- 名weak tea

" I prefer weak tea ," cried daisy .
Actually managed a weak tea yesterday , before ... Mail 's here .
We then moved to the table to try the least ambitious wine of the day , a 1982 bouzy Rouge from Georges vesselle , a still very pale tawny Pinot Noir from Champagne grapes that mark Lynton had brought .
After a break outside , we re-enter the chashitsu for usucha , or thin tea , which is a much more informal affair , though follows most of the same procedure .
And tea with mild and half a lump for madame .
She prefers weak tea to black coffee .
We talked on over fresh tea .
A continental Breakfast with grapefruit juice , light toast with weak tea to follow .
While tasting the tea water , people can taste all kinds of bland tea diets , such as girdlecakes , fruits , etc.
This is the breakfast : two slices of bread , one small piece of bread with raisins and a mug of water bewitched .
GAUHATI , India ( AP ) In this humid , lush region where an important part of the world 's breakfast is born , the evidence of climate change is literally a weak tea .
Realized in family 's meal was the how attraction , although it did not compare in the is big hotel delicacies , but in the family weak tea cup of taste also let me yearn for it .
More like a summer afternoon tea , regardless of the window vitis uproar , regardless of the hot sun burning Xiren , weak tea in hand , Managing , and faint , they want you to taste slowly .
Gone are the flowery but opaque descriptions like " distinctly high-grown character " and " surprising malty nuance . " They have been replaced by more consumer-friendly taster phrases like " light-bodied tea with a slight woodiness in its flavor , " along with detailed steeping instructions .