
  • 网络hong kong trade development council;TDC;HKTDC;HK Trade Development Council
  1. (火炬传递)是本港的一个辉煌时刻,香港贸易发展局(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)主席、红衣日组织者之一苏泽光表示。

    [ The torch relay ] is a glorious moment for this city , said Jack So , chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and one of the organisers of the red pageant .

  2. 然而,香港贸易发展局(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)的经济学家何达权(DicksonHo)认为,与其他发达国家的货币相比,日元在国际上的使用度和接受度都相当低。

    Nonetheless , compared with currencies of other developed countries , its international usage and acceptance is rather low , says Dickson Ho , an economist at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council .

  3. 两年前,香港贸易发展局(TradeDevelopmentCouncil)问我是否愿意为推广英文图书做一点事。这在我是从未有过的尝试。

    I was asked by the Trade Development Council a couple of years ago if I might do something to promote English books , which had not been done before .

  4. 香港贸易发展局(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)经济师邱丽萍(PansyYau)说,香港回归后的最初几年,中国有关部门非常谨慎,没有触碰香港太多。

    For the first few years [ Chinese authorities ] were very cautious not to touch Hong Kong too much , said Pansy Yau , economist at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council .

  5. 香港贸易发展局(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)玩具顾问委员会主席林健锋(JeffreyLam)表达了对统一全球标准的支持。他表示,这将有助于降低中国制造商日益上升的成本和国外零售价格。

    Jeffrey Lam , chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council 's toys advisory committee , expressed support for a unified global standard , saying it would help reduce manufacturers ' rising costs in China and retail prices abroad .

  6. 珠宝业咨询委员会〔香港贸易发展局〕

    Jewellery Advisory Committee [ Hong Kong Trade Development Council ]

  7. 邱丽萍是香港贸易发展局的副首席经济师。

    Pansy Yau is the deputy chief economist of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council .

  8. 香港贸易发展局于一九六六年成立,是负责促进和发展香港对外贸易的法定机构。

    The Hong Kong Trade Development Council ( TDC ) was established in 1966 as the statutory body responsible for promoting and expanding Hong Kong 's external trade .

  9. 香港贸易发展局的邱丽萍表示,想生存下去的厂商必须转而生产售价较为昂贵的产品,并且提高工厂的自动化。

    Yau at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council says companies will have to move toward making more expensive goods and automate their factories if they want to survive .

  10. 收取的报关费是用作资助香港贸易发展局的运作经费,而制衣业训练徵款则是代表制衣业训练局。

    Declaration charge is collected to subsidize the operation of Hong Kong Trade Development Council while clothing industry training levy is collected on behalf of clothing industry training authority .

  11. 以下这篇文章是今年香港贸易发展局根据对中国玩具市场调查而写,对中国玩具市场的分析相当的透彻而实用。

    This article as following is written by Hong Kong trade development bureau this year by studying the Chinese toy market , which is suitable and practical through the Chinese toy market analysis .

  12. 2000年6月,时任南非驻香港高级专员公署(SouthAfricanHighCommissioninHongKong)外交官的格雷戈里•迪耶布(GregDe'Eb)参加了由香港贸易发展局组织的会议,主题是探讨香港能否成为亚洲的葡萄酒贸易中心。

    It was in June 2000 when Greg De'Eb , a diplomat at the South African High Commission in Hong Kong , attended a conference organized by the territory 's trade-development council asking whether the region could become the wine-trading center of Asia .

  13. 香港旅游发展局6月将在上海新天地和淮海路购物区举办一系列庆祝活动。10月15日至19日,香港贸易发展局将在繁华的南京东路步行街举行大型“时尚香港”活动。

    The Hong Kong Tourism Board plans to hold a series of celebrations at Xintiandi and Huaihai Road in June and fashion activities at Nanjing Road in October .