
  • 网络Planetary Science
  1. 她拥有硕士学位并且在麻省理工学院(MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology)学过行星科学。

    She has a master 's degree in earth and planetary science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .

  2. NASA行星科学部门负责人吉姆·格林(JimGreen)称,这一现象之所以成为可能,是因为五颗行星罕见地沿其轨道的“黄道”面排列成了一条线。

    The display is made possible by the uncommon alignment of all five planets along what is called the " ecliptic " plane of their orbits according to Jim Green , the planetary science division director at NASA .

  3. 动高压物理在地球与行星科学研究中的应用

    Application of dynamic high-pressure physics to Earth and Planetary Science studies

  4. 洛里·格拉兹是美国国家航空航天局的行星科学总监。

    Lori Glaze is the director of NASA 's Planetary Science Division .

  5. 海洋科学计划有地球和行星科学学部和交互生物学部共同提出。

    The Marine Science program is offered jointly through the departments of Earth and Planetary Science and Integrative Biology .

  6. 此项发现对于定义土星确切时长,这一困扰行星科学研究者们长达数年的难题具有重要意义。

    It 's an important step in uncovering the exact length of a Saturnian day , a conundrum that has perplexed planetary researchers for years .

  7. 他们周一在阿拉巴马州伯明罕的美国天文学会行星科学分会的一次会议上公布了他们的发现。

    They were to announce their discovery Monday in Birmingham , Ala. , at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society 's division of planetary sciences .

  8. 科学杂志编辑预测下列领域将可能是2007年有望有突破的领域:行星科学,古人类学,灵长目基因组学,气候改变,全基因组相关研究和光晶格。

    Science 's editors predict that planetary science , paleoanthropology , primate genomics , climate change , whole-genome association studies , and optical lattices will be the areas to watch in2007 .

  9. 行星地质科学从这些新发现中受益匪浅。

    The sciences of planetary geology have benefited tremendously from these new finds .

  10. 当“信使”号飞经金星的同时,ESA的“金星快车”飞船也在这颗行星上获取科学数据,这一前景令Solomon兴奋。

    As MESSENGER flies by Venus , ESA 's Venus Express spacecraft will also be capturing science data on the planet , a prospect that excited Solomon .

  11. 此外,这颗系外行星是目前科学研究的热点,在地外生命探索领域的领导者SETI(地外文明探索)机构看来尤其如此。

    Furthermore , this exoplanet is one of science 's most notable subjects , particularly in the eyes of the SETI ( Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ) Institute , a leader in the exploration for extraterrestrial life .

  12. 这项报告刊登在《行星和空间科学》杂志上。

    The report is in the journal Planetary and Space Science .

  13. 我们有一个与此相关的“行星猎手”平民科学项目。

    We have an associated citizen science project called " Planet Hunters . "

  14. 太阳系探测的进展与比较行星学的主要科学问题

    Advances in the exploration of the solar system and key aspects of comparative planetology

  15. 因此,可以根据造山带形成、演化不同阶段火山岩浆作用的特点来重溯造山带的构造-岩浆演化历史,进而从更大尺度上加以对比,探索全球动力学乃至比较行星动力学等重大科学问题。

    We might therefore retrace the tectono_magmatic evolutionary history of orogenic belts in the light of characteristics of volcanic magmatism at different forming and evolutionary stages of orogenic belts and further explore some important scientific problems of global dynamics and comparative planetary dynamics by means of comparison on larger scales .

  16. 同位素地质年代学是测量年龄,利率,和历史或行星的地质资料的一门科学,运用这些见解的过程和现象可以了解地球与行星科学系。

    Geochronology is the science of measuring ages , rates , and histories of geologic or planetary materials , and using these insights to understand processes and phenomena in earth and planetary science .