
xíng xīng zhuàng xīng yún
  • planetary nebula
行星状星云[xíng xīng zhuàng xīng yún]
  1. 在21世纪,天文学家会将它分类为行星状星云,但是实际上它也不是行星,只是用小型望远镜观测时,它具有类似行星的圆浑外观而已。

    In fact , 21st century astronomers would identify it as a planetary nebula , but it 's not a planet either , even though it may appear round and planet-like in a small telescope .

  2. 从AGB星到行星状星云

    From AGB Star to Planetary Nebula

  3. 这两个行星状星云(取这个名字是因为最初在18世纪时说这些物体外观类似行星)名为NGC6303,也叫蝴蝶星云,和NGC7027。

    They 're two planetary nebulae ( so named because initially , these objects were first described as planet-like in the 18th century ) called NGC 6303 , or the Butterfly Nebula , and NGC 7027 .

  4. 双极行星状星云形成的Monte&Carlo分析

    Monte - carlo analysis for the formation of bipolar planetary nebulae

  5. 形成行星状星云的这一图象可能会引起许多异议。

    Many objections can be raised to this picture of planetary nebula formation .

  6. 行星状星云并不如影像中所显现的那麽飘逸宁静。

    Planetary nebulae are not as airy and tranquil as their images suggest .

  7. 行星状星云NGC2242的红外辐射

    Infrared Radiation of Planetary Nebula NGC 2242

  8. 和原行星状星云成协的致密反射星云

    Compact Reflection Nebulae Associated with Protoplanetary Nebulae

  9. 行星状星云是一类孤立的气体星云,具有相当程度的双侧对称性。

    Planetary nebulae are a type of isolated gaseous nebulae possessing a fair degree of bilateral symmetry .

  10. 行星状星云实际上是一些即将消亡的恒星抛射出的气体外壳,在学术上与行星并没有什么关系。

    These nebulae , which are not technically related to planets , are gas clouds forced outward by a dying star .

  11. 在图片的协助之下,科学家们有望揭开揭开行星状星云复杂的结构,以及其对称性背后的谜团。

    And it is these that are helping scientists to resolve the outstanding mysteries of the complex shapes and symmetries of planetary nebula .

  12. 文中的表1包括100个发射线天体,其中的96个是发射线星系;其余的对象有3个行星状星云,1个发射线星。

    We find a total of 100 emission-line objects , of which 96 are galaxies , the rest being 3 planetary nebulae and 1 star .

  13. 这个很有趣的结果指出,大质量恒星爆炸所产生的碎片云,其外观和某些小质量恒星所产生的行星状星云相似。

    The intriguing result implies that the massive star 's explosion has produced a shape similar to what is seen in some planetary nebulae associated with lower mass stars .