
  • 网络westerly jet
  1. 边界层南风急流、低空西风急流和高空西风急流上下的耦合作用是强暴雨发生的重要原因。

    The heavy rain is directly resulted from up and low coupling of boundary layer southerly jet , low westerly jet and high westerly jet .

  2. 在中纬度,PKE的高值区位于西风急流中心或其下游,而PKE的低值区则位于急流中心的上游。

    In middle latitudes the high value of PKE locates in the core area of westerly jet or its downstream area , while the low value of PKE lies in the upstream area of the westerly jet .

  3. 在亚洲南部和西北太平洋地区大范围夏季风爆发前12候,南半球40°160°E之间中纬度地区高空西风急流有一次增强过程。

    Prior to the onset of the southwest monsoon in Southern Asia and the Northwest Pacific for ten days there was an intensification of the jet stream of the upper westerlies in the region 40 ° - 160 ° E in the Southern Hemisphere .

  4. 探讨了东亚地区副热带西风急流(EAJS)位置的年际变化特征、影响及其可能机制。

    We study the interannual variability of the extratropical westerly jet over East Asian ( EAJS ), its impacts and possible mechanisms .

  5. 模式敏感性试验中高空西风急流增强(SJet)/减弱(WJet)的方法是合理的、可行的;

    In the sensitive experiment , the technique used to strengthen / weaken the upper level westerly jet ( SJet / WJet ) is reasonable as well as feasible .

  6. 冬季东亚中纬度西风急流对我国气候的影响

    Influences of the East Asian Jet Stream on Winter Climate in China

  7. 关于西风急流在强迫扰动中作用的数值试验

    A numerical experiment of the role of westerly jet in forced disturbance

  8. 10~3月西风急流发展期;

    Development stage of jet from October to March ;

  9. 1950年平均西风急流的位置正好处于中纬度的逆环流之中。

    In the Middle The average jet stream of 1950 is situated in the middle cell .

  10. 2月份,伴随着副热带西风急流的南压,初雷自北向南开始;

    In February , the first thunderstorm occurs from south to north with subtropical high southward moving .

  11. 东亚夏季风活动与东亚高空西风急流位置北跳关系的研究

    The Relationship between East Asian Summer Monsoon Activity and Northward Jump of the Upper Westerly Jet Location

  12. P-σ区域气候模式对东亚副热带西风急流的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet Using Regional Climate Model with P - σ Mixed Coordinate

  13. 西风急流出口区的横向环流对暴雨的加强有间接贡献。

    The lateral circulation at the exit of the westerly jet contributed indirectly to the enhancement of the rainfall .

  14. 经向温度梯度的改变,直接影响到对平均经圈环流及西风急流强度的模拟。

    The change of meridional temperature gradient influences the strength of the mean meridional circulation and the westerly jets directly .

  15. 东亚副热带西风急流位置异常对长江中下游夏季降水的影响

    Impact of the Position Abnormalities of East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet on Summer Precipitation in Middle-Lower Reaches of Yangtze River

  16. 北半球低频扰动能量结构特征及其与西风急流的关系

    Characteristics of the energy structure of low-frequency ( 40-50 day ) fluctuations and their relations with westerlies in Northern Hemisphere

  17. 北半球夏季副热带西风急流变异及其对东亚夏季风气候异常的影响

    Anomalies of the extratropical westerly jet in the North Hemisphere and their impacts on East Asian summer monsoon climate anomalies

  18. 季风爆发阶段西风急流逐渐离开改则地区并向高原北部移动,在该地区表现为减弱。

    During the monsoon onset period , the westerly jet becomes weaker due to its moving away from Gaize to the north .

  19. 高空西风急流对长江中下游暴雨影响的数值试验

    Numerical Experiment of Effects of the Upper level Westerly Jet on a Torrential Rain over the Middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River

  20. 因此,利用数值模拟对此进行了验证,使用CAM3.0的数值试验的结果揭示出,暖区海温的升高会引起中纬度西风急流和低纬度东风的变化。

    The numerical results revealed that the increase of SST would cause the changes of the mid-latitude jet stream and low-latitude westerly wind .

  21. 冬季黑潮暖流区加热异常对东亚副热带西风急流影响的数值研究

    A Numerical Study of the Effect of Anomalous Surface Heating in the Kuroshio Current Region in Winter on the East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet

  22. 东亚副热带高空西风急流和西太平洋副热带高压向北突跳偏晚是江淮流域2005年入梅偏晚的主要原因。

    The late northward-shift of upper westerly jet and the subtropical high is the main reason for the late onset of Meiyu in 2005 .

  23. 同时,200hPa高层西风急流的不同分布,与宁夏沙尘暴的强度也有密切关系。

    At same time , the different distributions of upper level westerly jet on 200 hPa is closely related to the intensity of Ningxia sandstorm .

  24. 另外,对高空急流与气旋发展的关系进行了探讨,伴随气旋发展高空西风急流强度有所增强,在气旋整个生命期中气旋位置有从高空急流入口区的南侧向出口区的北侧移动的趋势。

    Furthermore , the relationship between the geographic location and intensity of the upper jet stream and the translation and development of cyclone is discussed .

  25. 利用数值模式的高分辨率模拟结果研究了夏季东亚副热带西风急流短期强度变化过程中的非地转平衡特征。

    Highresolution data from numerical model simulation are used to study the ageostrophic characteristics of shortterm process of East Asian subtropical westerly jet in summer .

  26. 沙尘暴日数的年代际异常与高空西风急流、大风日数、降水等要素年代际异常以及沙尘暴区地形地貌等因素关系密切。

    The decadal anomaly of sandstorm days closely related mainly with westerly jetstream , gale days , annual precipitation , and local landform , and so on .

  27. 高空西风急流配合适合的垂直环流,产生动量下传,是超出一般强度的冷空气大风产生的原因;

    The downward momentum transportation produced by the high-altitude westerly jet with the suitable vertical circulation is the main reason of the strong gale beyond general cold .

  28. 对东亚季风气候具有决定性影响的系统,如副热带高压、蒙古高压、印度低压以及西风急流等也模拟得比较好。

    The large scale systems such as Subtropical High , Mongolia High , Indian Low which have important influence on the East Asia Monsoon are also simulated pretty well .

  29. 高空急流对中尺度低压(扰动)的发展及暴雨有明显的作用,有无高空西风急流与低空急流的耦合似乎是未来发展与不发展中尺度低压(扰动)之间重要的动力学区别之一。

    The coupling between the westerly upper-level jet and the southwest low-level jet seems to be one of main dynamical factors that cause the evident development of mesoscale low ( disturbance ) .

  30. 发现高空低频扰动动能的高值区与西风急流的纬向非对称性和经向切变关系密切。

    The results reveal that the high value areas of the kinetic energy of low-frequency fluctuations in the upper level are closely related with the zonal asymmetry and the meridional shear of westerlies .