
  • 网络Spanish Bullfighting;toros;Toro Bravo;corrida de toro
  1. 拥有西班牙斗牛ContedelaPatilla血统的Huracán因其非凡的勇气以及强大的攻击意识闻名。

    The bull Hurac á n of the Spanish Conte de la Patilla breed was known for his outstanding courage and strong sense of attack .

  2. 你看过西班牙斗牛吗?

    Have you ever seen a bullfight ? In spain ?

  3. 朗达是现代西班牙斗牛场的发源地。

    Ronda is the birthplace of modern bullfighting .

  4. 西班牙斗牛进行时

    Spain : Enter the Matador

  5. 西班牙斗牛,通常都是以当众屠杀公牛而结束,它只不过是西班牙年轻人荒唐的玩闹而已。

    But Spanish bullfighting which usually ends with the ritualized public killing of the bull persists to this day .

  6. 中国驯牛师王优秀(音)说,他以前并不知道西班牙斗牛是以斗牛士将牛刺死而结束比赛的。

    Chinese bull trainer Wang Youxiu says he didn 't realize Spanish bullfights end with the matador slaying the bull .

  7. 不要对我们吹牛你那力量的来源,维达朗达是现代西班牙斗牛场的发源地。

    Don 't try to frighten us with your sorcerer 's ways , Lord Vader . Ronda is the birthplace of modern bullfighting .

  8. 与西班牙斗牛不同的是,当地斗牛骑马斗牛,而且并不将牛杀死,只是将牛刺伤,因此人们称这种斗牛为文明的斗牛。

    The difference is that with the Spanish bullfight , the local bull riding bull , and not to kill cattle , but cattle will be stabbed , so people call this bull bullfighting for civilization .

  9. 在西班牙,斗牛士极力杀死那牛。

    In Spain , the fighter tries to kill the bull .

  10. 如果你也来了,你定会在西班牙的斗牛场中找到我。

    If you come , you will be in Spain , bullfighting field find me .

  11. 西班牙看斗牛

    Watching Bullfighting in Spain

  12. 菲茨杰拉德对海明威最大的帮助就是为他编校了《太阳照常升起》,这部巨著讲述了一群放浪形骸的美国战后流亡青年从巴黎到西班牙参加斗牛节,之后引发了一系列爱恨纠葛的故事。

    The biggest help Fitzgerald offered Hemingway was editing his breakthrough work The Sun Also Rises , a novel about a dissolute group of American expatriates drifting from Paris to a bullfight in Spain .

  13. 西班牙西南部城市;一个主要的港口和文化中心;西班牙斗牛的中心。

    A city in southwestern Spain ; a major port and cultural center ; the capital of bullfighting in Spain .