
  • 网络sun worship;sun-worship;heliolatry
  1. 本文从凤与太阳崇拜、生殖崇拜两方面进行阐述。

    Phoenix and sun worship ; ? phoenix and reproduction worship .

  2. 太阳崇拜与中国古代建筑

    The Sun Worship and Its Influence on Chinese Ancient Architecture

  3. 太阳崇拜仪式或许是最为原始的一种。

    The cult of sun worship is probably the most primitive one .

  4. 论古蜀人的太阳崇拜和历法

    On the Calendar and the Sun Adoration of Ancient the Shu People

  5. 上古时期中国东南地区的太阳崇拜

    Worship of the Sun in the Southeast Areas of China in Ancient Time

  6. 浅谈青海古代太阳崇拜

    The Worship of the Sun in the Ancient Qinghai

  7. 开明部族,是以太阳崇拜的部族。

    Kaiming stands for the clan worshipping the sun .

  8. 太阳崇拜是中国古代宗教的一个重要组成部分。

    : Sun worship is and important part of ancient religion of China .

  9. 喜欢红色来自太阳崇拜

    Favoring red comes from worship of the sun

  10. 考古所见中国古代的太阳崇拜

    On Sun Worship of Ancient China in Archaeology

  11. 有证据表明远在古欧洲时,“太阳崇拜”流行甚广。

    Evidence has shown that a so-called " solar cult " was widespread in ancient Europe .

  12. 史前时期的世界各文明起源地均遗留下了与太阳崇拜有关的遗迹、遗物。

    Prehistoric origins of world civilization are left with the sun worship of relics , artifacts .

  13. 大地湾先进的生产技术和以太阳崇拜为核心的意识形态孕育了伏羲文化。

    The advanced production technology and the ideology taking sun worship as the core have bred Fuxi culture .

  14. 众多的十字纹、类十字纹也与太阳崇拜休戚相关。

    Large numbers of cross lines , class lines also cross solidarity with the worship of the sun .

  15. 中西文化审美情趣的比较&月亮情结与太阳崇拜之中西文化审美窥探

    Aesthetical Comparison Across Cultures & On Moon Complex in the East and the Sun Worship in the West

  16. 从太阳崇拜看古代中国与希腊的文明演化差异

    Civilization Evolution Differences Between Ancient China and Ancient Greece & As Seen Through Evolution of Their Worship of the Sun

  17. 一块叫鲁塔斯的大陆是一块极广大的大陆,在印度东面的遥远地方,是一个太阳崇拜族类的故乡。

    A land called Rutas was an immense continent far to the east of India and home to a race of sun-worshippers .

  18. 他现在的面目,再加上景物中看不见一个人影,这立刻就对古代的太阳崇拜作出了解释。

    His present aspect , coupled with the lack of all human forms in the scene , explained the old-time heliolatries in a moment .

  19. 赤铁矿粉在墓葬中的使用和在石圆圈遗迹上的遗留,与太阳崇拜也有关联。

    Red iron ore used in the tomb and remains of the stone circle on the left is also associated with the worship of the sun .

  20. 对于欧洲文明的失望让劳伦斯相信,现代人类需要借助古老的宗教&太阳崇拜来恢复他们的天然活力。

    To the disappointment of the European civilization , Laurence believed modern mankind needed to restore their natural vigor in the help of the ancient religion - The sun worships .

  21. 朝鲜民族的鸟崇拜所内涵的深层文化意蕴主要包括天神崇拜、太阳崇拜以及崇爱灵禽和神鸟惠世的民俗心理。

    Korea s national bird worship include deep cultural implication of the connotation of deity worship , worship of the Sun God and spirit worship and love birds bird hui folk psychology .

  22. 最后对诸多遗迹遗物作出概括和总结,并结合民俗学、民族学的相关资料证明史前的甘青地区是盛行太阳崇拜的地区。

    Finally a summary of the many relics and artifacts reviewed , and the combination of folklore and ethnology of the relevant data to show that prehistoric Gansu and Qinghai region is the prevalence of sun worship areas .

  23. 太阳崇拜和历法分别代表着神话和科学,是古蜀人对同一事物的不同认识,都是古蜀文化中的重要因素。

    The calendar and the sun adoration that represent myth and sciences respectively are the different understandings by the ancient Shu people of the same thing . They are both important factors within the culture of the ancient Shu .

  24. 嵩山传说内蕴着河南人民天下之中的文化心态,也透露出河南人民太阳崇拜文化心态和积淀着河南人民对远古婚姻、古代灿烂技术文化的追忆和崇敬之情。

    The legends about Song Mountain imply the cultural ideas of the center in China and worship of the sun of those people in Henan province , and they also reveal their recollection and admiration for ancient marriages and advanced technology and splendid culture .

  25. 建筑艺术中神山的意象与太阳神崇拜

    Image of Mysterious Mountain in Architectural Art and Apollo Adoration

  26. 他们很喜欢红色,其实是由于对太阳的崇拜。

    They like red very much , which comes from worship of the Sun .

  27. 现在让我们将注意力集中到太阳神崇拜,它与罗马教皇职位和罗马天主教的教义具有十分彻底的内在关联。

    Now , let us turn our attention to the sun god worshipping so thoroughly inherent within the papacy and the doctrine of the Roman Catholic church .

  28. 在印度的社团成员仍然在太阳神庙内崇拜。

    The members of the community still worship in Sun temples in India .

  29. 太阳神树、太阳崇拜与太阳历法

    Bronze Tree , Sun-Worship and Sun Calendar

  30. 太阳神话的核心内容就是太阳崇拜。

    The wind and The sun The core of the mythology is the sun worships .