
  • The Chronicles of Narnia;The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe;Prince Caspian
  1. Maxon的软件已经被用于电影大片,如蜘蛛侠,星球大战,纳尼亚传奇等等。

    MAXON software has been used in blockbuster movies such as Spider-Man , Star Wars , The Chronicles of Narnia and many more .

  2. 《纳尼亚传奇》是C.S.路易斯创作的一部闻名世界的儿童文学。

    The Chronicles of Narnia is a piece of world famous children literature , which is written by C.S. Lewis .

  3. 《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》,CS刘易斯

    The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe , CS Lewis

  4. 英国作家C·S·路易斯创作的奇幻故事,《纳尼亚传奇》系列的第一部,也是该系列最著名的一部小说。

    A fantasy novel for children by C.S.Lewis , the first-published book of The Chronicles of Narnia , and the best known book of the series .

  5. 感谢英国作家C.S.路易斯(C.S.Lewis)。“佩文西(Penvensy)他们不就是因为这个原因才去狄戈里(Digory)家的吗?”碧翠丝问道(佩文西是路易斯的儿童文学作品《纳尼亚传奇》中的人物——译注)。

    Blessed be C. S. Lewis : " Isn 't that why the Pevensies went to Digory 's house to begin with ? " she said .

  6. 本论文中的主题部分第三章,第四章回答了影响C.S路易斯在其《纳尼亚传奇》中人物和形象构造的因素,及这些因素是如何影响Lewis人物和形象构造的核心问题。

    These three aspects are this thesis ' main body part which answers a thesis core question . That is what elements has affected Lewis construct his character and image and answers the question of how they have been affected in The Chronicles of Narnia .

  7. 双子座随时准备学习,短篇小说、教育性书籍、小说或卡通读物无不涉猎,但也比较容易厌倦,可能一天之内就读了从莎士比亚、厄普代克到西蒙-辛格的书,而且最后还把C.S.刘易斯的《纳尼亚传奇》浏览了一遍。

    Bored easily and always ready to learn , the Twins will dive into short stories , educational books , fiction or cartoons . You 'll read anything from Shakespeare to Updike to Simon Singh and finish off the day by going through C.S. Lewis ' complete Chronicles of Narnia .

  8. 七卷本的《纳尼亚传奇》是其代表作之一。

    The seven-volume The Chronicles of Narnia is his most famous work .

  9. 刘易斯的《纳尼亚传奇》系列儿童幻想小说是世界幻想小说的里程碑似的作品。

    Lewis is the milestone of the fantasy novels in the world .

  10. 纳尼亚传奇讲述了这片梦幻之地上一群孩子的故事。

    The Narnia stories tell of a group of children in this fantasy land .

  11. 纳尼亚传奇:狮子,女巫,魔衣橱。

    The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion , The Witch , and the Wardrobe .

  12. 艾德蒙·佩文西——《纳尼亚传奇》

    Edmund Pevensie , The Chronicles of Narnia

  13. 国内对《纳尼亚传奇》的研究以文章居多,多分析其基督教隐喻和象征。

    The domestic research articles of The Chronicles of Narnia more analyzed its Christian metaphors and symbols .

  14. 新瓶装旧酒:《纳尼亚传奇》的基督教思想探源

    " Old Wine in New Bottle ": An Exploration of the Christian Thoughts in the Chronicles of Narnia

  15. 你们说的对。同时,他长得象《纳尼亚传奇》里的某个东西,我想给他个拥抱。

    All true . Also * he looks like something from Narnia and I want to give him a cuddle .

  16. 成名作:《纳尼亚传奇:狮王,女巫,魔衣橱》、《赎罪》、《通缉犯》。

    Note for The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe , Atonement and Wanted .

  17. 真亦奇的幻想与强烈的游戏精神&论幻想小说《纳尼亚传奇》的美学特征

    Authentic , Peculiar Fantasy and Strong Game Spirit-Review on the aesthetics characteristics of the Fantasy Novel , The Chronicles of Narnia

  18. (单排轮悬挂式滑翔,有人听过吗?)然后,如果想要感受一下纳尼亚传奇般的体验,可以搭乘电梯登上新克尔恩(Neuk)一间购物中心的停车场顶层。

    Then , for a Narnia-like experience , take an elevator to the top of a parking garage in a shopping mall in Neuk .

  19. 至今为止,《纳尼亚传奇》已经被翻泽成30多种文字,销售约一亿册。

    Until now , The Chronicles of Narnia has been translated into more than thirty languages , and has sold about one hundred million copies .

  20. 本文主要从叙事时空、叙事结构和叙事声音三个方而分析《纳尼亚传奇》的叙事策略。

    This article analyzes the narrative strategies of The Chronicles of Narnia from three aspects & narrative time and space , narrative structure , narrative voice .

  21. 《纳尼亚传奇》中的叙述者我在文本中处处留下痕迹,他不仅与读者展开交流和对话,并对故事中的人物、事件进行评论。

    The narrator " I " left many traces in the text , he not only talked to readers , but also commented on the characters and events in the stories .

  22. 游戏简介:迪斯尼年度大片《纳尼亚传奇:狮王、女巫和魔衣橱》里神奇的人物和动物,在国际象棋的棋盘上的对抗。

    Disney 's annual large areas of " Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe " magical figures and animals , in the chess board on the confrontation .

  23. 本文运用叙事学的理论研究《纳尼亚传奇》的叙事策略。叙事策略是指作者为了达到某种预先设定的文本效果而采用的叙事方法或艺术,它对作品能否达到理想的效果至关重要。

    By using the theory of narration , this article analyzes the narrative strategies of The Chronicles of Narnia . " Narrative strategies " refers to the narrative method or art the author applied to achieve a certain pre-set text effect .

  24. 纳尼亚王国传奇:狮王、女巫和魔衣橱

    The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe

  25. 55年来,《纳尼亚王国传奇》这本书已被翻译成30多种语言,销售量超过了1亿册。

    In the last 55 years the books in the Chronicles of Narnia have sold more than 100 million copies and been translated into some 30 languages .