
xínɡ wéi xīn lǐ xué
  • behavioural psychology
  1. 即使是在gsia,重点学科领域也只有数学、经济学和行为心理学。

    Even at GSIA , the important subject areas were mathematics , economics and behavioural psychology .

  2. 她在大学学习行为心理学。

    She studied behavioural psychology at college .

  3. 在行为心理学框架下对时变Hurst指数演变形式进行了分析,分析了在市场不同阶段,时变Hurst指数揭示的市场易变行为、均值回复、长程相关性。

    In the frame of behavior psychology , analyze variability mean reverting , long run correlation basing on vary-time H index on different stage .

  4. 阐述了园林景观的概念,提出了与国际LA接轨的中文译名“景观学”,认为景观生态学、景观形态学、景观文化学、景观行为心理学是现代景观学的理论基础。

    This paper expounds the concept of landscape Architecture and puts forward a translated Chinese name about international LA . It is assumed that modern LA theory is theoretically based on landscape ecology , landscape morphology , landscape culture and landscape psychology .

  5. 应用行为心理学改变一种特定的行为。

    The application of behavioral theory to change a specific behavior .

  6. 行为心理学在居住区街道空间环境改造中的应用研究

    Superficial Discussion of Behavior Psychology and Spatial Environment of Residential Area

  7. 行为心理学是心理学两大学派之一。

    The behavior psychology is one of two main groups of psychology .

  8. 随后,基于相关问卷调查结果及行为心理学对人在特色商业街区外部空间中的行为活动进行了研究。

    Then , the behavior of characteristic commercial blocks outside space is studied .

  9. 将一些普通的行为心理学术语引入游戏设计

    Some common terms in behavioral psychology as they apply to game design considerations

  10. 在师专教育中应用行为心理学初探

    Initial Exploration on Application of Behavior Psychology into the Educational Process of Teachers Training

  11. 图书馆合理化管理的行为心理学试探

    On the Behavioral Psychology of Library Rationalization Management

  12. 通过对美学、环境与行为心理学的研究,对居民的隐性需求加以挖掘。

    By studying aesthetics , environment and behavior psychology to probe the underlying need of inhabitants .

  13. 应用行为心理学治疗精神病。

    The application of behavioral theory ( e.g.conditioning , reinforcement ) in the treatment of mental illness .

  14. 下面我要讨论的东西在行为心理学中属于开头部分(译者:换而言之,基础,浅显易懂)。

    The techniques that I 'll discuss in this article generally fall under the heading of behavioral psychology .

  15. 从理论的角度考察,噪声交易概念基于近几十年来行为心理学的研究进展。

    From the theoretic perspective , noise trading roots in the research progress of behavioral psychology in recent decades .

  16. 文献综述部分主要介绍环境&行为心理学、城市广场、公共空间等相关基础概念和内容;

    The literature overview mainly introduces some primary concepts , like environment & behaviouristic psychology , city square , public space ;

  17. 如今的想法是,借用行为心理学的观点,设法识别投资者的本领,而非阿尔法。

    Now , the idea is to try to identify investor skill rather than alpha using ideas borrowed from behavioural psychology .

  18. 这一领域中最广为人知的是动物实验部分&行为心理学主要关注的是实验和可以观察到的行为。

    Best known for the work done on animals in the field , behavioral psychology focuses on experiments and observable actions .

  19. 本文将利用行为心理学的相关理论对中国传统民居庭院空间进行比较研究,从而深层次地挖掘其价值。

    This thesis makes use of behavior psychology to study the Chinese traditional courtyard in order to dig up its value deeply .

  20. 课程开发的理论基础方面学术界较为公认的三大因素是心理学、社会学、哲学。课程的心理学基础主要有认知心理学、行为心理学和人本主义心理学三大流派。

    The theoretical basis of curriculum development think that the three major factors of psychology , sociology , philosophy are recognized in academia .

  21. 近年来,内隐记忆一直是认知心理学研究的热点,其研究涉及到社会学、行为心理学、发展心理学等学科的内隐记忆问题。

    Implicit memory has been the main focus in recent years in several areas such as sociology , behavioral psychology and developmental psychology .

  22. 论文针对经济适用房及其使用者群体作为研究背景对象进行调查分析,从人的行为心理学角度研究室内植物在居住空间的应用。

    The thesis focuses on the economic housing , the user and the application of houseplant in habitancy space using the behaviouristic psychology theory .

  23. 最后得出结论,提出居住空间中室内绿化的重要性以及行为心理学对室内植物应用的指导意义。

    Last , points out the importance of the interior forestation in habitancy space and the guiding significance of behaviouristic psychology in houseplant application .

  24. 从吉林省安图县案例看人类对全球变化适应的行为心理学研究

    Research on human adaptive behavior to global change in the view of behavioristic psychology indicated from the case study of Antu county , Jilin Province

  25. 根据简单的,行为心理学的操作性条件反射观点来看,拿到奖励的小孩应该会画更多画。

    Now , according to sort of a simple-minded view of operant conditioning in behaviorist psychology , the children you reward should do it more .

  26. 这是一个非常活跃的研究领域,涉及到经济学、统计学、计算科学和行为心理学的最新发展和前沿研究。

    This is a fast growing area of study involving the latest development and forward research in economics , statistics , computer science and behaviour psychology .

  27. 其中税收遵从的基本理论分析包括税收遵从概述、纳税人税收遵从经济学分析、纳税人税收遵从行为心理学分析以及信息不对称理论分析。

    The basic theory of tax compliance includes economical analysis of tax compliance , psychology analysis of taxpayers ' tax compliance behavior and information asymmetry theory analysis .

  28. 靠行为心理学引导糖尿病患者控制不安情绪,这比让他们服用一流糖尿病药品,效果更佳。

    An m-health scheme that relies on behavioural psychology to give diabetics advice on managing their ailment has more effect than putting them on the leading diabetes drug .

  29. 第二章和第三章为基础理论部分,包括重点概念的界定、行为心理学应用的理论基础。

    Chapters ⅱ and ⅲ are the part of basis theory , including the defined in key concepts , studys on the theoretical basis of the environment-behavior of Applied Psychology .

  30. 针对目前国内导向标识设计的普遍问题,依托环境行为心理学等理论,探讨发展导向标识系统的类型,提出问题解决的方向。

    Based on existing ubiquitous problems of guide sign design at present and environment-behavior psychology , the article discusses the types of guide sign system and advances measures to solve problems .