
  • 网络Yangxian County;Yang County
  1. 陕西省洋县白内障的流行病学调查

    Epidemic survey for cataract in Yang County , Shaanxi Province

  2. 选用人工饲养的6对成年健康朱为试验亲鸟,于2000~2002年在陕西洋县和周至进行了人工饲养条件下朱自然繁殖情况的研究。

    This research chose six couples of healthy adult Crested ibis for examining their natural reproduction on the condition of artificial feeding during 2002-2003 years in Yang County and Zhouzhi County .

  3. 朱鹮(Nipponianippon)是濒危鸟类,我国Ⅰ级重点保护动物,目前世界上只有一一个野生种群,分布于我国陕西省洋县及其周边地区,数量约336只。

    The Crested Ibis ( Nipponia nippon ) is one of the most endangered species in the world , with the only wild population of about 336 individuals distributing in Yangxian county of Shaanxi Province , China .

  4. 2004年3~7月,在陕西省洋县对人工饲养条件下朱鹮(Nipponianippon)的自然繁殖进行了研究。

    Data on clutch size , hatching success and nestling success of the natural breeding for 18 pairs of captive Crested Ibis ( Nipponia nippon ) were collected from March to July 2004 in Yangxian County of Shaanxi Province .

  5. 它们在洋县的村落附近的鸟巢

    their roost close to the village of Yangxian

  6. 试验用膨润土为陕西洋县天然钙基土,该地区膨润土资源储量大(近亿吨),易开采。

    Bentonite in the region is large reserves ( nearly 100 million tons ) and easy-mining .

  7. 自1981年朱鹮在陕西洋县重新被发现时,其种群数量只有7只。

    The rediscovery of the Crested ibis in 1981 in Yangxian , Shaanxi Province , there were 7 Crested ibises in total .

  8. 更近的陕西汉中杀狗事件,其导火索是发生在洋县的三起狂犬病死亡病例,这件事显示出我们的努力还远远未达到目标。

    The more recent Hanzhong dog cull , initiated in response to three deaths from rabies in the county of Yangxian , shows there is much more to be done .

  9. 第六章以本人参与的陕西洋县古洋州传统商业街街区保护与更新规划为例进行了研究。

    The sixth chapter has conducted the research for the example participation by myself which the protection and the renewal plan on the Shanxi Yang County ancient Yang state traditional business street block .

  10. 本文经过在陕西洋县朱鹮保护区的实地调查,以及相关资料的收集、整理的基础上,回顾了朱鹮保护的历史和现状。

    This paper introduces some reviews the history as well as the present conditions of its protection on the basis of a field survey to Yang County in ShanXi Province and data collection .

  11. 地震灾区钢结构教学楼设计初探&以陕西汉中洋县书院中学教学实验楼设计为例

    A Research on the Design of Teaching Building with Steel Structure in Quake-hit Areas & Case Study of the Teaching and Laboratory Building of the Shuyuan Middle School in Yangxian County , Shaanxi Province

  12. 目前野生种群和圈养种群共有朱鹮约600只,均为1981年在洋县重新发现的两对繁殖个体的后代。

    All living Crested Ibis are known to descent from two breeding pairs rediscovered in Yangxian county in 1981 . Until the end of 2004 , the total population has recovered to about 600 individuals , including the wild and the captive populations .