
sān hé xián
  • triad
三和弦[sān hé xián]
  1. 主音,中音和属音一同构成主音三和弦。

    Tonic , mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad .

  2. 三和弦第一转位是将原第三音置于底部。

    The first inversion of a triad has the original third at the bottom .

  3. 减三和弦和增三和弦传统上被看作不协和和弦。

    Diminished triads and augmented triads are traditionally regarded as dissonant chords .

  4. 被深埋的宝石&对增三和弦价值的重新认识

    Deep Buried Gem & rediscovery of Augmented Triad

  5. 论三和弦的等和弦转调

    Discussion on the Triad 's Enharmonic Chord Modulation

  6. 三和弦第二转位是将原最上面的音置于底部。

    The second inversion of a triad has the original top note at the bottom .

  7. 然后,她告诉他,一个三和弦从黑苗族部落来到了店,想找一个住的地方。

    She then told him that a triad from the Black Miao tribe had come to the inn , looking for a place to stay .

  8. 在论及和弦的色彩性感知时,本文借用了语音韵律学与生物声学频率编码的概念,对大小三和弦的色彩性区别进行了归因。

    Treating of colorific perception , author borrowed " frequency code " from speech prosody and bioacoustics to discriminate the color between major and minor triad .

  9. 大三和弦是包含加大三度的根音在内的三音和弦,其上加一个小三度。

    The major triad pattern is a pattern of three notes consisting of a root or fundamental with a major third added above it , and a minor third added above that .

  10. 《脏污大道》是里德的代表作,歌词、形式以及用基础的三和弦娓娓道来的演唱方式感动了纽约市的富人和穷人。

    Reed 's dirty Blvd , typical of his music , lyrics and style , and someone monotone delivery over basically three chrods contracting the rich and poor in New York city .

  11. 作品中大量使用四度叠置和声和增三和弦的反传统和声语汇,采用线性对位的复调技法,旋律织体半音化、全音化,速度力度对比反差极端鲜明。

    The work applied a great many nontraditional harmonies & fourth chord and augmented triad , polyphonic techniques of linear counterpoint , melodic texture presented as semitones and full tone series , with distinct contrast of dynamics and speed .

  12. 这里的额尔德什老人是世界上唯一能用“苏尔”吹奏三重和弦的人。

    Gaile here Emi is the world 's only the elderly can " Sool " triple play polyphonic person .

  13. 她以断奏方式很坚定地弹出三个快速和弦音。

    She played three quick chords , very firm and staccato .