
xī rén
  • Westerner
西人 [xī rén]
  • [westerner] 西洋人,指欧美各国的人

  • 西人长火器。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

  1. 西人长火器。

    The westerners are skilled with firearms .

  2. 伯纳德•芒亚吉夏瑞(BernardMunyagishari)被指控在卢旺达阴谋杀害了数万名图西人和胡图人。

    The man , Bernard Munyagishari , is accused of being a mastermind in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda .

  3. 你派在那的弗西人,居然没抵抗就四散奔逃

    The Phocians you posted there were scattered without a fight .

  4. 泰洛西人热爱各种鲜明色彩,连他们的胡须睫毛都不放过。

    The Tyroshi loved bright colors , even in their facial hair .

  5. 19世纪西人小说中的白话实验

    The Vernacular Chinese Novels by Westerners in 19th Century China

  6. “侏儒打架,”一个有紫色胡须的泰洛西人轻笑着说。

    " Dwarf fight ," replied the Tyroshi with the purple beard , chuckling .

  7. 不久所有的图西人将会死去。

    Soon all the Tutsis will be dead .

  8. 愿潞西人离开魔鬼转而敬拜至尊之主。

    Pray for the Zaiwa to turn from demon worship to the Sovereign Lord .

  9. 或者他们的父母是图西人。

    Or because they had a Tutsi parent .

  10. 这该死的泰洛西人知道他们的身份,也知道他们下榻处所。

    The Tyroshi knew who they were and where they were , damn him .

  11. 西人对广州的认识,也是对中国的认识。

    As a result , the westerners'knowledge of Guangzhou was also their knowledge of China .

  12. 图西人杀害了我们的总统。

    The Tutsis had killed our president .

  13. 近世来华西人对中西民族性格的比较

    Comparisons of the National Dispositions Between Chinese and Western Nations Made by Westerners in Modern Times

  14. 殖民地时代早期,山顶区辟为西人住宅区。

    In early colonial days , the peak district was a residential area exclusively for westerners .

  15. 我们可以重修弗西人的巨石墙用以阻挡波斯军队沿海岸的攻击。

    Now , we will block the Persian coastal assault by rebuilding the great Phocian Wall .

  16. 清代后期西人行记中的西安城&基于英文文献的考察

    Xi'an City in Westerners ' Travel Notes in Late Qing Dynasty & An Investigation of English Documents

  17. 由于西式诗评的文化特点决定,济慈诗歌至今未能被西人完全阐发。

    John Keats'poems have not been fully explored owing to the cultural characteristics of western criticism of poetry .

  18. 非洲东部大牙齿的原始人;一到两百万年之前;以前的东非博伊西人。

    Large-toothed hominid of eastern Africa ; from 1 to 2 million years ago ; formerly Zinjanthropus boisei .

  19. 把弗西人派去守古羊道,祷告上苍不会有人向波斯人泄密。

    Dispatch the Phocians to the goat path and pray to the gods nobody tells the Persians about it .

  20. 还有靠近玛拿西人的境界,伯善与其村庄。他纳与其村庄。

    Along the borders of Manasseh were Beth Shan , Taanach , Megiddo and Dor , together with their villages .

  21. 大卫从前与非利士人同去,要与扫罗争战,有些玛拿西人来投奔大卫,他们却没有帮助非利士人。

    Some of the men of Manasseh defected to David when he went with the Philistines to fight against Saul .

  22. 他原是班加西人,因为参与政治活动,1973年就被逐出大学,旋即逃亡美国,时年仅22岁。

    Originally from Benghazi , he was expelled from college for political activism and fled to the U.S.in1973 , at age22 .

  23. 住在耶路撒冷的有犹大人,便雅悯人,以法莲人,玛拿西人。

    And in Jerusalem there were living some of the sons of judah , and of benjamin , and of Ephraim and manasseh ;

  24. “军官先生,我也搞不清楚,”帕白西人一面回答,一面倾听着从茂密的树林中传来的一阵混乱嘈杂的声音。

    I don 't know , officer , 'replied the Parsee , listening attentively to a confused murmur which came through the thick branches .

  25. 胡图族的大多数杀害了图西人和胡图人中的温和派,据估计,约有80万人被杀。

    Members of the ethnic Hutu majority killed Tutsis and moderate Hutus . By some estimates , around eight hundred thousand people were killed ;

  26. 贪虐的统治者又以商人为盘剥的对象,另外西人东来的侵扰造成竞争环境的恶化,整个东南海上贸易发展惟艰。

    On the same time , the intrusion from the West deteriorated the competition environment , so the private maritime trade was undergoing a hard time .

  27. 法兰西人,我的同胞啊,不要让你的敌人用那为人唾弃的原则使你的灵魂堕落,令你的美德削减吧!

    O Frenchmen , O my countrymen , Let not your enemies , with their desolating doctrines , degrade your souls , and enervate your virtues !

  28. 由于该书是写给西方人看的,因此它典型地反映了中国知识分子在面对西人时对中国文化的认识与想象。

    Being written for the western people , this book typically reflected the Chinese intellectuals ' understanding and imagination of Chinese culture when they faced the western people .

  29. 对二者进行比较分析,有利于我们顺应传统,兼学西人,探寻中国刑事法律制度的改革之道。

    Through the comparative analysis , we can comply with the tradition , learn form westerner and seek for the reform way of the Chinese criminal law system .

  30. 我认为西人遵法的传统是来自《圣经》,上帝给人十诫,号令天下莫敢不从。

    I think Westerners tradition of respecting laws comes from the " Bible ", God gave the Ten Commandments , which orders the world to follow with no exceptions .