
  • 网络Sungkyunkwan
  1. 斯隆管理学院与韩国首尔的成均馆大学(SungkyunkwanUniversity)的合作关系持续了8年,与俄罗斯斯科尔科沃管理学院(SkolkovoSchoolofManagement)MBA项目的合作关系持续了3年。

    The school 's partnership with Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul , Korea , lasted eight years , and that with the Skolkovo MBA programme in Russia ran for three .

  2. 因为成均馆会议不能被任何政治理由所利用。

    Because Sungkyunkwan council meeting cannot be exploited for any reasons of politics .

  3. 成均馆会议是成均馆儒生的独特权利,是除了校长外,任何政府官员,甚至连皇帝他自己都不能干涉的。

    Sungkyunkwan council meeting is a distinct right of the Sungkyunkwan scholar that except for the school principal , no government official , not even the King himself can interfere with .