
  • 网络the Navajo;Navaho
  1. 纳瓦霍人以豢养家禽,技术熟练的纺织者,制陶者和银匠而著名。

    The Navajo are noted as stockbreeders and skilled weavers , potters , and silversmiths .

  2. 西南部印第安人大致可以分成四部分:尤马诸部落、皮马人和帕帕戈人、普韦布洛印第安人、纳瓦霍人和阿帕契人。

    S.The Southwest Indians divide roughly into four groupings : the Yuman tribes , the Pima and Papago , the Pueblo , and the Navajo and Apache .

  3. 卡尔文告诉我他的人都是纳瓦霍人。

    Calvin was telling me that his people are navajo .

  4. 就像在歌中所显示的一样,纳瓦霍人也持有这种观念。

    This idea is held by the Navahos also , as is shown in this song .

  5. 印第安人(尤其是纳瓦霍人)作的画;在没有色彩的背景上用彩色沙子作成。

    A painting done by Amerindians ( especially Navaho ); made of fine colored sands on a neutral background .

  6. 这种密码由印第安部落纳瓦霍人开发和使用,没有书面形式,只是在纳瓦霍人之间口口相传。

    It was a spoken code , never written down , and it was developed and used by Navajo Indians .

  7. 纳瓦霍人说,公鹿常惊起左前腿,母鹿则常惊起右前腿。

    The Navahos say that the male deer always starts with the left foreleg , the female with the right .

  8. 声音2:纳瓦霍人是美洲土著部落民族,他们也会在地毯和毯子上添加瑕疵。

    Voice 2 : The Navajo people , a Native American tribe , also put imperfections in their rugs and blankets .

  9. 新墨西哥州纳瓦霍人居住区发生了山火,过火面积超过22平方英里,目前火势的60%已得到了控制。

    A wild fire that burned through more than 22 square miles in Navajo Nation land in New Mexico is now 60 % contained .

  10. 景点中有一处是附近的山谷,是阿帕奇人和纳瓦霍人交战的地方。

    One of these so called " attractions " was a nearby canyon , which was the site of a battle between the Apaches and the Navajos .

  11. 不远处,一个纳瓦霍牧羊人和他的儿子看着这两个奇怪的家伙走来走去,偶尔有航空航天局的人员上前照料他们一番。

    Nearby a Navajo sheep herder and his son were watching the strange creatures walk about , occasionally being tended by NASApesonnel .

  12. 这些人被称为纳瓦霍密码员,纳瓦霍密码以纳瓦霍人的方言为基础发展而来。

    They were called the Navajo code talkers . The Navajos created the code in their own language .

  13. 峡谷是独一无二的美国国家公园,它是完全由纳瓦霍部落信任土地,仍然是一个纳瓦霍人社区。

    S.national parks & it is composed entirely of Navajo Tribal Trust Land , which remains home to a Navajo community .