
  • 网络Great Mosque
  1. 在城市的西部地区,名为JabalOmar的酒店正在开发当中,预计可容纳10万朝圣者,麦加大清真寺也将扩建至可以容纳700万朝拜者。

    A collection of gigantic hotels in the west of the city known as the Jabal Omar development is intended to house 100000 pilgrims , while the Grand Mosque is to be upgraded to house seven million people at any one time .

  2. 在阴影和阳光,数千名穆斯林朝圣者在麦加大清真寺中,沙特阿拉伯上周五,二○一○年十一月十二日祈祷。

    In shadows and sunlight , thousands of Muslim pilgrims pray inside the Grand Mosque in Mecca , Saudi Arabia on Friday , Nov.12,2010 .