
  • 网络The Administrative State;state
  1. 回顾农村扶贫的历史,国家与社会呈现的是行政国家与空心社会的关系格局。

    Recalling the history of rural poverty , state and society have a relation between administrative state and hollow society .

  2. 随着生产社会化的不断深入,行政国家的逐步强化,宪法法律对于国家的制约越来越显得力不从心。

    With the deepening of the socialized production ," administrative state " gradually strengthened , and the constitution for the national law of the restriction appears more and more ambition .

  3. 独立国;联合国直属的行政国家。

    A dependent country ; administered by a country under the supervision of the United nations .

  4. 在城市社区管理体制改革中,出现了三种不同的国家空间战略,即政党国家,行政国家和社会化国家模式。

    Three different space strategies emerged during the reform , that is , " party state ", " administration state " and " social state " .

  5. 在行政国家全能政府的巨大压力下,如何摆脱财政赤字、管理合法化危机以及行政效率低下等现象,成为各国共同面临的一个严峻课题。

    In administrative countries , under the enormous pressure of the government of all kinds of abilities , how to get rid of the phenomenon of deficit , the legalization of management crisis and administrative inefficiency has become a serious task .

  6. 行政国家“主要表现为政府扶贫机构的不断膨胀与行政权力的不断扩张与渗透,而空心社会”则主要表现为社会扶贫力量的低组织化及其作用的微量化。

    Administrative state is mainly manifest by the continued expansion of governmental anti-poverty agencies and the expansion as well as penetration of administrative power , while hollow society is mainly manifest by low organized of social anti-poverty forces and the little function on anti-poverty of society .

  7. 当初沃默斯利向达尔文报告关于建造ACE的提议时,他说这个项目在科学研究、行政和国家防务领域有着至关重要的作用,

    A few days later Womersley reported to Darwin with proposals for the building of the machine , which he held to be ' of supreme importance ... in the fields of scientific research , administration , and national defence ' .

  8. 人事行政是国家行政管理的重要组成部分。

    Personnel administration is one of the important parts of the state administration .

  9. 地方行政是国家行政运行的重要方面。

    The local administration is one important aspect of the national administration circulate .

  10. 行政是国家意志的执行。

    Administration is the implementation of the national will .

  11. 公路行政是国家行政权在公路社会关系中的具体体现和有效延伸。

    Highway administration is the representation and extension of the power of the govemment .

  12. 现行国家审计体制是行政型国家审计体制,并实行双重领导。

    The current government audit system is an administrative government audit system , and has dual leading implementation .

  13. 基层行政是国家和社会的工作接点,在基层公共管理中应当充分发挥社会力量的作用。

    Administration at grass-roots level is a jointer of the work of country and society and should play an important role .

  14. 警察行政在国家体制中被作为常设机构固定下来,成为国家行政机构的重要组成部分。

    It is the main achievement of police construction that the police excution has fixed as the stable component of country system .

  15. 要使农民工实现社会保障权,必须从立法、行政以及国家履行积极义务等几个方面采取措施。

    It is necessary to ensure peasant laborers ' social safeguard right from following aspects-legislation , administration and the state 's performing the duty .

  16. 中国香港警方将成立新部门支持特别行政区国家安全立法的实施。

    Hong Kong police will set up a new unit to support the implementation of the national security legislation in the special administrative region .

  17. 如何有效的控制公权力的滥用和给相对人提供及时便捷的救济途径成为行政法治国家所关注的焦点。

    How to effectively control public power abuse and provide timely convenient relief way to counterpart has become the focus of attention of the administrative law countries .

  18. 在很多行政法治国家,行政强制执行的法律救济制度都比较完善,并各具特色。

    In many nations where administration is strictly ruled by law , the legal remedy systems of the administrative compulsory execution , which have different characteristics , are all quite perfect .

  19. 国家审计制度的建立有来自旧制度的影响,中国古代实行监察制度的传统为建立行政型国家审计模式打下了思想基础。

    The setting of national auditing system has been influenced by traditional systems . The China ancient supervisory system has laid the ideology foundation for setting administrative type of national auditing mode .

  20. 同时主权在民、反射利益的否定及裁量收缩等理论为行政失职国家赔偿制度建立起到了理论先导作用。

    At the same time , the theories , such as popular sovereignty , negation of the reflected interests and discretionary contract , play a guiding role in establishing the system of state compensation .

  21. 主要发展趋势是立法型国家审计和独立型国家审计;行政型国家审计体制,目前只有韩国和中国实行。

    The major trend of the development lies in the legislation state audit and the independent type of state audit ; while the executive state audit system , at present , only prevail in South Korea and China .

  22. 与西方主要行政法治国家比较,抽象行政行为的司法审查是我国行政法治建设与行政法学理论研究中一项较为特殊而又紧迫的课题。

    In comparison with western legal states , In China , the issue of judicial review of abstract administrative act is a special and urgent research topic for administrative legal construction and theoretic study on science of administrative law .

  23. 随着现代公务员制度和行政法治国家的发展,公务员权利逐步扩展,类型更加丰富,体系进一步健全,权利实现问题更显得重要。

    Along with the development of modern civil servants system and administrative country by law , rights of civil servants gradually enlarges and types enriches and system becomes more sound and the issue of realization of rights appear more important .

  24. 加入WTO,必将对我国的经济运行、政府部门的行政管理、国家权力机关的立法乃至人们的传统观念等各方面产生影响。

    China 's accession to WTO must exert influence on various aspects such as economic operation , administration of government departments , legislation of organs of state power as well as people 's traditional ideas .

  25. 简论税务行政中的国家赔偿问题

    The problems on State Compensation in the Taxation Management

  26. 有违反法律、行政法规或者国家产业政策的其他情形的。

    Other conditions that run against laws , decrees or the national industrial policy .

  27. 但我们所见到的反垄断法的建议稿,对行政垄断的国家赔偿责任予以回避。

    The proposed draft of Anti-monopoly Act that is available evades the compensation liability of government .

  28. 行政执法类国家公务员选拔晋升机制研究

    The Research on the Selection and Promotion Mechanism of National Civil Servants of Administrative Law Enforcement

  29. 法律、行政法规或者国家统一的会计制度等要求变更。

    The requirement by any law , administrative regulation , or national uniform accounting system changes ;

  30. 行政权力与国家法律

    Executive Power and State Law