
  1. 基于三国文化在PC游戏中的继承研究

    Study on Inheritance of Three Kingdoms Culture in Personal Computer Games

  2. 本文以H公司为例,以跨文化的视角分析了该公司由于中、德、菲三国文化差异而导致文化冲突,并提出有效的规避思路。

    In this research , taking the H Company as example , from the cross-culture view point , this paper discusses and deeply analyzes the culture conflict due to the race culture and culture difference among Chinese , Germany and Philippine . It also proposes the related avoidance thought .

  3. 中日美三国文化思维方式的异同

    Thought comparisons among the Chinese , Japanese and American culture

  4. 隐性历史文化旅游资源的显性化途径分析&以湖北省三国文化旅游资源的品牌塑造为例

    Analysis of Visible Realization of Potential History Culture Tourism Resources

  5. 三国文化与汉水名城

    A Culture of the Three Kingdoms and the Famous Cities along Hanjiang River

  6. 位于成都市武侯区三国文化旅游圈内的黄金地段,交通方便快捷。

    It is located at the golden section of tour circuit in Wuhou District .

  7. 北固山与甘露寺有着丰富的三国文化内涵,自古为风景名胜地。

    Beigu Hill and Ganlu Temple , the famous scenic spots in history , contain rich cultural connotation of Three Kingdoms .

  8. 本文提出了依托荆州现有区位优势和丰富的自然资源,以及独特的三国文化内涵,构建荆州生态市,从而带动荆州经济的繁荣,促进荆州社会和谐发展。

    According to the regional predominance , abundant natural resources and unique civilization about the romance of the Three Kingdoms , Jingzhou city should be build up to be an ecological city to lead the development of prosperous economy and social harmony .

  9. 唐诗,三国历史文化的另一艺术载体。

    Poetry of the Tang Dynasty is another art carrier of the history and culture of the Three Kingdoms .

  10. 所谓明心见性和而不同,是最能表现三国茶文化特点的。

    So-called " shelve difference and maintain our individualties ", which can express characteristics of tea cultures in these countries .

  11. 这种普遍性的理念使得三国在文化上存在一定程度的相似性,反映在电影文化上,三国电影均以儒学为核心价值观念。

    This general moral philosophy imposes a similarity to a certain degree , and reflecting in the film culture , the Confucianism is regarded as the core value concept .

  12. 士人与大众文化心理的交融&元杂剧三国戏的文化透视

    Cultural Perspective of the plays of the Three Kingdoms of the Yuan Dynasty

  13. 并且从命名特点出发,窥见三国时代的文化背景。

    Then , it discusses the cultural background in the time of the " Three Kingdoms " .

  14. 在成长为封建国家的过程中,倭国不断从中国和朝鲜半岛三国吸收先进文化。

    In the process of becoming feudal society , Wo absorbed advanced culture from China and the three countries on the Korean peninsula continuously .

  15. 研究探讨社会规范的基本纬度以及对中、日、美三国的跨文化社会规范进行了比较研究。

    The researching explored the base latitude of social norms , and compared it within CHINA , JAPAN and USA. Some effects have been discovered by compare researching with the social norms in base latitude and different culture .

  16. 第三章,《三国演义》军事文化的英译研究。

    The third chapter is the translation study of military culture in the novel .

  17. 这次首脑会谈的最终公报说,三国都将扩大文化交流和旅游事业以便增进友好联络。

    The summit 's final communique said the three countries would expand cultural exchanges and tourism to increase friendly ties .

  18. 襄阳是三国故事的源头和三国文化的发祥地,以三国文化为主要特色。

    Xiangyang tourism features the THREE KINGDOMS CULTURE , for the popularly-known stories of the ancient Three Kingdoms originated here .

  19. 我们三国是近邻,我们三国在文化方面有很多的历史渊源。

    Moreover , our three countries are close neighbors and share a strong historical bond of culture .