
tái quán dào
  • taekwondo;tae kwon do;Korean boxing
  1. 2016年,赵帅获得里约奥运会跆拳道男子58公斤级冠军,实现中国男子跆拳道奥运会金牌“零的突破”。

    Zhao made history by winning China 's first Olympic gold in men 's taekwondo when he triumphed in the 58kg category at the Rio Olympics .

  2. 跆拳道运动员比赛前后最大耗氧量、血乳酸及血清LDH活性变化的研究

    On the O_2max , Lactate Acid and LDH Activity of Taekwondo Athlete

  3. 葡萄籽提取物(OPC)对跆拳道运动员大负荷运动后CK、MDA、SOD、GSH-PX的影响

    Effects of OPC on CK , MDA , SOD , GSH-PX for Taekwondo athletes after heavy load training

  4. 杨淑君随后静坐抗议拒绝离场。此举令总部设在韩国的世界跆拳道联盟(WorldTaekwondoFederation)给杨淑君下达了三个月内禁止参加国际赛事的处罚。

    She staged a sit-down protest and refused to leave the mat , leading the South Korea-based World Taekwondo Federation to ban her from international competition for three months .

  5. 与此形成鲜明的对比的是,NBA和跆拳道等域外体育却借助明星效应和现代传媒在中国大行其道。

    Contrast to Chinese Wushu , some foreign sports such as NBA and taekwondo are popular in China with star effect and modern media .

  6. 对田径、跆拳道、举重、自行车运动员训练后CK、BUN值的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Value of CK and BUN of Athletes of Track and Field , Kickboxing , Weight Lifting and Bicycle after Training

  7. 1973年,世界跆拳道联盟(WTF)正式成立。

    In1973 the World Taekwondo Federation ( WTF ) was officially established .

  8. 跆拳道的另一国际性组织是世界跆拳道联合会,简称wtf,是在1973年成立的。

    Another organization , the World Taekwondo Federation ( WTF ) , was created in 1973 .

  9. 文章通过将课堂录像与CAI课件相结合,运用计算机辅助手段对跆拳道教学进行实验研究,探讨多媒体技术在提高体育技术课教学效果和教学质量中的作用。

    Combining the classroom video with CAI courseware , carring on the experiment research with the method computer-assistance , the paper probes into the function of the multimedia technology in improving the sports technological lesson teaching result and teaching quality of Taekwondo .

  10. 葡萄适(Lucozade)对跆拳道、柔道、摔跤项目运动员运动能力影响的研究

    The Research on Effect of Lucozade on Motor Ability of Taekwondo , Judo , Wrestling

  11. 笔者对2001年全国第9届运动会跆拳道比赛女子57kg级和女子67kg级前8名运动员身体形态进行了分析。

    The analysis on physical shape of the first eight female Taekwondo athletes .

  12. 国际奥委会(ioc)同意本月在奥运会进行的同时举行一场武术比赛,但明确表示,这和为柔道和跆拳道赢得奥运会身份铺平道路的表演活动完全不同。

    The International Olympic Committee granted permission for a Wushu competition to be held alongside the games this month but has made clear it is nothing like the demonstration events that paved the way for judo and Taekwondo to win Olympic status .

  13. 1973年,韩国政府认可世界跆拳道联合会(WTF)作为跆拳道运动的合法管理机构,同年举行了首届世界跆拳道锦标赛。

    In1973 , the Korean government recognised the World Taekwondo Federation ( WTF ) as the legitimate governing body of the ort , and the first World Champio hi were held in that year .

  14. 本实验从PWC170及血乳酸清除率等指标对实验组(优秀跆拳道运动员),对照组(普通跆拳道运动员)进行对比研究。

    The study did research on Test group ( top Taekwondo trainers , TG ) and Control group ( common Taekwondo trainers , CG ) by the PWC170 and elimination rate of blood lactic acid .

  15. 加强与台湾跆拳道队之间的体育交往;

    Third , strengthening the association with Taekwondo teams of Taiwan .

  16. 训练对优秀跆拳道运动员某些血液指标的影响

    Research on the Training Effect of Taekwondo Athlete 's Blood Indexes

  17. 跆拳道运动员整体素质的模糊综合评价研究

    Research of Taekwondo Athlete Overall Quality Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  18. 从微观角度解析现代跆拳道运动的推广策略

    Analyzing Promotion Strategy of the Modern Taekwondo from a Microscopic Perspective

  19. 但是太极和跆拳道又有本质上的区别。

    But Tae Kyun and tae kwon do are fundamentally different .

  20. 我国优秀跆拳道运动员运动创伤调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Sports Injury in Chinese Elite Taekwondo Athletes

  21. 跆拳道在中国成功推广的因素分析

    To Analyse the Factors of Taekwondo 's Successive Popularization in China

  22. 吉林省跆拳道俱乐部经营管理及市场开发策略研究

    Taekwondo Club Management in Jilin Province and Market Development Strategy Study

  23. 跆拳道的发展历程对太极拳推广与传播的启示

    Tae Kwon Do development process to Taijiquan promotion and dissemination enlightenment

  24. 跆拳道课对高校大学生体质影响的实践研究

    The Study of Taekwondo Class for College Students ' Physical Effects

  25. 跆拳道锻炼对中学生心理健康的影响

    The Effect of Taekwondo to Mental Health of Middle School Students

  26. 少年跆拳道运动员运动创伤特点的调查与研究

    An Inquisition and Research on Sports Wounds of Young TaeKwonDo Players

  27. 跆拳道运动员身体成份和体型的测量与评价

    Measurement and Evaluation on Body Composition and Figure of Taekwondo Athlete

  28. 对于我全家来说,跆拳道是我们的生活方式。

    Tae Kwon Do is an important part of my life .

  29. 散打与跆拳道竞技特征之比较

    Comparing with Wushu Sanshou and Taekwondo ′ s Characteristic of Athletics

  30. 对跆拳道攻防基本要素的生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis of Basic Elements of Offense and Defense in Taekwondo