
  • 网络Mississippi Estuary
  1. 周日的命令从东部路易斯安那州密西西比河口一直延伸佛罗里达的彭萨科拉湾水域。

    Sunday 's order ed from the mouth of the Mississippi River in Louisiana east to waters of Pensacola Bay in Florida .

  2. 事实上,由于产生了有毒的海藻生长或氧气枯竭的“死亡区域”(如密西西比河河口的富营养水域),这些以铁元素作为种子的实验有可能适得其反。

    In fact , these iron-seeding experiments could backfire by producing toxic algal blooms or oxygen-depleted " dead zones , " such as the one created in the over-fertilized waters at the mouth of the Mississippi River .