
zhái dì fǎ
  • homestead law
  1. 第五章对与土地政策密切相关的、学术界争论较大的土地投机问题和《宅地法》进行了简评。

    Chapter Fivediscusses the controversial issues of the land speculation and The Homestead Law , which affected the government 's land policies .

  2. 《宅地法》与美国西部农业开发

    The Homestead Act and the Agricutural Development of the West SPLIT-PHASE METHOD

  3. 能等到他讲完宅地法那章再走吗?

    Could we just wait until he 's done with the Homestead Act chapter ?

  4. 最终,美国10%的土地根据《宅地法》被分配了出去

    Eventually 10 % of the United States will be given away under the Homestead Act .

  5. 根据原始的宅地法,申请人必须拥有他们的土地5年。

    As with the original act , applicants must occupy their parcels of land for five years .

  6. 事实上,对于内布拉斯加州的碧翠丝小镇来说,甚至已经制定了他们的2010年宅地法。

    In fact , the town of Beatrice , Nebraska has even enacted a Homestead Act of2010 .

  7. 2010年的宅地法按先到先得的原则提供免费土地。

    The Homestead Act of2010 offers several parcels of land for free on a first-come , first-served basis .

  8. 南部宅地法在实施过程中障碍重重,最终归于失败。

    There existed lots of obstacles in the process of enforcement of the Act , and it failed in the end .

  9. 美国南部宅地法颁布于1866年,实施范围是南部的公共土地。它是一系列政治、经济和军事斗争的结果。

    Applying to the Southern public lands , the American Southern Homestead Act was issued in 1866 . It was the result of a series of political , economic and military struggles .

  10. 尽管1862年颁布的宅地法已不在生效,但是免费白给的土地仍在广柔的土地上出现(通常是照字面理解的广柔的土地)。

    The Homestead Act of1862 is no longer in effect , but free land is still available out there in the great wide open ( often literally in the great wide open ) .

  11. 在农产品价格上升时期购买土地或按宅地法获得土地的农民很可能致富。以前,势力强大的国家常同弱小无助的国家发动战争以获得土地。

    The farmers who bought or homesteaded their land near the beginning of an upswing were likely to prosper . In the past , the great powers would wage war against helpless little countries so as to gain their land .

  12. 美国《宅地法》产生的温床及颁布实施的两个阶段市民社会是个体自由与人本主义法治得以生成的温床,它的成熟形态是民族国家&市民社会,亦称近代市民社会。

    Social Context and Stages of Implementation of " Act of Land " in America The civil society is the greenhouse of the individual freedom and the humanism rule of law . The mature form of it is nation-state civil society or modern civil society .

  13. 以1862年《宅地农场法》的通过为标志,美国的自由土地制度最终确立。

    The passing of the Home-Stead Act in 1862 symbolized the final establishment of free land system in the United States .

  14. 《宅地农场法》是美国历史上最重要的一项土地法令,它深深植根于美国悠久的免费分配土地的历史传统之中。

    Homestead Act is one of the most important land acts in American history . It rooted deeply in America 's free land tradition .

  15. 迄止1862年《宅地农场法》的颁布,免费分配土地问题才最终以国家法律的形式获得解决。

    With the proclamation of Homestead Act in 1862 , the problem of free allocation of land has been finally settled by the national legislation .