
tài yánɡ nénɡ qì chē
  • solar car
  1. 轻质太阳能汽车结构的有限元分析与优化

    Structural Analysis and Optimization of a Light Solar Car Based on FEM

  2. 我要问您的第一个问题很简单,什么是太阳能汽车?

    Well , the first question I have for you is simple . What is a solar car ?

  3. 而福特的太阳能汽车C-MAXSolarEnergi成为了众人瞩目的焦点。

    Ford made headlines with its solar car-the C-MAX Solar Energi .

  4. 您正在写一本关于太阳能汽车的书吗?

    And you 've been writing a book about solar cars .

  5. 日美太阳能汽车的性能与对比

    Performance and Comparison of Solar Energy Automobile of Japan and the U.S

  6. 我想让人们意识到太阳能汽车的潜能。

    I want people to have a good impression of solar cars .

  7. 您怎么才能说服他们相信太阳能汽车的长处呢?

    How can you persuade them of the advantages of solar cars ?

  8. 太阳能汽车其实一直在改进,性能越来越好。

    Solar cars are getting better all the time .

  9. 无人驾驶太空飞船和太阳能汽车也参加了2014年的展览。

    Self-driving shuttles and solar cars were also on display at the 2014 show .

  10. 为迎接世界太阳能汽车赛,澳大利亚已经举行了太阳能汽车赛。

    Solar racers have been coming to Australia for years for the World Solar Car Challenge .

  11. 太阳能汽车既干净又安全,正因为如此,人们才会对这种车这么感兴趣。

    Solar cars are clean and safe , so there is a lot of interest in them .

  12. 您从事太阳能汽车设计工作已经很长时间了。您是什么时候开始的呢?

    You 've been designing solar racing cars for a long time . When did you start ?

  13. 南非约翰尼斯堡大学的学生正在制造太阳能汽车并在各比赛中竞争。

    Students at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa are building solar-powered cars and racing them in competitions .

  14. 随着光伏电池技术以及电子技术的不断进步,太阳能汽车作为一种新能源汽车已经崭露头角。

    With constant progress of photovoltaic technology and electrical technology , solar powered vehicle has been playing an active role in auto industry .

  15. 不过,还是太阳能汽车比较夺人眼球,因为它们技术超前且外形炫酷。

    However , it is still the solar-powered cars that attract the most attention because they are the most technologically advanced and pretty radical looking .

  16. 虽然最初只限太阳能汽车参赛,现在电力汽车也能加入其中。

    Though the initial competitions focused on vehicles powered exclusively by the sun , the scope has been now broadened to include energy efficient electric cars as well .

  17. 举办“世界太阳能汽车挑战赛”就是希望有一天,所有的车都能够以最丰富和洁净且成本最低的太阳能为燃料。

    The ' World Solar Challenge ' hopes to change that some day with cars fueled by our biggest , cleanest , and cheapest , source of energy - The sun !

  18. 他们的太阳能汽车重300公斤,以100公里的时速穿行在南非的乡村。它所消耗的电能比一个小的厨房电器还要少。

    Their 300-kilogram solar-powered car is traveling at more than 100 kilometers per hour through the South African countryside , and it is using less electric power than a small kitchen appliance .

  19. 世界上有很多国家研制了太阳能汽车、太阳能旅游船等,它们很有可能就是将来新能源运输系统的模式之一。

    And now , there are a lot of countries have invented the solar power cars and solar power tourist ship , it probably become one model of the new energy transport system .

  20. 比赛激发着各大学和科研机构投入太阳能汽车的发明设计之中。参赛团队必须驾驶太阳能汽车,从澳大利亚北部地方首府达尔文市出发,一路向南,穿越澳大利亚大陆3000公里(2896英里)的沙漠地带,抵达终点阿德莱德市。

    The competition challenges universities and technical institutions to design and compete solar-powered vehicles in races across the Australian Outback all the way from Darwin to Adelaide , a distance of 3000 km ( 2896 miles ) .

  21. 文中基于同济大学某太阳能汽车项目,从国内外光伏技术和太阳能汽车的发展现状入手,对太阳能汽车的实用化对策进行阐述,为未来的研究与发展提供了一定的参考依据。

    Based on a certain solar powered vehicle project in Tongji University and starting from the current situation of photovoltaic technology and solar powered vehicle at home and abroad , the article analyzes the practical strategy of solar powered vehicle and provides reference for further research and development .

  22. 节能和环保是世界汽车技术发展的趋势,许多学者正在研究采用新能源替代污染大而且日益紧缺的石油原料,太阳能汽车的开发也就成为当今汽车研究的热点之一。

    The trend of worldwide vehicle technology development is energy saving and environment protection . Many scholars are now researching on a new type of energy that can substitute high-polluting and increasing-lacking oil energy . So the development of a solar car is one of the topics of the day .

  23. 通过太阳能给汽车电瓶充电。

    Trickle charge your vehicle battery with solar powers .

  24. 生物柴油,混合,CNG、太阳能、电动汽车看上去是“它”字的衣裳。

    Bio-diesel , Hybrid , CNG , Solar , electric cars all seem like the " it " words for the moment .

  25. XO膝上型电脑也可以使用其他电源,比如太阳能板和汽车电池。

    The XO laptop can also use other power sources , such as solar panels or car batteries .

  26. 太阳能辅助电动汽车热泵空调系统的研究

    Study on solar-assisted heat pump system for electric vehicle air conditioning

  27. 这意味着太阳能和电动汽车并非中国国内能源或环保政策的核心内容,而是全球贸易战略的一部分。

    This means solar and electric vehicles are part of a global trade strategy but not central to domestic energy or conservation policy .

  28. 这种新型的以太阳能为能源的汽车需求量极大。

    The new car feeding on solar energy is in great demand .

  29. 考虑下风力农业,太阳能面板和电子汽车。

    Think wind farms , solar panels and electric cars .

  30. 从那以后,学生们制造了更多以氢气和太阳能为动力的汽车。

    Since then , students have built more cars using both hydrogen and solar power .