。

    A primary analysis shows that no more than 5 kW · h electrical energy is needed to remove 1 ton of water from liquid materials . This makes it very competent for concentrating fruit and vegetable juices or making fresh water from seawater .

  23. 蒂特里克在亚拉巴马州伯明翰长大,经常吃“鸡翅和脆骨”。他现在是素食主义者。虽然动物福利是他创办HamptonCreek的动力之一,但他为了公司谨慎地淡化这一目标。

    Mr. Tetrick grew up in Birmingham , Ala. , on a diet of ' chicken wings and gristle . ' He 's now a vegan and , while animal welfare was part of his motivation for founding Hampton Creek , he has been careful to play down that goal for his company . '

  24. 人体试验表明,FG-3280能够有效补充细胞能量,淡化细小皱纹,深入调节肌肤的微生态,保持皮肤健康平衡。

    Objective measurements show : Gemmule energy FG-3280 can reinforce skin cells ' energy , reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles , help normalize skin 's micro zoology , keep skin healthy and balanced .

  25. 空调&海水淡化复合装置研究

    A Study on the Integrative Device of the Air-conditioner and Desalter

  26. 减压膜蒸馏淡化高盐废水的研究

    Study of Desalting High Strength Brine Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation Process

  27. 《国家赔偿法》在实施中存在着几个主要问题:在赔偿责任主体方面,强化了机关责任淡化了国家责任;

    There are several major problems in the State Indemnity Law .

  28. 而我们许多人却往往忽视或淡化了它的美育功能。

    But many of us often ignore its aesthetic educational function .

  29. 在激烈的市场竞争中,国界的概念已经慢慢淡化。

    The national boundaries become faintness in the bloody market competition .

  30. 商标淡化也是一种不正当竞争行为。

    Trademark dilution is also a kind of unfair competition act .