
  • 网络reef
  1. 西沙海域东部岛礁区前寒武纪基底之上地层全部是较纯净的礁相碳酸盐岩,厚度达1250m,未被陆源碎屑岩覆盖;

    All basement rocks in eastern reef island area is covered with pure reef facies carbonate rocks in the thickness of 1250m .

  2. 西沙群岛重要岛礁鱼类资源调查

    Survey of Coral Reef Fish Resources of the Xisha Islands

  3. 岛礁GPS三维定位技术的新探索

    A New Probe into GPS Three-dimensional Location Technique on Islands and Reefs

  4. 岛礁型海洋生物保护区(IMPA)的设计和管理:理论和实例研究

    Design and management of island marine protected areas ( impa ): a theoretical and case study

  5. 我国是一个海洋地理相对不利国,周边存在大量的有主权争议的岛礁和划界争议的海域。

    China is a relatively unfavorable state of the marine geography .

  6. 雨量变化对珊瑚岛礁淡水透镜体的影响

    Influence of Rainfall on Freshwater Lens in a Coral Island

  7. 珊瑚岛礁淡水透镜体的模拟与开发利用

    Numerical Simulation and Development of the Freshwater Lens on a Coral Island

  8. 春季该岛礁水域实测海流变化较大;

    The variation range of the observed velocity is large .

  9. 珊瑚岛礁淡水透镜体的数值模

    Numerical simulation of freshwater lens on coral island

  10. 岛礁建筑物耐久性综合治理初探

    Discussion on Comprehensive Durability Management of Island Building

  11. 南沙群岛海域岛礁鱼类资源的开发现状和开发潜力

    Exploitive status quo and potential of coral reef fishery resources in Nansha Islands waters

  12. 南沙岛礁周围水域主要鱼类食物网

    Main fishes food web in the adjacent waters area of Nansha Islands and reefs

  13. 考释了南海诸岛各具体岛礁的渔民习用地名所反映的地理特征;

    The geographical features reflected from the place names used by the fishermen are studied .

  14. 驻岛礁某部军人社会支持与人格、心理健康的关系

    Relationship of social support , personality and mental health in military personnel stationed on island

  15. 他补充道,中国正在南海岛礁上建设灯塔等设施,并会保护好岛上的生态。

    China is building facilities like lighthouses , while protecting the environment , Liu added .

  16. 大管岛礁区潮下带大型底栖海藻群落的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the benthic algae in the reef area of SUB-LITTORAL in the Daguan Island

  17. 南沙群岛中北部重要岛礁鱼类资源调查

    Survey for coral reef fish resources in the center & north waters of the Nansha Islands

  18. 南海某岛礁作业人员身体健康及卫生服务状况调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on health status and hygienic services among some island-reef personnel in the South China Sea

  19. 因岛礁山体略显单薄,受数条断层及其他构造裂隙的影响,整体完整性较差。

    The thin mountain intersected by faults and other structural fissures result in low intactness of rock mass .

  20. (一)菲律宾企图扩大对中国南沙群岛部分岛礁的侵�

    i. The Philippines attempts to entrench its illegal occupation of some islands and reefs of China 's Nansha Qundao

  21. (一)菲律宾非法侵占行为制造了中菲南沙岛礁争议

    i. The Philippines " invasion and illegal occupation caused disputes with China over some islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao

  22. 其中,南沙群岛的岛礁最多,范围最广。

    Nansha Qundao is the largest in terms of both the number of islands and reefs and the geographical area .

  23. 其中包礁工程是马鞍列岛海洋特别保区经过多年的探索,发掘出来的一种对保护区内岛礁资源进行管理的公共参与方式。

    The Contract reef engineering is a public participation way of reef resources management after it has been explored for many years .

  24. 管理员上岗后,将在岛上自由生活,探寻岛礁奥秘,并每周更新博客,上传视频和图片。

    The employee will live free on the island , exploring the reef and posting videos and photos on a weekly blog .

  25. 目的了解驻岛礁部队军人的心理健康状况及应对方式特点。

    Objective To study the mental health status and the characteristics of the coping style of the military personnel in the southern island .

  26. 结论岛礁作业人员在驻礁期间的心理问题应引起足够的重视,并应采取适当的干预措施。

    Conclusions The mental health problem of island reef workers on reefs should be paid enough attention and proper precautions should be taken .

  27. 1988年,中国与越南发生短暂冲突后获得了该岛礁的控制权,那次冲突导致数十名越南人丧生。

    China won control of the reef in 1988 after a brief conflict with Vietnam that took the lives of dozens of Vietnamese .

  28. 海底的水温接近零度,但这里的动植物却好像是生活在澳大利亚绚烂夺目的大堡礁处(澳大利亚东北海岸外一系列珊瑚岛礁的总称)。

    The plants and animals living in the freezing waters look like they would be at home on Australia 's Great Barrier Reef .

  29. 南海存在一些岛礁主权和部分海域划界争议,这是客观事实。

    There are disputes concerning the sovereignty over some islands and reefs and the delimitation of certain waters in the South China Sea .

  30. 菲律宾“有效控制”有关岛礁已成为不能改变的“现状”等。

    the Philippines " " effective control " over the relevant islands and reefs has become the " status quo " that cannot be changed .