
  • 网络Nehemiah;Nehemia
  1. 以斯拉不像尼希米,他可能不是冲劲很强的人。

    Ezra was unlike Nehemiah , he may not be a go getter .

  2. 哈迦利亚的儿子尼希米的言语如下。

    The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah .

  3. 尼希米记的意思是:慰问使者。

    Nehemiah in Hebrew means : Jah is comfort .

  4. 尼希米因为凡事向神说「是」,所以才能向罪说「不」。

    Nehemiah said'No'to sin because he said'Yes'to God .

  5. 尼希米在尼13:23中注意到了什么?

    What did Nehemiah notice in Nehemiah 13:23 ?

  6. 神可以使用异教的王来供应用尼希米所需用的一切。

    God saw that all that Nehemiah needed was supplied by the heathen king .

  7. 但尼希米总是以同一句说话来作出回应:「我们是照著神的旨意去做。

    But Nehemiah always had the , same answer . 'I stand-we stand-in-the will of God .

  8. 他们虽然为此而付出代价,却因著尼希米的训斥而遵从了神的教导。

    It cost them something , but they were obedient to God 's word through Nehemiah .

  9. 尼希米向王提出请求之前,他用了四个月的时间在神面前祈祷。

    Nehemiah spent about four months in prayer before he made his first request to the king .

  10. 尼希米记馀下的部分,便是记述神怎样应允他的祷告。

    The rest of the book of Nehemiah is the story of how God answered that prayer .

  11. 签名的是哈迦利亚的儿子省长尼希米和西底家。

    Now those that sealed were , Nehemiah , the Tirshatha , the son of Hachaliah , and Zidkijah .

  12. 尼希米提到的御花园,令我联我到万王之王为亚当所预备的乐园。

    Mention of the king 's garden by Nehemiah brings to mind the paradise which the King of kings prepared for Adam .

  13. 如果你肯定的话,就该下定决心,勇往直前,专心做神的工作,像尼希米一样。

    When that is affirmed , you must go on with the job God has given you to do , just as Nehemiah did .

  14. 对于他们当中的有钱人这样欺压同胞,尼希米感到非常气忿。他如何处理呢?

    Nehemiah was angry inside , over what some of the rich people were doing to the poorer people : What did he do ?

  15. 王可能鉴于尼希米的优秀工作表现,不想他离开皇宫太久。

    It would seem that the king did not want him to be gone too long because Nehemiah had a good testimony as a worker .

  16. 尼希米和以斯拉要确保让大家此刻感到喜乐,因为城墙完工了。

    Nehemiah and Ezra had to assure the people that this was a time to rejoice because they had gathered together after building the walls .

  17. 尼希米已经仔细构思了重建城墙的计划,算出了工程所需的时间、所需的材料和施工的程序。

    Nehemiah had been planning and working out how long it would take , what he would need and how the job could be done .

  18. 在我们第六次阅读圣经时,我还以为我们会略过历代志上和尼希米记所记载的上千个名字。

    On our sixth circuit through the Bible , I had thought we might want to skip the thousand or so names in1 Chronicles and Nehemiah .

  19. 尼希米记记述了建立耶路撒冷教会的活动以及在那里举办的伟大的圣经学校。

    In the book of Nehemiah we are shown the events of the building of the ecclesia in Jerusalem and the great Bible School they held .

  20. 然而,尼希米知道耶路撒冷的境况后,便十分激动和伤心。但他没有立即跑到王的面前请辞。

    But Nehemiah was deeply moved by what he had heard . r However , he didn 't rush immediately to the king and say , 'I am leaving right now ' .

  21. 这都是在约撒达的孙子,耶书亚的儿子约雅金,和省长尼希米,并祭司文士以斯拉的时候,有职任的。

    These were in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua , the son of Jozadak , and in the days of Nehemiah the governor , and of Ezra the priest , the scribe .

  22. 当所罗巴伯和尼希米的时候,以色列众人将歌唱的,守门的,每日所当得的分供给他们,又给利未人当得的分。利未人又给亚伦的子孙当得的分。

    And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel and in the days of Nehemiah gave what was needed by the music-makers and the door-keepers day by day : and they made the offerings holy for the levites ; and the Levites did the same for the sons of aaron .