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tài yīn
  • lunar;moon
太阴 [tài yīn]
  • [moon] 〈方〉∶月亮

太阴[tài yīn]
  1. 太阳年和太阴年的起始时间每13年重合一次。

    The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years .

  2. 第23个日子的第12个太阴月叫做初步的前夕。

    The23rd day of the12th lunar month is called preliminary eve .

  3. 针刺足阳明、足太阴经组与其余各组比较,能显著升高胃黏膜NO和NOS含量(P<001);

    NO content and NOS activity in the gastric mucosa increased significantly in the Foot-Yangming Meridian group and the Foot-Taiyin Meridian as compared with other acupuncture groups ( P < 0.01 );

  4. 用Winch提出的地磁太阴日变化分析方法确定佘山地磁台的地磁太阴日变化的O1分量L(O1)。

    The O 1 component of geomagnetic lunar daily variation is analyzed by the generalized method of Winch .

  5. 针刺足阳明经组综合效应明显高于其余各组(P001);针刺足太阴经组综合效应明显高于模型组(P001)。

    The comprehensive effect in the Foot-Yangming Meridian group was significantly higher than that in the other groups ( P 0.01 ), and in the Foot-Taiyin group was significantly higher than that in the model group ( P 0.01 ) .

  6. 论十二经脉气血运行始自手太阴肺经

    Qi-blood of Twelve Meridians Beginning from Lung Channel of Hand Taiyin

  7. 足太阴脾经统帅三阴。

    The Spleen Meridian of Foot-Tai yin captains three - yin .

  8. 《伤寒论》太阴病篇评述

    A Comment on Chapter on Taiyin Disease in Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  9. 所以,人觉得最理念的工具该当是一辆太阴能车。

    Then I thought the perfect car would be a solar car .

  10. 你太阴了这家伙在蹲大牢呢

    That 's low . He 's in jail .

  11. 第二节总结了足太阴脾经生理功能。

    The second section summarizes the physiology function of the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin .

  12. 手太阴经、手阳明经的经脉循行。

    The circulation of Hand-Taiyin , Hand-Yangming meridians .

  13. 第一张年表是按照太阴月进行排列的;

    The first chronology was in lunar months ;

  14. 足太阴脾经属脾络胃、运化精微。

    The Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin pertains to the spleen and communicates with the stomach .

  15. 目的探讨太阴病证的中医辨证规律。

    Objective To study the law of syndrome elements differentiation of Taiyin disease in TCM .

  16. 文章试就此问题的提出及十二经脉气血运行始自手太阴肺经的四个方面论述之。

    In this paper it has expounded the issue at this point through the four directions .

  17. 他们遵循自然的循环:太阳日、太阴月,还有太阳年。

    They tracked natural cycles : the solar day , the lunar month and the solar year .

  18. 显著地震地方平太阴时分布与后续中强地震的关系

    The relationship between distribution of local mean lunar time of significant shocks and follow-up medium strong earthquakes

  19. 这是建立于中国太阴文化基础上的具有东方色彩的审美范畴。

    It is one of the aesthetic categories with oriental color which is based on Chinese lunar culture .

  20. 论太阴病口渴

    Thirst in Taiyin Disease

  21. 腧穴数量分布较集中的经脉依次为足阳明胃经、督脉、足太阳膀胱经、足太阴脾经。

    The points are distributed mainly in Stomach Meridian , Governor Vessel , Bladder Meridian and Spleen Meridian .

  22. 太阴日(提泰),太阴月的三十分之一,残余着基本单位。

    The lunar day ( tithi ), a 30th part of the lunar month , remains the basic unit .

  23. 足太阴脾经和足阳明胃经是十四经中非常重要的两条经脉。

    The Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming and the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin are very important meridians of the Fourteen Meridians .

  24. 太阴病的性质,尽管其多属脾阳不足证,但亦有脾阴不足证;

    Although the character of Taiyin syndrome is the syndrome of spleen yang deficiency , sometimes the syndrome of spleen yin deficiency occurs .

  25. 具体的应用背景是中医儿科、内科部分证候和伤寒证候中的太阴证候诊断和治疗中的辅助决策和支持以及医院信息管理。

    It applies in syndrome of pediatrics and internal medicine and taiyin of traditional Chinese medicine for computer aided diagnosis and hospital information management .

  26. 研究76-98km高度上的太阴潮,有助于我们了解当潮汐上传时中层大气对它所起的作用。

    Studying the lunar atmospheric tide at 76-98 km can help us know how the mesosphere atmosphere affects on it , when it propagates upwards .

  27. 太阳为父,太阴为母,从风孕育,从地养护。

    The sun is its father , the moon its mother , the wind hath carried it in its belly , the earth its nourse .

  28. 目的:探求太阴病脾虚寒湿证与阳明病肠热腑实证辨证客观指标的差异性。

    Objective : To distinguish indicators for syndrome differentiation between cold-dampness due to spleen insufficiency in Taiyin disease and solid-fu due to intestine-heat in Yangming disease .

  29. 有关于唐代的传奇故事中,有好多像“后土夫人”、“太阴夫人”这样的角色。

    In the romaunt that takes the place of about Yu Tang , a lot of resemble " hind earthy madam "," lunar madam " such part .

  30. 对照组热敏化腧穴主要分布经络为足阳明胃经34.3%、足太阳膀胱经14.3%、足太阴脾经14.3%、足少阳胆经11.4%、任脉8.6%等。

    The treatment group thermal acupoints are mainly distributed in the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming , Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang , Ren Meridian and Spleen Meridian of Foot-taiyin .