
The relationship about the tour industry and the urbanization is affected by their position , nothing with obedience .
County economy is a regional economy of the smallest administrative division , and many basic economic activities are generated within the county .
County economy is the macroeconomic and microeconomic point refers to the county-level administrative unit is divided into the regional economy in the whole economy is the structure and function are relatively independent .
An administrative division of some larger or more complex organization .
The village administrative division is the administrative region division under county .
Introduce the administrative areas of Hei Long jiang province ?
Administratively , the country is divided into counties .
When census is taken , census region is usually compartmentalized by administration district .
The author thinks strengthening the research of administrative district divide is necessary to nations .
According to the nature of the proceedings , the administrative litigation can be divided into objective litigation proceedings and subjective litigation proceedings .
Part one introduces concept , characters , structure of administrative district divide , objectively analyses the function of administrative district divide in administrative management .
The third part mainly makes use of a combination of qualitative and quantitative way to divide Kunming into a central city zone and five external layers .
In Recent 130 years , Japan established many laws to push self-government progress and to make administrative district divide legal and regular according to the national state .
At the same time , according to the regionalism of country , we establish the place-base , including province , city , zone , county , town and so on .
According to different standards , administrative guarantee can be divided into different categories , and the main categories are compulsory and applied administrative guarantee administrative guarantee and internal and external administrative guarantee .
In China , the management system of water resource and water environment , as a rule , are not compartmentalized by basin but by district , which is no more adapt to water resource management .
According to Wuhan Megalopolis agricultural strength and overall strength of other considerations , Break Wuhan City regionally , and it is divided into thirteen areas according to administrative division , then compared with the other eight cities .
Under the acting abnormal tax-separation system , and according to administration class of enterprises , enterprises income tax divided into taxpaying limitation and ranks of fisc , which belongs to central financial incomes and local financial incomes respectively .
In 1979 , the Ministry of Culture and the relevant associations , according to administrative regions , launched compilation work & Chinese Folk Arts Collection . Each province ( autonomous regions and municipalities ) includes ten volumes , for a total of 300 volumes .
A territorial section marked off for political or governmental purposes .
Classification Research on Shanghai Basic Administrative Community
The methods of date processing and computation were analyzed , which included index assignment , grade division , date normalization and weight assessment .
The second part about the administrative evidence type division research , in which contains administrative evidence type outline as well as our country administration evidence type determination ;
To solve problems of the protection of local administrative region to break the division , from industrial and economic development , rational division of labor , the complementary advantages and common development .
Because of the highway is divided by administrative region , highways , basic enterprises in different regions is not related , that is , their development is in the same region , not closely connected to each other .
Due to the administrative division and institutions reform , many medical staff are not official staff or terminate contract with the hospitals , resulting in anti-epidemic personnel reducing from 130 persons in 2005 to 69 persons in 2010 .
North , Northwest , Southwest ... for administraave purposes , this other China , nearly seven million out of the nearly ten million square kilometres of the land , is conveniently divided into regions , each one holding several provinces .
The division of the administrative multi-levels and the management system of the multi-levels has set great limits to management efficiency and to vitality of local governments ; and yet the vitality and initiative of the local governments is essential to the local economic development .
National laws , such as the Environmental Protection Law , can not meet the regional demand . The public nature and specificity of the natural resources require breaking the administrative division in regions , carrying out regional cooperation , proceeding joint control of pollution and protecting the environment .
Separation of legislative institution and administrative institution is a big problem in rebuilding legislation institution .