
  1. 并且旅游产业和城市化的这种关系主要受地域关系的影响,和行政划分、管辖的关系并不大。

    The relationship about the tour industry and the urbanization is affected by their position , nothing with obedience .

  2. 县域经济是一种最小行政划分的区域经济,许多基础性经济活动都是在县域范围内产生的。

    County economy is a regional economy of the smallest administrative division , and many basic economic activities are generated within the county .

  3. 县域经济在一国的国民经济中起到宏观经济与微观经济的结合点的作用,指以县级行政划分为单元的区域经济,在整个经济体中是结构和功能都相对独立。

    County economy is the macroeconomic and microeconomic point refers to the county-level administrative unit is divided into the regional economy in the whole economy is the structure and function are relatively independent .

  4. 一些较大或较复杂机构的行政部门划分。

    An administrative division of some larger or more complex organization .

  5. 乡村区划是指县以下的行政区域划分建制。

    The village administrative division is the administrative region division under county .

  6. 介绍一下黑龙江省的行政区域划分?

    Introduce the administrative areas of Hei Long jiang province ?

  7. 这个国家在行政区划分上分为许多郡。

    Administratively , the country is divided into counties .

  8. 人口普查,往往依据行政区划划分普查区域。

    When census is taken , census region is usually compartmentalized by administration district .

  9. 通过本篇论文,笔者认为加强行政区域划分研究无论在国内还是国际已势在必然。

    The author thinks strengthening the research of administrative district divide is necessary to nations .

  10. 按诉讼标的性质可以把行政诉讼划分为客观诉讼和主观诉讼。

    According to the nature of the proceedings , the administrative litigation can be divided into objective litigation proceedings and subjective litigation proceedings .

  11. 文章第一部分对行政区域划分的概念、特征、结构问题进行了简单介绍,对行政区域划分及其相关概念作了辨析,比较客观地分析了行政区域划分在行政管理中的作用。

    Part one introduces concept , characters , structure of administrative district divide , objectively analyses the function of administrative district divide in administrative management .

  12. 第三部分主要是对昆明市中心城区与各外围圈层划分。采用定性定量相结合的办法将昆明市行政辖区划分为一个中心城区和五个外围圈层,是下文进行研究的必备环节。

    The third part mainly makes use of a combination of qualitative and quantitative way to divide Kunming into a central city zone and five external layers .

  13. 在近代130多年中,日本根据本国国情,制定了许多法规以推进地方自治制度的进程,使行政区域划分逐步纳入了法制化、规范化轨道。

    In Recent 130 years , Japan established many laws to push self-government progress and to make administrative district divide legal and regular according to the national state .

  14. 同时,根据国家的行政区域划分建立了包括省、市、区、县、乡镇等的地名库。

    At the same time , according to the regionalism of country , we establish the place-base , including province , city , zone , county , town and so on .

  15. 依据不同的标准可以将行政担保划分为不同的类型,主要包括强制性行政担保和依申请行政担保以及内部行政担保与外部行政担保。

    According to different standards , administrative guarantee can be divided into different categories , and the main categories are compulsory and applied administrative guarantee administrative guarantee and internal and external administrative guarantee .

  16. 目前,我国水资源和水环境管理通常是按行政区域划分的,而不是按流域单元划分的。水资源与水环境管理体制已经不适应水资源管理的需要。

    In China , the management system of water resource and water environment , as a rule , are not compartmentalized by basin but by district , which is no more adapt to water resource management .

  17. 根据武汉城市圈各城市的农业实力及其他综合实力的考虑,将武汉市进行区域划分,以行政区域划分为参考分为十三个区,和其他八个城市进行同等比较。

    According to Wuhan Megalopolis agricultural strength and overall strength of other considerations , Break Wuhan City regionally , and it is divided into thirteen areas according to administrative division , then compared with the other eight cities .

  18. 但是,当前我国企业并购税法规范存在着明显的不足:在现行不规范的分税制下,企业所得税实行按企业行政级次划分征管权限和入库级次,分别归属中央财政收入和地方各级财政收入。

    Under the acting abnormal tax-separation system , and according to administration class of enterprises , enterprises income tax divided into taxpaying limitation and ranks of fisc , which belongs to central financial incomes and local financial incomes respectively .

  19. 1979年,由文化部、各有关协会发起,按行政区划分立卷,并开展了《中国民间艺术集成》编撰工作,每省(区、市)各十卷,共计300卷。

    In 1979 , the Ministry of Culture and the relevant associations , according to administrative regions , launched compilation work & Chinese Folk Arts Collection . Each province ( autonomous regions and municipalities ) includes ten volumes , for a total of 300 volumes .

  20. 因为政治或行政目的而划分的区域。

    A territorial section marked off for political or governmental purposes .

  21. 上海基层行政社区类型划分研究

    Classification Research on Shanghai Basic Administrative Community

  22. 以县级行政区为划分基础单元,分析指标的数据处理与计算方法,包括指标赋值、等级划分、数据归一化处理和权重确定方法。

    The methods of date processing and computation were analyzed , which included index assignment , grade division , date normalization and weight assessment .

  23. 第二部分关于行政证据种类划分研究,其中包含行政证据种类的概述以及我国行政证据种类的确定;

    The second part about the administrative evidence type division research , in which contains administrative evidence type outline as well as our country administration evidence type determination ;

  24. 解决地方保护问题要打破行政区域的划分,从产业和经济发展出发,合理分工、优势互补、共同发展。

    To solve problems of the protection of local administrative region to break the division , from industrial and economic development , rational division of labor , the complementary advantages and common development .

  25. 由于我国的高速公路是以行政区域来划分,高速公路经营企业在不同区域内基本不相关,就是在同一区域也是各自发展,彼此相连不够紧密。

    Because of the highway is divided by administrative region , highways , basic enterprises in different regions is not related , that is , their development is in the same region , not closely connected to each other .

  26. 由于行政区域的划分和事业单位分类改革的逐步推进,很多没有编制的医务人员和原单位解除合同。致使预防接种人员从2005年的130人减少到2010年的69人。

    Due to the administrative division and institutions reform , many medical staff are not official staff or terminate contract with the hospitals , resulting in anti-epidemic personnel reducing from 130 persons in 2005 to 69 persons in 2010 .

  27. 中国的这一地区在将近1000万平方公里的国土中占了近700万平方公里,为了行政管理方便划分为华北、西北、西南……等几个区域,每个区域各拥有若干省份。

    North , Northwest , Southwest ... for administraave purposes , this other China , nearly seven million out of the nearly ten million square kilometres of the land , is conveniently divided into regions , each one holding several provinces .

  28. 国家对行政层级的划分和国家层级管理制度对不同层级政府的管理效率和政府活力有着很大的影响,而地方政府的活力和积极性又直接制约着一个地方的经济发展。

    The division of the administrative multi-levels and the management system of the multi-levels has set great limits to management efficiency and to vitality of local governments ; and yet the vitality and initiative of the local governments is essential to the local economic development .

  29. 统一的法制,比如《环境保护法》不能满足区域需求,自然环境的公共性和特殊性要求打破行政区域的划分,开展区域合作,联合进行污染治理和环保。

    National laws , such as the Environmental Protection Law , can not meet the regional demand . The public nature and specificity of the natural resources require breaking the administrative division in regions , carrying out regional cooperation , proceeding joint control of pollution and protecting the environment .

  30. 立法机构与行政机构的权限划分是立法机构重建中遇到的重大问题。

    Separation of legislative institution and administrative institution is a big problem in rebuilding legislation institution .