
  • 网络Hong Kong Time;HKT
  1. 定盘价将于香港时间每日上午11点计算,计算方法是剔除最高及最低的两个报价,再取上述银行报价的平均值。

    The fixing will be calculated each day at 11 am Hong Kong time by averaging the rates provided by the banks , after excluding the highest and lowest two quotes .

  2. 同一时间(香港时间一九四一年十二月八日),日本又进攻香港。

    At approximately the same time , Japanese armed forces attacked Hong Kong ( December 8 , 1941 , Hong Kong time ) .

  3. 当时是香港时间凌晨4点。

    It was 4 AM in Hong Kong .

  4. 当你们选择聊天时间的时候,应该选一个合理的能让你们都觉得舒服的时间,比如说,香港时间晚上8点是英国时间中午12点,这就很适宜。

    When you agree to communicate choose a reasonable timing . Something that you 're both comfortable with . 8pm in Hong Kong is 12pm in Britain . That 's reasonable .

  5. 以往因在香港时间以外进行的交易引致总结馀预测出现变动,金管局要待翌日早上临近开市才于香港公布。

    Previously , forecast changes in the aggregate balance due to transactions outside Hong Kong hours were announced by the HKMA in Hong Kong the next morning shortly before the market opened .

  6. 在香港的发售时间为12月13日,在法国会由法国电信公司Orange在2014年2月发售。

    It goes on sale in Hong Kong on Dec. 13 , and France in February 2014 with France Telecom

  7. 五年前她去美国上大学后,在香港待的时间就少了。

    Since entering college in the U.S.five years ago , she hasn 't spent much time in Hong Kong .

  8. 然而,他们警告称,鉴于市场情况动荡,在香港的上市时间和融资目标都无法预测。

    However , they warned that the timing and fund-raising target of a Hong Kong listing was impossible to predict given turbulent market conditions .

  9. 如今,由于不用再向南绕行香港,飞行时间缩短了1个小时。

    The flight time is now cut by an hour because the planes are no longer required to fly south through Hong Kong 's airspace .

  10. 译文为:我需要知道熏蒸消毒证书什么时候能完成,我不能因为这个框架证书而把设备留在香港太长时间。

    I need to know when the " Fumigation-Cert " will be ready . I can not hold the equipment too long in HKG just because of this cert for the FRAME .

  11. 每当她登陆到因特网上,我会拿出一张表来提醒自己香港的当地时间。

    When I was8 hours ahead of my girl when she was visiting her family in UK , I came up with a table to remind myself of the time in UK , each time she logged on .

  12. 下一班开往香港的船什么时间启航?

    When does the next boat sail for Hong kong ?

  13. 这一优势可能会让香港在一段时间内继续保持其领先地位。

    This advantage is likely to keep Hong Kong in the lead for some time .

  14. 相信如果我能够在香港学习一段时间的话,我将能够成长得更快,更多。

    I believe I would achieve more if being able to study in Hong Kong .

  15. 我明天上午必须去香港,所以没时间与您见面了。

    I have to go to Hong Kong tomorrow morning so I have no time to meet you .

  16. 轮船在印度港口装卸货物要花将近96个小时,约是香港的10倍时间。

    Ships take almost 96 hours to unload and load at Indian ports , about 10 times longer than in Hong Kong .

  17. 在吞吐量较大的海港,货柜装卸的平均时间是85个小时,相当于新加坡或香港的10倍时间。

    Average loading and unloading time at busy sea ports is 85 hours -- 10 times longer than at Singapore or Hong Kong .

  18. 这条铁路线整体竣工后,将会大大缩短广州到香港之间的通车时间,通车时间将缩至约1个小时。

    The express rail link , when fully completed , will slash travel time between Guangzhou and Hong Kong to about one hour .

  19. 香港在150多年时间里,作为一个典型的新生殖民城市,从一个边陲渔村迅速崛起为一个世界知名的国际性大都市。

    Hong Kong was world famous of its rapid mutation from a fishing village to a global city as a typical newborn colonial city in just around 150 years .

  20. 点几下鼠标,她就查到了清华大学今年的录取人数,香港大学的申请时间,并得知近期一个知名社会家将在中国传媒大学举办讲座的消息。

    With just a few clicks of her mouse , she found this year ` s enrollment number for Tsinghua University , the application date for the University of Hong Kong and was informed that a renowned sociologist will give lectures at the Communications University of China .

  21. 将于5月20日就任的马英九表示,台湾与大陆之间将在7月份开通周末包机直航,对成千上万目前经香港中转,浪费时间、金钱和航空燃油的商人来说,这是个福音。

    Mr Ma , who takes office on May 20 , says that direct weekend charter flights between Taiwan and the mainland will start in July , providing relief to the tens of thousands of business people who currently waste time , money and jet fuel flying via Hong Kong .

  22. 当我处在比我女朋友早8个小时时区的时候,她正在香港和她的家人在一起。每当她登陆到因特网上,我会拿出一张表来提醒自己香港的当地时间。

    When I was 8 hours ahead of my girl when she was visiting her family in UK , I came up with a table to remind myself of the time in UK , each time she logged on .