
  • 网络Xixiang County
  1. 本文以西乡县农村建设用地为例进行研究。

    Xixiang County land for construction , for example .

  2. 然后对西乡县农村建设用地整治潜力进行测算。

    Xixiang County construction land remediation potential estimates .

  3. 目标一:在陕西省西乡县及岚皋县共20所学校和部分社区层面开发“以儿童为中心减防灾教育项目”模块。

    Objective One : to develop a CCDRR teaching module for20 schools in Langao County and Xixiang County of Shaanxi Province at the community level .

  4. 其次对西乡县农村居民点用地现状和存在的问题进行分析,论述开展农村建设用地整治的有利条件和限制因素。

    Secondly , Xixiang County rural residential land status and the problems discussed the favorable conditions for and constraints to carry out the improvement of rural land for construction .