
cí xīng
  • magnetic star
磁星[cí xīng]
  1. 这颗SGR1806-20是一颗磁星。磁星是中子星的一种,它具有强大的磁场。

    The star , SGR1806-20 , is a magnetar , a type of neutron star that has a powerful magnetic field .

  2. Saa有挠引力模型下慢旋转磁中子星的电磁场

    Electromagnetic Fields of a Slowly Rotating Magnetized Neutron Star in Saa 's Model of Gravity with Torsion

  3. 脉冲星的结构。一颗旋转磁中子星。

    Structure of a pulsar - a rotating magnetic neutron star .

  4. 磁中子星的一维吸积柱模型

    One-Dimensional Accretion Column Model ofa Magnetized Neutron Star

  5. 本文在脉冲星是旋转磁中子星模型基础上进一步指出,在脉冲星极冠区有丰富的超高能现象发生。

    In this paper , the authors think that as a result of strong magnetic field , of strong gravitation field and of rapid rotation of the pulsars , a pulsar looks like a natural accelerator .

  6. 球状星团中荷磁黑洞附近星的投影密度分布的计算

    Calculation for the Density Distribution of the Star Numbers near to the Magnetic Black ?? Hole in the Globular Custer

  7. 铁磁相变与中子星模型

    The ferromagnetic transition and the neutron star models