
  • 网络SIDON;seaton
  1. 1110年的今天,第一次十字军东征:十字军占领了西顿(黎巴嫩西南部港市,即赛伊达)。

    1110-First Crusade : The Crusaders conquer Sidon .

  2. 在公元前1500年以前,西顿和提尔在非洲海岸上都已经开辟了居留地。

    Already before 1,500 B. C. both Sidon and Tyre had settlements upon the African coast .

  3. 在西顿的提示下,他念了这一场的台词。

    He read the scene , with Seaton cueing him .

  4. 光线渐渐暗了下去,西顿躺在床上,凝视着天花板。

    Seaton lay on his bed and gazed at the ceiling as the light faded

  5. 西顿一边说对不起、借过,一边挤过人群进入拥挤的客厅。

    Saying excuse me , pardon me , Seaton pushed his way into the crowded living room .

  6. 债券市场和西顿所有遭受极度破坏他们的汽车。

    Skelton , Bond and Seton all suffered extreme damage to their cars .

  7. 西顿的脸一下变得很沮丧。

    Seaton 's face fell into lines of sadness .

  8. 但神选了西顿,他有一个特别的原因。以利亚听了神的话,就去了西顿。

    But God did the choosing for a reason , and Elijah obeyed .

  9. 我必使瘟疫进入西顿,使血流在他街上。

    For I will send into her pestilence , and blood into her streets ;

  10. 迦南生长子西顿,又生赫。

    And Canaan was the father of zidon , his oldest son , and heth .

  11. 离开那后,耶稣了推罗和西顿地区。

    After going out from there , Jesus went to the region of tyre and sidon .

  12. 因为你知道,在我们中间没有人像西顿人善于砍伐树木。

    You know that we have no one so skilled in felling timber as the Sidonians .

  13. 如果让以利亚自己选的话,他绝不会选西顿这个地方。

    Oh , if Elijah had been given a choice he would never have chosen Zidon .

  14. 他们离西顿人也远,与别人没有来往。

    Also , they lived a long way from the Sidonians and had no relationship with anyone else .

  15. 由于资金的限制,西顿的挖掘只为期在每年的六至八周。

    The Sidon excavation is taking place for only six to eight weeks a year due to funding limitations .

  16. 又预备无数的香柏木,因为西顿人和推罗人给大卫运了许多香柏木来。

    Also cedar trees in abundance : for the Zidonians and they of Tyre brought much cedar wood to David .

  17. 因为所罗门随从西顿人的女神亚斯他录和亚扪人可憎的神米勒公。

    For Solomon went after ashtoreth , the goddess of the zidonians , and milcom , the disgusting god of the ammonites .

  18. ??圣经中列王记上17:9说,神让以利亚起身往西顿的撒勒法去,住在那里。

    In I Kings 17 : 9 God told Elijah to get up and go live in a town called Zarephath in Zidon .

  19. 沿海的居民,就是素来靠航海西顿的商家得丰盛的,你们当静默无言。

    Be still , ye inhabitants of the isle ; thou whom the merchants of Zidon , that pass over the sea , have replenished .

  20. 耶稣又离开了推罗的境界,经过西顿,就从低加波利境内来到加利利海。

    31Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon , down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis .

  21. 徒27:3第二天、到了西顿.犹流宽待保罗、准他往朋友那里去、受他们的照应。

    The next day we put in at Sidon ; and Julius treated Paul with consideration and allowed him to go to his friends and receive care .

  22. 他并没有奉差去犹太寡妇那,而是去了西顿一个非犹太寡妇那里。

    Well yeah , but he wasn 't sent to the Jewish widows he was sent to a non-Jewish widow , a woman who lived in Sidon .

  23. 五人就走了,来到拉亿,见那里的民安居无虑,如同西顿人安居一样。

    So the five men left and came to Laish , where they saw that the people were living in safety , like the Sidonians , unsuspecting and secure .

  24. 所罗门王在法老的女儿之外,又宠爱许多外邦女子,就是摩押女子,亚扪女子,以东女子,西顿女子,赫人女子。

    But king Solomon loved many strange women , together with the daughter of pharaoh , women of the moabites , ammonites , edomites , zidonians , and hittites ;

  25. 西顿人、亚玛力人、马云人也都欺压你们;你们哀求我,我也拯救你们脱离他们的手。

    The Sidonians also , and the Amalekites and the Maonites oppressed you , and you cried out to me , and I saved you out of their hand .

  26. 所留下的就是非利士的五个首领和一切迦南人,西顿人,并住利巴嫩山的希未人,从巴力黑们山直到哈马口。

    The five rulers of the Philistines , all the Canaanites , the Sidonians , and the Hivites living in the Lebanon mountains from Mount Baal Hermon to Lebo Hamath .

  27. 迦南的境界是从西顿向基拉耳的路上,直到迦萨;又向所多玛、蛾摩拉、押玛、洗扁的路上,直到拉沙。

    And the borders of Canaan reached from Sidon toward Gerar as far as gaza , and then toward sodom , gomorrah , admah and zeboiim , as far as lasha .

  28. 还有许多人听见他所做的大事,就从犹太、耶路撒冷、以土买、约旦河外,并推罗、西顿的四方来到他那里。

    8When they heard all he was doing , many people came to him from Judea , Jerusalem , Idumea , and the regions across the Jordan and around Tyre and Sidon .

  29. 并无人搭救。因为离西顿远,他们又与别人没有来往。

    And there was no deliverer , because it was far from Zidon , and they had no business with any man ; and it was in the valley that lieth by Bethrehob .

  30. 蛇食人:对黎巴嫩空降团成员吃,作为在学生面前完成的,在西顿,黎巴嫩,周三学校现场演练蛇。

    SNAKE-EATING HUMANS : Members of the Lebanese Airborne regiment ate snakes as part of a live drill performed in front of students at a school in Sidon , Lebanon , on Wednesday .