
xī wèi
  • the Western Wei Dynasty , one of the Northern Dynasties
西魏[xī wèi]
  1. 敦煌古籍流失及其整理的研究敦煌西魏文书残卷研究

    Study on the Loss and Make-up of Dunhuang Ancient Works

  2. 敦煌西魏文书残卷研究

    A Study of the Fragments of the Documents of the West Wei Dynasty Found at Dunhuang

  3. 论西魏北周国家对小农和豪族经济的支配与控制

    On the governments ' control over peasant economy and powerful families ' economy in the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties

  4. 西魏大统十六年,府兵组织系统正式成立,标志着关陇集团正式形成。

    In the16th of Datong , the official foundation of The Fubing system also marked the form of the Guanlong Group .

  5. 到这个朝代结束的时候,国家内部产生了严重的分歧以至于分裂为东魏和西魏。

    Towards the end of the dynasty there was significant internal dissidence resulting in a split into Eastern and Western Wei .

  6. 隋代诗人群体主要来自西魏北周、东魏北齐和梁陈。随着隋朝版图的统一,隋代诗人组织或参与了周隋之际文化整合运动。

    The groups of poets in Sui Dynasty chiefly come from West Wei , North Zhou , East Wei , North Ji , Liang and Chen .

  7. 本文以关陇地区的本地豪族为研究对象,对西魏北周时期关陇豪族的政治活动状况、以及他们与西魏北周政权之间的相互关系进行探讨。

    This thesis regards the Guanlong Families , the great and powerful native families in Guanlong Area in the Western Wei & Northern Zhou Dynasty , as the research object .

  8. 但是西魏毕竟是一个地方政权,在对东魏战争不断胜利的情况下,也分出了一些精力来新修宫殿及其他的城市建筑。

    But the west is a local government , On the eastern war victory condition , Also identified some effort to build new palaces and other buildings in the city .

  9. 西魏北周(以下简称魏周)是府兵制创立及发展时期,其制度结构性质在前后期有许多重要的变化。

    The properties of system structure have many important changes in the adjacent period of Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties from which the Mansion Army System is established and commences developing .

  10. 由于这一时期长安城是被局部利用的,那么西魏北周时期的皇城究竟在何处,就成为研究这一段历史的学者迫切想知道的。

    Because of this period Changan city was localized by using the , So Western Wei Zhou period of imperial actually in where , Is this paragraph of history scholars urgently want to know .

  11. 在北朝,步兵战胜骑兵的战术也在不断成熟,为西魏北周的军事变革所汲取。

    During the period of the North dynasty , the tactics for the infantrymen defeating the cavalrymen became more mature , which was regarded as good for the military reforms by the North Wei and .

  12. 六官制度的一些创造,对隋唐官制有一定影响,但是隋唐官制的主要渊源还是西魏大统十二年改革以后的制度。

    It had some impact on the official system of the Sui and Tang dynasties , which mainly actually had origin from the official system formed after the reform of the Western Wei Datong 12 years .

  13. 北朝后期,以六镇鲜卑武装力量为基础建立了两个割据王朝:东魏和西魏,并分别被北齐和北周所取代。

    The later stage of the Northern Dynasties witnessed the establishment of two separatist dynasties with the backbone of six garrisons ' armed forces : the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Western Wei Dynasty , which were respectively replaced by the Northern Qi Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty .

  14. 敦煌石窟艺术以佛教内容为载体,历经十六国、北魏、西魏、北周、隋、唐、宋、元、明清各代,内容丰富、博杂。

    Buddhism is the main content in the Dunhuang caves , It spans ten dynasties : including the sixteen States , the Northern Wei , the Western Wei , the Northern Zhou , the Sui , the Tang , the Song , the Yuan , the Ming and the Qing .

  15. 历史上把北方的几个朝代一一北魏、东魏、西魏、北齐、北周叫做北朝,与南方同时存在的几个朝代一起称南北朝。

    In history , the five dynasties in the north-the Northern Wei , the Eastern Wei , the Western Wei , the Northern Qi , and the Northern Zhou were called the Northern Dynasties . And historians referred to this period when the Southern Dynasties and the Northern Dynasties co-existed as the Southern and Northern Dynasties .