
  • 网络Lake Naivasha
  1. 一名中国游客在肯尼亚著名旅游景点纳瓦沙湖附近遭河马袭击身亡,据悉河马是误入了这名游客所在的酒店区域。

    A Chinese tourist was attacked and killed by a hippopotamus that strayed from Lake Naivasha into the compound of a hotel where she was staying .

  2. 事故发生在离纳瓦沙镇5公里远的纳瓦沙湖乡村俱乐部,这名中国女游客30多岁,遭到哺乳期的母河马踩踏袭击,在被送往当地医院的途中身亡。

    The incident occurred at Lake Naivasha Country Club five kilometres from Naivasha town . The woman in her 30s was attacked by the lactating hippo mother which crushed her and she died on the way to hospital .

  3. 本文研究旨在评价肯尼亚纳瓦沙湖区2种鸟的生境分割机制。

    This study was carried out to assess the habitat partitioning mechanisms of the two species around Lake Naivasha area .