
xínɡ zhènɡ cuò shī
  • administrative measure;executive action
  1. 本调查说明在医学院校加强控制吸烟的行政措施及卫生教育的迫切性。

    This investigation showed the urgency of enforcing administrative measure to control smoking and hygienic education .

  2. 几乎每一天,都会有一项新的行政措施出台提高第二套房首付及抵押贷款利率要求;告知当地银行停止发放第三套房屋的抵押贷款;加大非城市本地居民获得贷款的难度。

    Almost every day a new administrative measure has been announced raising the required deposit and interest rate on mortgages for second homes , telling local banks to avoid lending money for third homes and making it harder for people not resident in a city to get a mortgage there .

  3. 然而,雀巢美国高级税务高管亚历克斯斯皮策(AlexSpitzer)表示,设计不佳的行政措施或法律可能让这家瑞士食品集团不敢在美国投资于工厂和工作岗位。

    However , Alex Spitzer , a senior tax executive at Nestl é in the US , said badly-designed executive action or legislation risked deterring investment by the Swiss food group in US factories and jobs .

  4. 创建世界一流大学的行政措施探讨

    The Administrative Measures to Establish the First-rate Universities in the World

  5. 总统希望这项影响最深远的行政措施能实施。

    President wanted the most far-reaching executive action puts in force .

  6. 总统的任何行政措施都可能在最高法院受阻。

    Any executive action the president takes could be challenged in court .

  7. 物价上涨通过定量配给和其它行政措施是可以防止的。

    Price increases may be prevented by rationing and other administrative controls .

  8. 另外,还要建立和完善法律文件和行政措施的公开制度,并推进行政执法程序的公开化。

    So that push forward the publicity of administrative enforcement .

  9. 介绍政府从公共卫生角度采取的一系列防疫的行政措施。

    Preventive measures taken by the Government from the public health perspective were introduced .

  10. 法律制度是反贫困工作得以顺利进行的保障,它是行政措施无法替代的。

    Law is the guarantee of anti-poverty , which cannot be substituted by regulations .

  11. 在本部分,着重探讨了实现依法行政措施。

    Especially , from the measures to realize the administration according to the law s.

  12. 这份措辞谨慎的声明确立这些行政措施的可信度。

    A carefully worded statement that conferred an aura of credibility onto the administration 's actions .

  13. 它是采用行政措施限制专利权人滥用独占权的一种形式。

    It is a patent administrative measures to limit the The patentee to abuse the paten .

  14. 在采取行政措施的同时,还向人们呼吁自觉节约各种能源。

    Accompanying all official measures were pleas for voluntary conservation of energy in all its forms .

  15. 它们将受到目前行政措施和资产质量下降的影响。

    They are going to be hurt by ongoing administrative measures and erosion in asset quality .

  16. 我们首先关注昨天晚上宣布的具有争议的行政措施。

    A lot to cover today starting with last night 's announcement of a controversial executive action .

  17. 美国总统乔·拜登推出了新的行政措施,旨在解决枪支暴力问题。

    U.S. President Joe Biden has introduced new executive actions aimed at addressing the gun violence issue .

  18. 特区不采用隔离的行政措施,它和和国内其它地区保持着紧密的经济联系。

    The SEZs maintain close economic relations with other parts of the country instead of adopting isolation administrative measures .

  19. 他补充说,虽然行政措施有时较强硬,但往往迅速见效。

    He added that , although administrative measures were sometimes blunt , they were usually quick in producing results .

  20. 尽管此案并非正式实施的法令或行政措施,但仍旧使中医界坐立难安。

    Although this case is not an official executive motion or law , it still made Chinese medicine nervous .

  21. 卫星资料为环境管理部门提供了决策依据,为环境管理部门采取有效的行政措施节省了宝贵时间。

    The materials from the satellite provide the basis for the decision-makers of environmental management to save much more time .

  22. 政府亦会继续采取行政措施,把现有的半日制/上下午班制小学转为全日制小学。

    It will also continue to convert , through administrative measures , existing uni-sessional / bi-sessional schools into whole-day operation .

  23. 我觉得这个构想,辅以适当的行政措施,必然对各方面均有好处。

    I feel that such a scheme is eminently feasible and , if implemented properly , will benefit all concerned .

  24. 当局采取了最后的行政措施,从而使韩国的消费者最早在下个星期就可以买到美国牛肉。

    They took final administrative steps which could make the beef available to South Korean consumers as early as next week .

  25. 二要突破具体领域在行政措施选择上以经济效益为价值取舍的局限性,营造良好的社会道德环境;

    To break through the limitation of specific fields for the administrative measures chosen so as to build a good social moral environment .

  26. 他承认他那位可敬的代理人在执行某些行政措施方面有时过于固执,有时也太过分。

    He acknowledged that his worthy substitute was sometimes a little too obstinate , as well as too energetic , in his executive measures .

  27. (一)根据宪法和法律,规定行政措施,制定行政法规,发布决定和命令;

    To adopt administrative measures , enact administrative rules and regulations and issue decisions and orders in accordance with the Constitution and the law ;

  28. 这次调查也显示,74%的公众希望政府立法,采取行政措施来规范电子邮件。

    The survey also showed that 74 percent of the public hope the government can formulate legislation or take administrative measures to regulate the spam .

  29. 藏书事业的兴衰与各个朝代统治者所采取的行政措施有着极大的关系。

    There is a great relationship between business of collection of books rising or falling off and administrative measures which rulers of various dynasties took .

  30. 尽管出台了一些不痛不痒的交通流量控制战略,但上海是中国唯一制定了相关行政措施的城市。

    In spite of some flirting with various strategies to constrain traffic flows , Shanghai is the only city where related administrative measures are in place .