
  • 网络Linkoping university;Linkping University;Link ping University;Linkoping U
  1. 数次科学实验,黑巧克力已被证明为“护心”食品。而如今,瑞典林雪平大学的科学家们了黑巧克力的“护心”奥秘。

    Dark chocolate has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the heart in numerous studies , and now scientists from Linkoping University in Sweden know why .

  2. 来自瑞典林雪平大学的研究人员让18个受试者停止锻炼,连续四周过量饮食——这样他们的能量摄入平均增加了70%。

    A team of researchers from Linkping University , Sweden , asked 18 individuals to stop exercising and eat excessively for four weeks - increasing their energy intake by an average of 70 percent .