
xī jìn yùn dònɡ
  • westward movement
  1. 19世纪西进运动对美国农业变革的影响

    Influence of Westward Movement on American Agricultural Reform in 19th Century

  2. 19世纪美国交通运输革命极大地推进了西进运动的进程。

    American transportation revolution in the 19th century speeded the process of westward movement .

  3. 美国西进运动中的土地政策研究

    A Study of the Land Policies of American Western Expansion Movement

  4. 关于投机商人在美国西进运动中作用的一点看法

    A Brief Review on Ingenious Speculators ' Impact on American Westward Expansion

  5. 浅析美国西进运动的历史影响及现实意义

    A tentative study of the west movement in American history

  6. 整体市场令人有西进运动时的兴奋。

    The whole market has a Wild West feel .

  7. 西部小说随着西进运动的进行而发展着。

    Western Novels developed with process of West Movement .

  8. 美国西进运动的拓荒精神对中国西部开发的启示

    Revelation from Pioneering Spirit in American 's Western Expansion On China 's Western Development

  9. 浅论西进运动在美国经济发展中的作用

    On the Importance of Expansion in American Economy

  10. 西进运动对于美国文化的影响

    Influence of Westward Movement on American Culture

  11. 论美国西进运动的原动力

    On the Motives of American Westward Movement

  12. 美国西进运动中的三原则

    Three Principles of West Expansion in America

  13. 西进运动是美国领土扩张、移民和经济开发运动。

    The westward movement is the territorial expansion , emigration and economic development of America .

  14. 19世纪,美国经历了复杂的社会形态:奴隶制,西进运动和海外扩张。

    The nineteenth-century America witnessed complicated social changes : slavery , Westward Movement and overseas involvement .

  15. 西进运动对美国社会发展的影响

    Influence of Westward Movement on America

  16. 这其中的原因是多方面的,美国历史上的西进运动为这一切打下了坚实的基础。

    Among them was the Western Expansion Movement , which had laid a territorial foundation for American economic strength .

  17. 而中国的古典逻辑一直是与政治相连,是治理国家的工具,直到西进运动之后才逐渐成为一门独立的学科。

    Contrarily , traditional Chinese Logics was closely related to politics and taken as a tool to govern the country .

  18. 美国西进运动和西部史学的研究一直是美国历史研究的热点。

    The studies on the American Western history and American movement to the West are the hotspots of American historical studies .

  19. 西进运动,对于美国的产生、发展与现状都有着重要的联系。

    Westward Movement has great impacts on the formation , development , and actuality of U.S.A. , especially on its culture .

  20. 同时,西进运动是在区域开发过程中推行制度变迁的历史实验,为社会科学研究提供了丰富的历史素材。

    Meanwhile , it can be regarded as a test of institution change , thus providing a rich material for social studies .

  21. 西进运动的转折点,美国在西部发动战事,德克萨斯全线胜利,加利福尼亚则战后买入。

    A turning point . America will now wage war to go west . Texas is won , California fought and bought .

  22. 在美国历史上,西进运动特殊的条件和环境决定了美国独特民族精神的形成和发展。

    Westward Movement is a special period in the American history , its unique conditions and surroundings form the unique national spirit .

  23. 一条从密西西比一直延伸至新墨西哥的路线;一条在世纪定居者西进运动的重要路线。

    A trail that extends from Missouri to New Mexico ; an important route for settlers moving west in the 19th century .

  24. 19世纪美国的西进运动是一场充分体现美国精神的伟大运动,它是美国历史上一次规模巨大、影响深远的经济开发和社会迁移运动。

    American westward Movement in 19th century was a movement of economic exploitage and social remove of broad scope and profound influence in American history .

  25. 正是这一召唤引领着爱国者推翻暴政、选择共和,引领着西进运动,引领着勇敢的奴隶们建造通向自由的地下铁路。

    It 's what led patriots to choose republic over tyranny , pioneers to trek west , slaves to brave that makeshift railroad to freedom .

  26. 对齿式联轴器轮毂失效的原因进行分析,并对联轴器推进量进行了理论计算。美国西进运动的几个直接趋动因素

    This paper analyses the failure of the gear coupling wheel hub , and calculates the impelling quantity of the gear coupling in theory Impelling Motives in the Westward Movement

  27. 对于美国的发展,西进运动的贡献是多方面的,包括经济、政治、宗教、文学和教育诸方面。

    The contributions the Westward Movement made to the development of America could be seen in many aspects , such as economics , politics , religion , literature and education .

  28. 因此,正如历史文本本身可以告诉我们历史一样,这三部文学作品的相同之处却恰恰告诉了我们西进运动的另一个方面。

    Therefore , the similarities of the three novels chosen here just tell us the other aspect of West Movement , for literary texts also reflected history like historical texts themselves .

  29. 尽管美国西部的开发使得牛肉成为美国人的主要肉食,但是殖民时期人们对熏肉和鸡蛋的狂热在西进运动结束以后仍然得以保留。

    Although the opening of the west made beef king , the colonial mania for bacon and eggs persists even after the settling of the west and the end of the frontier .

  30. 美国西进运动中的拓荒精神主要表现为艰苦奋斗、顽强拼搏的开拓精神,自我实现、自我奋斗的开拓意识,求实创新的民族气质。

    The pioneering spirit in American 's western development mainly lies in their plain living , hard struggle , staunch and combatant pioneering spirits ; self realization , and self struggle pioneering consciousness ;